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Well i missed the Librarium painting challenge sign on, such is life. However, not being one to take such things lying down, I've decided i don't need them. I will pledge to you all, here, that by the end of February I will have painted and based 1000pts worth of S&J Marines, including my limited number of completed models.


The colour scheme is:




Symbol is a dowturned sword (DA minus wings)


And the current progress:


Space Marine Captain (Jump pack, storm shield, power weapon) 0%


Dreadnought ( TL lascannon) 100%


Assault terminators x5 80% - need basing


Scouts x10 50% - five complete, five still in box


Tacticals x10 30% - two finished, one almost finished, three basecoated, three assembled and one still to be bought


Assault marines x6 10% - sergeant 1/2 done, jump packs done, marines assembled




Scouts and AoBR capitan (stand in)





Assault sergeant





more pics and updates soon

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Okey Dokey folks


heres my update, per se.







As you can se, I've got some of those sexy robed tacticals to mix it up a bit, and to compensate for the ugliness of the AoBR Marines.







the packs are incredibly easy to paint on sprue... i recomend to anyone who is making assault marines








And the rest of the scouts:



so not too much progress, but since the pictures i've put the base colours (teal and white) on two assault marines, one scout, and the three AoBR tacticals with bolters




Okay folks, another update.








not much to say on these; except the colour seems a bit off in the photos. the AoBR marines are a bit scrappy, but i'll probs phase them out at some point so i dont mind too much. I'm quite happy with the beaky assault marine.


Space Marine Captain (Jump pack, storm shield, power weapon) 10%


Dreadnought ( TL lascannon) 100%


Assault terminators x5 100%


Scouts x10 65% - five complete, one half done, four assembled


Tacticals x10 60% - two finished, four just needing touch - ups, four awaiting paint


Assault marines x6 25% - sergeant 3/4 done, jump packs done, two marines coming along nicely

I some how entirely missed this thread...


Nice minis, very well executed and I really like the subtle conversions/individualality of the minis done via simple wepon swaps - props to you for that!!


2 Q's though:


1 - how do you do the white? It looks more like the type of white (not 'cold', ice white) I want to be going for on my guys so am interested.

2 - Why does the Scout Heavy Bolter guy have pink gloves? All I can think is that they are rubber gloves used for washing up... (That is not an insult, as the pick may have played merry Hell with the scheme)

hmmm, i realise now that i've been neglecting my loving fanbase :P


A tip though, if you want a model to look like it's running it looks better if you put it further back on the base so that it doesn't lean over the edge of the base like your robed guy.


thanks, i'll be aware of that in the future


2 Q's though:


1 - how do you do the white? It looks more like the type of white (not 'cold', ice white) I want to be going for on my guys so am interested.

2 - Why does the Scout Heavy Bolter guy have pink gloves? All I can think is that they are rubber gloves used for washing up... (That is not an insult, as the pick may have played merry Hell with the scheme)


1 - well, the amazing thing is i have no recipe at all. like all good cooks, i just add bits of this and that until it looks right. that being said, i'll give you some examples of what i sometimes do:


a) black undercoat, codex grey basecoat, coupla coats of skull white, wash the whole thing with codex grey, another coat of skull white avoiding the edges, wash chaos black into the crevices, touch up with white


:lol: grey undercoat, working up several layers of white with heavy (not drybrushing, the thing you do thats like drybrushing only without wiping the paint of the brush). black wash, touch up with white


c) white undercoat, codex grey wash (often more than one, with alternating application of white followed by another wash), finished with a chaos black wash in the crevices and touch-up with skull white


- and the most amazing thing of all is that although it's different everytime, they all end up looking pretty much the same. some techniques are just quicker, and others are easier to be neat.


2 - you'll also notice he has a smiley face on his shoulder pad. his name is the comedian, and he's just one of those out there sort of scouts. probably the whole 'love the emperor and be grim' conditioning failed miserably in his case.





Ok, almost a week has gone by, so its time for another update...


first of all, not as much progress, as can be expected my enthusiasm has waned somewhat but I'm well on the way and I'm confident that I will hit the 1000pts by February 28....


Ok, to add to the finished tally, the assault marine sergeant, at last! also heres a pic of my dread, which i finished ages ago but haven't put a pic up of yet.




And finally, everything thats in work in progress stage... most of these only need their bases painted and minor touch ups




and last of all, everything that's left:




Comments, criticismses and feedback welcome.



Woo triple post B)


anyhow, i come before you all with a bit of a conundrum. I don't really know what to do with my jetpackin captain in regards to colour sceme and whatnots. so i've put him on the backburner for a while (again) while i think about it.


His replacement (of which there were several options, me being rather a fan of HQ and centrepiece models :evil:) is a terminator librarian. I got cracking repainting him last night, as he had black armour, and it looked rather out of place in an army full of green and teal marines.








however, this creates a small issue... the librarian, despite being massively awesome, is 20 points less than the previous HQ, which means I'll be 20 points short of the magical 1000... so what the hell can i do?? how can i fill 20 points without going out and buying any more stuff?


comments and etc yada yada.


:P Tabor


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