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Eagle Warriors Chapter Master with Relic Blade

Pig Of Sparta

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Inspired by both Scruff's excellent Ultramarine Captain conversion and the article in this month's White Dwarf on painting faces (something I've never quite got right before) I decided to finally do something with one of my masters of the chapter figures. So after a couple of frustrating and curse filled hours I came up with this:





now all I've got to do is pick a chapter and paint him, in the mean time (as usual) I'd like to know what everyone here thinks so please leave c&c (and ideas for chapters too if you like)



the description says there is a conversion, i dont see it, care to point it out?


I didn't think my 'cut and paste' conversions skills were that good.... :D


@Ikik: hmmm, I like the sound of that, Emperor's Children goes on my shortlist, they've always been one of my favourite legions.

I say Blood Angels cause we're awesome :)


However since you are more then likely using the nice new fanboys codex :D Something cool like maybe the Red Templars? or the Lamentars (if you like a challenge) or you could rock the Castigators and show Mol some love :)

Some great suggestions there folks, you're definately making it harder for me :) just kidding, I always struggle to pick colours for stand alone mini's like these... I'm slightly swayed by the Sallies and Fire Lords though...

Double Post apology :wacko:. Now this might be a cop out on my part, but I've been flicking through the marine 'dex and thought that maybe, just maybe this guy might look good as an Eagle Warrior.... the chapter marking is already on his shoulder pad, and the blue/white colour scheme would look pretty good I think, complemented by a red loincloth and gold detailing for the armour bling, and the outside of the cloak in red. The only thing I can't work out is the inside of the cloak, more red or a pale creamy colour? Thoughts, comments and suggestions are more than welcome,



It's been a few days I'm afraid, but I've finally started painting :lol:. The mini looks a bit of a mess just now as the line down the horizontal split is off but this will be corrected when I do the white side of the armour. So far all I've done is the first couple of layers on the blue armour plates, the cables and joints have had their basecoat and I've done the first couple of layers on the cloak and loin cloth. Enough talk though, I'll let the photos do (most) of the rest of the talking...








right arm:



left side:






I'm currently debating whether to the white armour plates the same way I usually do white (space wolves grey, shade with watered down shadow grey, several thin layers of skull white) or to try going from codex grey via fortress grey to skull white, as I'm not sure what would look best. I'm thinking that my tried and tested way would be better because, 1) I know how it works and looks and 2) I think the shadow grey shading will fit better with the blue armour plates on the opposite side of the mini.


Most of you will note that the head from the first two photos is missing, this is for a couple of reasons the first is ease of access to the axe/arm/neck guard, and making sure it isn't covered in blue paint. The othe is that since taking the photos I've notice that there's quite a large chunk missing from one of the ears, so I'm debating whether the head is useable or not. I want to keep the head if I can though as I really like the way it looks on the mini, and the facial expression which seems to say in a self assured kind of way; 'bring it on' perfect for a chapter master in my opinion.


Until next time (which hopefully won't be long, I'm off work for a couple of days now) c&c is, as always more than welcome.



Well, I managed to get some more painting done today :lol: so here's the updated pics:











As you can see from the photos I've basecoated and shaded the white armour plates of the armour and made a start on the bling on his armour. Just the first couple of layers so far, time for some gold highlighting... I'm not sure what colour to do the braids across his chest, I'm torn between red and silver, but I'm thinking of doing the crux terminatus in silver so I guess that really only leaves red. Now that most of the basecoats and initial layers are in place I'll be starting to add the highlights and working on the little details like the gems and purity seals. I'm also going to make a start on the rest of the relic blade and the metallics on the backpack and I need to straighten the horizontal split between the blue and white. The white armour and the head I'll finish last.


In the mean time please feel free to leave c&c,



Thanks for the comments Ompfris. I'm kinda dreading doing the face (one of the reasons I'm leaving it till last :lol:) but I need to get some practise in because I'm cooking up a (hopefully) sweet looking conversion that's relying on a bare head! I thought your mini that you used that guide with looked pretty good. I'm planning on using a cobbled together version of several steps in the guide to do mine just cause I think it'll be a bit easier :P
It's taken from the Master of the Watch model, I clipped it off and replaced it with a sword a while ago, but all my masters of the chapter models have sat around doing nothing for ages, when I started playig with this one, I saw the axe head and the rest is history as they say :P

Very nice white and blue. I am quickly learning how to do both as I have an Ultramarines army and I am going to have to do a lot more vet heads. I just did a Apothecary and a Command Squad's sergeant (or leader dude) helmets in white and I found with patience and enough layers of grey, the white comes out nicely. You do the same or not?



Go 6th Company!

Thanks Shadow Nugz. Congrats on finding the secret to white, it took me a long time to figure it out. I usually go with a bascoat of space wolves grey, shade with thinned shadow grey and then several thin coats of white (as many as it needs) to get the white I know and love.


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