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Eagle Warriors Chapter Master with Relic Blade

Pig Of Sparta

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Well another day done, and some more new photos and a first look at the head that was on the mini in the first photos with some paint on it.














Just a few bits and pieces left to go now, the axe and all the metallics need finishing (may take a couple of days I need to borrow some chainmail paint), the gemstones and purity seals are still to be done, as well as the final highlights for the blue armour plates and the soft armour joints, the pistol holster and last but not least the white armour plates will recieve their white. I'm hoping to get some done on my lunch hour at work tommorow so with a little luck he won't take much longer. Then all I've got to do is base him :(


Please feel free to leave comments and criticisms, they're always welcome :)



Thanks Jay :) I try to take my time with mini's like these to make up for my lack of patience when it comes to painting basic troop type models. My problem is that I just can't seem to sit and paint what's essentially the same mini over and over, so to make up for it I do stuff like this.
WOW his head looks great, but now we can all see the hole in his ear - maybe you could of done part of his ear like the scars? that way you can always say the hole is ment to be there


really good work.


Funny you should mention his ear, I thought the same thing, I'll have a look at the head today at lunchtime ;)


Thanks for the comments guys, there'll be an update along soon...



Maybe he went a few rounds with Mike Tyson?


Given the number of battle scars and implant marines have I don't see a missing ear as a big deal, maybe an ork chomped it off or something. Although it shouldn't take much to fix with a tiny dab of greenstuff.

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