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Grey Knights *WIP*

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I've been a DA player for a while now, and after reading 'The Killing Ground' I liked the GK part of it (the ultra part was alright)

I then decided to go out and buy the DH codex and some GK

And here they are:




Group shot






Two Grey Knights




Incinerator Knight and battle brother


C+C welcome :(



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@Nexus night: Thanks, an idea like yours may oresent itself to me in the future :lol:


@NurglePhill: Thanks for the tips, I will try that on the next batch, or may go back on these guys


@Hubernator: When basing goes wrong! I have got it off him now tho ;)



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it's a shame about tha bases actually, thye kinda ruin the miniature

how about making the basing before you atatch the mini?

i also suggest you use some sand and put the grass over it


further keep up the good work;)

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@hendrik: Thanks for the kind comment and the advice. I will do what I can to sort the bases out :)


I also decided to post something else on here. I know the model isn't a grey knight, or even a Daemonhunter for that matter. But she's an inquisitor so I thought I would put her in here.




Inquisitor Jones :)

One of those dodgy bases again tho -_-


C+C welcome again

Also, if anyone has any requests for DA models to go on here I'll put them up here if I have them. :)

So feel free to ask away :tu:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Update time! :P


Firstly, some new additions to the squad ;)




psycannon grey knight



two more knights for the squad




And the squad with additions


I intend to get this squad up to ten men before moving onto something else.

I'm torn between another PAGK squad or a GKT squad after this. Any advice on that?

Also, does anyone know how to do some serious conversion work on Grey Knights? Because just altering the position of the nemesis force weapons gets slightly boring and isn't enough for me in making each model unique.

C+C as always



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This is what you could do, you could add a very small bit of burnished/shining gold around the edges where there isn't gold, this could represent power radiating from them or that the're very holy. Failing that just use some washes to add to the shine of the model.
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  • 2 months later...

Woahh, it's been ages since I updated this.

Anyway, I gained the two grey knights I needed to complete Squad Simoleo:



And here is the completed squad:



And now something a bit more special, my first ever GKT! Here stands Brother Zeus:



In my first game with these guys he stood in as a GM, simply for points and kickassness :P

Here's the entire army so far:



I fought my first battle with these guys last friday, accompanied by some loyal deathwing and C:SM :)

It was a resounding victory over the guard, one which me and my friend are proud of :D

My next purchase for the GK will be next week, I'm buying nine GK all armed with NFW and SB. I may then purchase a GK with incinerator to go with them.

Regardless, I will update on here as soon as I have them. :)

It's also my birthday soon. GKT here i come! ;)

C+C as always

(and I know the inquisitor isnt DH, but I still like her :))



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Yep, that was a resounding victory...


Nice, I like the GKT especially, though he didn't do well, he died to a Guardsmen, I laughed myself silly at that. He had faced down a hail of fire from a Baneblade, then a Guardsman punched him in a bruise and he goes, 'Oww, my little boo-boo!' :)


Woops, forget to mention the models, boy is my face red :D Yeah, they look good, they perform well. And since you're getting a 10 more, we'll each have 20 men (or women) of the Inquisition, and we can go on a holy crusade. Back on the models, nice detail, however your armour tends to look slightly darker in the picture, maybe that's just the camera? I don't know... do you highlight? Maybe the odd peice of Mithril Silver round the edges?

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As it has been said numerous times before, washes, washes, washes. Washes are your friend. They will make your metals look 100% better and its such a simple step. For grey knights I would suggest a badab black wash followed by a wash of asurmen blue on the armor. Wash the gold with sepia.


Good luck

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My guard can kill with lasguns. Its amazing that a GKGM died to a laspistol....


As said before, washes. I am gonna get some soon enought to use over all my models.

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