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Fear The Night..........Night Lords Blog


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Following 200Plus advice to go through the pain (That and the fact I converted him last week), I bring you my Night Lords version of Horun Blackheart.






Not the best conversion I've done, theres something offputting about the legs, so as soon as I can, I'm going to cut the legs off and try and find something more suitable.


Anyway, let me know what you think.

So, I have defied doctors orders and decided to do some converting during my week off. However, after about 30 minutes of using my left hand to hold the stanley blade, not to mention several near misses of my right hand, I gave up, and decided to get help in. Jeff* was kind enough to oblige (and I guilted him about dropping a couch on my arm).


After much encouragement and instruction from me and my associate Mr. I.R. Pointy-Stick, Jeff was able to comeup with this. This first of the Hounds of Chulain (Cull-ain).





This will be an Aspiring Champion in a small warband I'm planning to add to the Night Lords when they are completed (or during the work). They are not Renegade Space Wolves, but some other wolf/dog themed chapter. They'll probably be followers of Khorne. Haven't quite thought out the colour scheme yet.


Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think


*All names in this topic have been changed to protect the identities of those involved.

Not bad! Not bad at all.


If you're still out of action as far as Modelling and Painting is concerned, you could use the time to write a Masterlist. See Baal Dropout's one here for inspiration.


It would help you to manage and oversee the Night Lords Project, and it would allow us to understand exactly what's done and what's to come in the future.


Or, if you like, I could do it? If you PM me the plans, I'll orgainise a Masterlist for you?

While I understand how useful a defined list might be, I hate them with a passion. Well, maybe hate is too strong a word, I prefer a more organic approach when building armies, rather then a set route. I go with a general idea of how the army might be structured, in this case I imagine this Night Lords army as a fast moving force, so the core of the army will be at least 4 squads of Chaos Space Marines in Rhinos, supported by infiltrating Chosen, Deep Striking Terminators with some Raptors picking off vunerable targets.


After that...maybe some "cult" warbands, maybe some heavy armour, special characters and their retinues? Who knows? But then, its Chaos, it shouldn't be organised :D .


But to fair to everyone else, heres a list of what I have planned for the inital phase.


4 Squads of Night Lords in Rhinos.

1 Squad of Night Lords Chosen Space Marines.

1 Squad of Night Lords Terminators.

1 Squad of Night Lords Raptors.

1 Night Lord Hero in Terminator armour.

1 Night Lord Sorcerer.

1 Night Lord Hero in Power Armour.


I know I should probably have more vehicles but I do like infantry, and I'll probably add a Land Raider and/or some Predators in the second wave.


Or, I could just end up adding what I feel like at the time :D

Firstly, let me just say, that I've never really been one for doing what I've been told to do.


Anyway, I've been bored and somewhat annoyed that I couldn't convert anything. So rather then brooding on it, I've decided to do something about it. After a quick trip to my local hardware store for some left handed tools and made these guys. A lot of these guys need to be tidied up a little and some bits added on.


Now before you look at these conversions, I'd like to state that if you are left handed, use left handed equipment, its a little more expensive, but it is much safer.


Anyway, whats better then a Beakie marine? A Chaos Beakie marine! Just need to get a grenade to cover the sliced-off purity.



I remembered someone said that this head might look good on a Chaos Marine, and they were right.



Icon Bearer, banner comes from the Marauder boxed set.



Melta gunner, sans the melta. Leaving the weapons off most of the marines until I paint them.



Second of the Hounds of Chulain. Like I've said before, these guys will be a Khornate warband, with a barbaric flavour to them so probably more furs and chainmail for them.



Thats it for the moment, but I would still like to reiterate, if your left handed, use left handed tools. Use the correct tools for whatever your doing, if you don't, you might badly hurt yourself.

Yeah, I had to pull out of the campaign, I might be able to convert them with my left hand, but I'm right handed, and as much as I want to give them a paint job now, I don't want to ruin them with a crappy paintjob.

I'm going to try and finish that first squad this week, and maybe try and build the first rhino as well.

