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WIP Salamanders


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Going to be working on these guys for awhile, so I figured that I would start to post some pictures as I went along. I bought some resin bases but have yet to put any models on them as currently I am focusing on just getting models put together and painted. Let me know what you guys think :D Oh and I apologize for the pictures being a little dark, I have bad lighting but will hopefully fix that this weekend and get some better pics up.






Some of Tactical Squad 1


A couple Terminators



AOBR Dread


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Thanks for the comments guys. My Vulkan is currently together but due to a run in with some bad primer he is currently sitting in simple green. I'll get pics of him up when he is atleast scrubbed off. I also wanted to post the painting method I've used for the armor, since its a bit different from what most people are doing on here. It is as follows...


1.) Primer White

2.) Sprat w/ Design Master's Holiday Green 717 Floral Spray. You can get this stuff for like 7 bucks @ Michaels.

3.) Highlight the edges of the armor w/ Scorpion green do all the metals and the base colors like red on the eyes.

4.) Wash w/ Badab Black

5.) Touch up the armor w/ Snot Green and add you reg highlights.


The Design Master spray is actually really cool, it is a bit thinner so you have to really pay attention to coverage but it works out well. If you do try this, don't be alarmed at how eye popping bright the green is before you've washed it, it will tone done considerably. They have all sorts of colors for it, we have a couple people at our local store that use it, one got a yellow for Imperial Fists and one got a pink for Emp. Children.

I don't know what it is, I really like sallies, they are just so amazing to me... Why i didn't take the chapter up my self, is beyond me...

I had wanted to do a Space Marine army for awhile and could never picked, I flip flopped between Blood Angels and Templars for a little bit and then decided to do Salamanders right at the end of 4th. So I bought a good amount of tactical marines, devastators and assault marines and then just kind of had guys with no arms for awhile waiting for the book to hit so I could see how to arm them. Was pretty great too when the GW rep stopped by our local store and was talking about the book, saw me painting Salamanders and said I was going to be really happy with the special character... he was indeed telling the truth.

Also, Landspeeder I'm in the middle of painting. Waiting for the wash to dry....



I really like the idea of the DE Corsair cloaks on the sergeant. I'm somewhat happy that you didn't go the new route of painting your sallies faces jet black with blood red eyes...not a big fan of that. I like the flamer-pistol you got there on your assault marine too.

1. Our local tournaments are really big on soft scores so stuff like getting your characters and what not to stand out is really important for those extra points. Yea I really disliked the jet black faces and red eyes; I don't think it gives you the highlight options. I'm really happy everyone likes the flamer pistol; I was kind of worried that it wasn't going to go over well when I was originally making it.

2. I've had a couple people tell me that they think they are really dark, so yea it really is just preference.

Also a mini update:

Even my Landspeeder crew get metal shoulderpads!


How did you paint the lizard heads on your librarian? I've been using them for the veterans of my tactical squads with shining gold with sepia wash. I like your different take.


I really like how your alpha legion shoulder pads turned out too. Wish I knew how to paint like that.

The saurus heads are boltgun, mithril highlight and then washed black.The shoulder pads are Vallejo Hot Orange, hightlight Orange Fire, then GW Golden Yellow... wash with Sepia. I may be wrong on the Vallejo colors as I'm not currently at home so I can't check. Thanks for the comments ;)

Finished up both my speeders, not going to bother with pictures of those since they look the same as the ones I already posted. Started working on my jump chaplain. Still have some work to do on him, had to leave the pack off so I could do the shoudlers. Still needs some highlights and have to do the red still as well. Let me know what you guys think.





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