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DIY: Blazing Sons

Grey Hunter Ydalir

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Firstly, to everyone who posted in my first topic, you guys helped a lot. After going away and processing all the suggestions and ideas brought forward I decided to see if I could re-imagine my original idea in a less convoluted - and more to the point - brief form.


I usually tend to overdo my chapters with the tiny details of what I imagine to be important things about them, when really all I am doing is indulging my own imagination and in so doing losing focus on what is important. Also I have a very 'visual' mind and tend to try to cram in all the details I see in my mind's eye so that others can see how awesome whatever I'm imagining is.


To everyone who suggested a name, as usual I agonized over this but the suggestion for 'Blazing Sons' was just too good and won out. The play on the original inspiration combined with a very short, concise name that fits with a Space Marine chapter put it's head above the pack.


This is a chapter I feel I can get right for once, especially as I now have a bunch of models about to be painted up for this very bunch.


Anyway enough preamble.


This is by no means a finished article as per the sub-header. I am trying here for the moment to list the key facts and points in the chapters history and homeworld that make them into who they are. This is a mix of facts, brief histories and my own musings rather haphazardly so I apologise in advance if it's a bit all-over the place.






The world itself is a wasteland and is named [*Acre?*] -- Think a 'steppe'-like landscape. Extremely scarce resources, cold and windswept.


The world has four continents, the cities are all built close to the coastline in what appears to be a relatively small terraformed area. Each city has different banners and markings but remnants of the same tech and whatnot.


I changed the world type because I decided that I wanted the warrior order the chapter takes after to become prevelant and focus less on the terrible sandy nothing-hole that they lived in.


Culture is I would say is pre-black powder, but their industry continues on despite the lack. Think more focus on clockwork and steam power, akin to the Empire in fantasy but much less developed and resource intensive.


Still seven rather ancient cities and the harsh climate and lifestyle still breeds a pragmatic, no-nonsense people, which is relatively key to the rise of the warrior organisation.


The warrior order that the Chapter will fashion itself after - named for the moment as the 'Order of the Sun' after the only real life-giving entity visible to the people of the planet - comes to be due to various scholars and priests (bear with me) deciding to record all of the peoples aural history that they have relied on for so long. Considered mostly a frivolous venture by most of the cities peoples they had to come up with some way to give their organisation weight.


Since the cities still have very large militia forces composed of as many able-bodied citizens as possible due to the ever-present raids by both human renegades and xenos bandits the Order decided to seek out and eliminate sources of concern for the individual cities in return for the elders histories.


Over the next few hundred years from their inception the order grows and becomes entrenched in all of the seven cities. The Orders colours are predictably polished bronze metals where available, black and yellow heraldry otherwise.


For the alien raiders I was thinking exodite eldar, but that would make the planet too much of a target for Eldar craftworlds, though that is certainly something I could fit in and could work well. Erudite Astartes warriors versus the Bial Tan swordwind kind of has a nice ring to it in my mind.


The next bit is a bit fuzzy at the moment so bear with me.


The Chapter comes to the system for [*some reason*] and quickly decides on this world due to the peoples nature, survival and their flourishing (relatively) in their environment. The Chapter Master decides to descent to the planet and meet the people themselves and get to know the population. The spiritual needs of the people have not taken a large role in their society up until now, commonly thanks was given to the sun for rising and giving warmth each day but the extent of the worship was not akin to anything like the temples of other worlds and was easily subverted.


The Chapter Master admires the Orders work in chronicling their peoples history and is enamoured with their nature as learned scholars as well as warriors, something that perhaps he aspires to.





[*very fuzzy*] Some time passes and the chapter becomes part of the world and it's people, the Order of the Sun becoming their vassals and taking on the mantle of chapter-law on the planet as well. I imagine them to take on the role of the Arbites, as well as serving the Chapter itself. With the aid of an Astartes chapters resources they become proper bronze-armoured wardens fit to inpire awe and not a little fear in the populace, especially statesmen. (Though I'm not sure on the status of Arbites on Astartes worlds. Knowing 40k it probably varies)

Each of the seven companies is larger than normal to accomodate for the lack of a 9th and 10th company. Each company resides in one of the seven cities and is responsible for it's own recruitment. Each company is headed by one of the 'Masters of the Chapter' and these masters form a council under the current Chapter Master to make decisions that affect the chapter as a whole.


Most of the companies are on campaign at any one time bar one, usually a strike force that has recently returned from campaign. This leads to having a large portion of wounded warriors but the planets citizens are tough and tenacious and the chapter is more than confidant in their ability to defend themselves and the chapter.


The companies do not engage in campaigns as a whole as per other chapters, they are instead formed into strike-forces under captains, dispensing whatever warriors and equipment the captain deems necessary for the task before him. The squads are drawn from each of the companies as needed and old city and company rivalries are turned aside in light of the mission at hand.



General History


Historically I am undecided. My first thought, which coincided with the Exodite Eldar as the mysterious xenos raiders was to have a long history of conflict with the Eldar which would could work quite well, though I am unsure if in the long-term how hard they would hit the world and the chapter for their indiscretions, and how I would explain why they didn't cleanse the planet of human life before now.


