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Daemonhunters Codex Question


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Hi all -


I've been searching for what 40k project I'd like to do next, and I just picked up a copy of the Daemonhunters codex and it really sparked my interest. Just as I was starting to get excited about the thing, my friend told me that he heard they were releasing a new codex for them sometime soon. I am therefore here, looking for some kind of confirmation or rebuttal of this claim. All I know is that if I put an army together only to have the rules change 2 months later I would be slightly upset haha.


Thanks for any rumors or hints you all might share!



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  Lungboy said:
From some of the hints given by people on Warseer, it looks like late 2010 could be around the right time.

Possible, but I would still call that one a long shot. GW has been quoted as saying that giving all 40K armies a new codex in 5th edition is the goal, that meeting that goal will take "about 5 years", and that the Inquisition will be "at the end" of that period.


Imperial Guard, Dark Eldar, Space Wolves, and Necrons are all known to be the next four codexes one way or another (order isn't definite beyond IG coming in May). GW typically has a "Fantasy Year" followed by a "40K Year". They produce an average of 5 new army books each calendar year, 3 for one game, 2 for the other. This year is supposed to be a "40K Year", but they're already behind that kind of schedule if IG is the 1st one out the door.


Beyond that, I would bet that armies like Tyranids and Tau, even Black Templars (more marines!) would be given a higher priority than the Inquisition.


So the absolute earliest we could expect to see any new Inquisition would be in the last half of 2010. But it's more likely to be 2011 at the earliest. And it's likely to come even later than 2011.

  number6 said:
Beyond that, I would bet that armies like Tyranids and Tau, even Black Templars (more marines!) would be given a higher priority than the Inquisition.
It is sad really, as those armies still using 3rd Ed Codices are so much more in need of an update. At least on the plus side I am getting very good value out of my Demonhunter codex as it will still be valid...

Conversely, keep in mind that DH are actually getting two codex upgrades at the very start of the cycle, those being Codex: Space Marines and Codex: Imperial Guard.


With regard to marines, I still think the list works better in the other direction (ally in DH to SM, not the other way around). However, if the guard get a major upgrade that bleeds over to the DH, then combo GK / IG lists could suddenly get very mean, very fast, as the GK are (for the most part) pretty damn solid. The issue is just getting enough bodies on the table and having adequate tank-killing support, which a vastly superior guard codex could fix in a hurry.

Not to give any false hope here, but there are two interesting threads at warseer that provide the vaguest of vague hints (not even rumors at this point) that DH might be the next 'dex after star puppies:


In this thread, Harry, a well informed individual, shoots down the rumors that necrons and dark eldar are the next after the pups:



And here is a thread with some highly suspicious talk of plastic grey knight:



Again, this is the very worst kind of unfounded speculation but it certainly sparks a little hope in my hollow heart <_<

hmm. all very interesting. While doing further research into my new Inquisition army, I have come up with another question:


Can I take units from the Witch Hunters list as allies in my Daemonhunters army? I plan on taking IST's, GK's, IG Allies and SoB allies if I can...


this is all so confusing since I had my last 40k army in the 3rd ed days...


thanks for the help guys

Yes you can :huh: A Daemon Hunters army can have any/all of the following:


Grey Knights, DH Inquisitor, IST's from the DH list, Assassin(s), inducted Imperial Guard forces, allied WH Inquisitor, allied SoB.


It's part of what makes the Inquisition so much fun IMO :lol:


Edit: technically you can take Inducted Space Marines too.. but by doing so you give up the Grey Knights.. a silly trade in my opinion.

The thing about new Inquisition codexes is it's pretty clear they're going to be totally reinvisioned, with more emphasis but on the battle orders.


Which basically means a new army, as there will be so many new unit choices. And there are 3 inquisition orders to do.

  Inquisitor NicolePyykkonen said:
Yes you can ^_^ A Daemon Hunters army can have any/all of the following:


Grey Knights, DH Inquisitor, IST's from the DH list, Assassin(s), inducted Imperial Guard forces, allied WH Inquisitor, allied SoB.


It's part of what makes the Inquisition so much fun IMO <_<

Edit: technically you can take Inducted Space Marines too.. but by doing so you give up the Grey Knights.. a silly trade in my opinion.