Other than that I would appreciate any suggestions. I personally lean towards a major Xenos menace, followed closely by a real nemesis enemy, perhaps another chapter, a rogue inquisitor or whatever it needs to be to be believable in order to be a constant fluffy thorn in the Blazing Son's side.




That's basically it for now. all suggestions for anything at all are greatly appreciated and more than welcome.



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In the home world section, nearly everything upto 'The Chapter arrived' is frivolous to the chapter, detail which isn't needed to describe the chapter. It could be quickly summed up in the following:


The world of Acre is one of two distinct lives; the almost inhabitable wasteland and the seven heaving cities. Life is tough for the Acrians; each person’s individuality lost in the greater need of the many. Kept in a highly militarised state each city is prepared against raids from human renegades from the deadland or even xenos raiders. Even though each city is independent, one organisation has managed to become entwined in each of them, the Order of the Sun, whom have documented the history of their people.


Each of the seven companies is larger than normal to accomodate for the lack of a 9th and 10th company

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10? What happened to the Eighth company?


I would suggest against using the Eldar as the xenos pirates, make up a new alien race. Then you can shape them to your whims and allow them to flow around the fluff.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10? What happened to the Eighth company?


Heh whoops, that was an accident. Yes there was meant to be a lack of an 8th as well, though perhaps the Chapter Master was dyslexic. ;)


In the home world section, nearly everything upto 'The Chapter arrived' is frivolous to the chapter, detail which isn't needed to describe the chapter. It could be quickly summed up in the following:


The world of Acre is one of two distinct lives; the almost inhabitable wasteland and the seven heaving cities. Life is tough for the Acrians; each person’s individuality lost in the greater need of the many. Kept in a highly militarised state each city is prepared against raids from human renegades from the deadland or even xenos raiders. Even though each city is independent, one organisation has managed to become entwined in each of them, the Order of the Sun, whom have documented the history of their people.


Yes it is frivolous but it was one of the things that made the homeworld interesting, and I did say it was a rather haphazard collection of notes and thoughts. However that doesen't mean your not right and it could be brought about with a much more brief paragraph or two as you have shown. Though I would still rather have a bit more than one paragraph about their homeworld to be honest, though I can easily split some of the vast amounts of detail into other sections such as organisation and even a sidebar or two if I feel it is important enough. I really need to stop focussing on the damn details.


In any case, Thanks for the help Ferrata :)

Obviously the home world section is more than a paragraph, but I like to focus on recruitment and the effects of the home world on the chapter. For exmaple, the Black Guard IA says this about the actual home world


The planet of Furtim is one of little importance to the Imperium; it bears no rare minerals or renowned fighting men. The Black Guard selected it for its vast forests which cover the majority of the planet bar two barren circlets around the poles and its immediacy to the breach between the warp and material world. The human culture is spread thin throughout the forests, each group of humans moving to their needs. The Imperium has only been capable of estimating the population of the planet, although this estimation is surely to be wrong due to the wandering tribes and changes in the density of the population. It is doubted even the Black Guard or the people of Furtim know the true population of the planet.


Whilst the following four paragraphs cover the Fortress Monastery, Recruitment, Absorbed Culture and the Furtim Pylons.

Obviously the home world section is more than a paragraph, but I like to focus on recruitment and the effects of the home world on the chapter.


That's true and I have to say it is probably an example I should learn from. The thing is I have this great imagining of it in my head and don't really want to leave anything out. However, cramming in as much as you can is not the best way to construct an IA as I am well aware. I'll see what I can do to get in as much as I can while not filling out more than is wise.

A few thinking question about the homeworld and Chapter.


With the Chapter's organization, is the first company still the veteran company with individuals drawn from all of the companies?

Why didn't the chapter wipe out the xenos when they took control of the world for recruitment?

Did the want the people to be hardened by their presence or could they just not be bothered?

Are there still a couple cities which are ruins? If so, does anyone or anything live there?

What is more inland? Are there no rivers for other settlements to be built?

How large are the existing cities?

How often does the Chapter recruit?

Does the Chapter recruit in a similar fashion to the Dark Angels in Descent of Angels where the knightly order picks those believed to be worthy and then the chapter selects from the worthy to become Marines?

What is the world and Chapter's view on psykers? Why?

You say that you have so much information and you don't want to leave anything out.

So, what I suggest is that, if you're bothered, you just type it all up and ask the people here to edit it down. I'm sure there are people here who would provide some amazing insights (judging by your post count I guess you're not new to this but hey...). And alot of the time people will just look at something you've been staring at for hours and spot a million things you haven't.

So that's just my 1.7 Euro cent...

In your first topic about this Chapter, the only thing I could envision was a Chapter based on the Incas or some race like that. Of course, you then said that you wanted to stray from the sun imagery so Inca is no good I guess.

Well, good luck with this project, it looks good, I'll be keeping my eye on these bad boys.


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