If you want to do that, I suggest one of two things:


1 - Take Marines as the main list and ally in a large block of DH (1 HQ, 1 Elite, 2 Troops can bring quite a few GKs)


2 - If you want to get real fancy, use WH as the parent list. Then use inducted space marines with the WH. This will give you access to Inquisitors, Assassins, ISTs, and a lot of the crazy ecclesiarchy stuff (if you bring a priest) from your parent list, as well as space marines for your main troops. Then, you can ally in DH, and also have GKs through that. Thus, you do have the ability to take all of the major underpinnings, minus SoBs, of the Inquisition in one list.

  Reinholt said:
If you want to do that, I suggest one of two things:


1 - Take Marines as the main list and ally in a large block of DH (1 HQ, 1 Elite, 2 Troops can bring quite a few GKs)


2 - If you want to get real fancy, use WH as the parent list. Then use inducted space marines with the WH. This will give you access to Inquisitors, Assassins, ISTs, and a lot of the crazy ecclesiarchy stuff (if you bring a priest) from your parent list, as well as space marines for your main troops. Then, you can ally in DH, and also have GKs through that. Thus, you do have the ability to take all of the major underpinnings, minus SoBs, of the Inquisition in one list.



Or you can take SM as your parent list and allie both GK's and SoB's, with DW taking up the second HQ slot. That's all orders in one army (if DW are still allowed).



I think I am going to stay away from vanilla marines...the tactial value of the list is of somewhat less importance to me than its look and character. I play less now than I used to, but DH/WH all look like fantastically fun models to convert and paint. I'm going out to my local store to get the WH codex tomorrow and then I'll sit down and figure out if I want that or DH as my parent list.

JJ has said at various times last year that:

All codices will be updated before they change edition

It will be a four to six year cycle that they plan to keep from here on in.

Inquisition will be done 'at the end of the five year cycle' :D

Inquisition are at then end of the cycle <_<


He also said the last one after Orks was released but before Daemons and so where this cycle starts is anyone’s guess (Another Ork Codex perhaps?)

So we, from that info alone, can draw up a rough idea that it is some where between 2010 and 2013.


There was talk of Plastic Grey Knights on warseer and Harry (one of the reliable rumour guys) said that we wouldn't have to wait so long in relation to someone saying they would be in 2011-2012.

He also made an offhand remark about sisters but if that was a rumour is anyone’s guess.


How all this information should be perceived is unknown and it really sucks that the codex that needs the second biggest update (DE are the biggest) and the army that needs Plastic before absolutely everyone else at this point are being ignored along with the entire player base of these two armies. (Name the last time you saw GK or Sisters in WD, Apoc datasheets, internet articles from GW, rulebook (Both big and the small fluff-book in AoBR) or even anyone in the design team say something about them without first being asked by a fan. (Even then it is as vague as possible because it is rude to ignore people)

  Marlow said:
  number6 said:
Beyond that, I would bet that armies like Tyranids and Tau, even Black Templars (more marines!) would be given a higher priority than the Inquisition.
It is sad really, as those armies still using 3rd Ed Codices are so much more in need of an update. At least on the plus side I am getting very good value out of my Demonhunter codex as it will still be valid...



You know GW is really quite silly. If they were clever they would outsource the writing of a codex to a society such as this. Withing a few months dedicated gamers could write up a proffesional balanced, thoughtful and upgraded codex. All they would have to do then is add the pictures etc. and have the final veto on specifics.


Of course this means that they would have to pay for a finished product. But hey, I'm sure we would come in cheaper then one of their writers.

I'm afraid I can't shed any light on dates but I have heard that it will be just one inquisition codex. The sisters of battle, greay knights and deathwatch will be elites however if you choose a Ordo Hereticus, Malleus, or Xenos Inquisitor respectively then the troops choice for that Ordo will become a Troops choice


Thats what I have heard anyway :D

Interesting stuff.... makes me wonder if I should reconsider making a 2nd army untill some of this gets sorted out. I WAS planning either a GK army or a Deathwatch one using the SM dex and an allied Inquisitor. New plastics would definitly save me some $$$, considering just for the DW =][= shoulder pads would cost me an additional $25 per squad.


I have plenty of projects to keep me busy until something firm comes along for the =][= armies as a whole. I'll still build repective Inquisitors for each Ordo just because. :D




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