Thanks for the comments folks. And to thank you further, I bring gifts of Terminators.


I wanted these guys to look dynamic, to look like, "yeah they can't win the sprint, but once they get up to speed, you are dead. Period!".


Anyway, enjoy, C&C are welcome as always





Reaper Autocannon



Terminator (The theme from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly was running through my head as I was building this guy)



Well, back to planning some mercenary warbands.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well it seems a lot of people are pulling out of that campaign. Most of them are in college, and a lot of them have found out that the middle of the campaign coincide with Final Exams, and apparently education is more important then games of 40k (Which in all fairness, it is <ducks from the inevitable barrage of bricks>). Luckily I don't have to worry about that (anymore....)


Speaking of armies, my local store had a 2 hour sale, celebrating 2 years in their current location, so I went in and picked up - Chaos Terminator Lord (expect to see the true Anarnaxe to appear on a tabletop soon), an Assault Squad (to complete the Raptor unit), and a.......actually, I don't think anyone wants to know just yet ;) .


And some good news, visited my doctor this morning, arm is nearly healed, with any luck the cast could be off next week. Apparently, if you really want to play Resident Evil 5, you can will your body to heal faster.


That or my mutant abilites have finally kicked in.

Good news, doctor is happy with the way my arm has been healing (although he thinks it probably wasn't as bad a break as he first thought), so the cast comes off Friday.


Bad news, means you'll be seeing me paint :huh:


Heres the latest offering, conversions at the moment will be basic (if any). I want to leave the more complex stuff for more special units/tanks at a later stage.


Chaos Space Marine - There are 4 more, but they are in the generic "Shooting from the hip" pose, so for the moment its just this guy.



Aspiring Champion (I'll probably use this guy for a flamer armed squad)



Havoc Champion - Imagine a bolter on a strap resting under the left arm. The idea is, he has spotted another target, is directing the Havocs and about to draw up his own weapon to fire.



Havoc with Heavy Bolter - Its always surprised me that Havocs never have any ammo beyond the 5 second belt feed they have on their weapons, so I've cannibalized some Devastator bits. Just have to figure out how to Chaosify the other weapons without using the obvious spikes and severed bits.



Havoc with Lascannon - See above ^




Me - Extremely early WIP, I want to add a cloak and see about sculpting some NL iconography (read that as cutting up stuff and sticking it on him). The pose is meant to be him trudging through a snowbank ("I don't need no stinking snowshoes!"), so I want to paint him up before I add snow .




(cookie for whoever can guess which specific kit the head comes from)


C&C is welcome as always.

Could that helmet be off the Chaos Lord/Sorc in Terminatar Armor sprue? The sorcerer head with the long spikes, only sans spikes?


I like your minis, but you need to get some paint on them!


The pose of the Termie with Autocannon is the best!

Could that helmet be off the Chaos Lord/Sorc in Terminatar Armor sprue? The sorcerer head with the long spikes, only sans spikes?


I like your minis, but you need to get some paint on them!


The pose of the Termie with Autocannon is the best!


Thanks, I like the Reaper Terminator too.


And no, it is not the Lord/Sorcerer head.


And regards to the painting, read one of the earlier posts in this blog :tu:.

Not 100% sure I like the pose of the Terminator. It's almost like he's saying "I say good sir, mind if I beat you to death with these talons?"



EDIT: On further review, I take it back, it's just the camera angle.

And its a chaos star shaped cookie for the Monty Python fan. It is indeed a Chaos Knight's head with the horns removed.


Just working on two Havocs armed with a lascannon and heavy bolter now. Hopefully I'll have some pictures up tonight, tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

Ahem! I do remember you saying...


(cookie for whoever can guess which specific kit the head comes from)


Back on topic, though. The only reason I know about the Helmet is because I'm using the exact same one for my Power Armoured Hybrids (Some Chaos Space Marines, some Posessed, some Assault Marines, some Warriors of Chaos, some Knights of Chaos, and some Tactical Marines, all kit-bashed nicely together!).

Time for an update, finished building the Havoc squad and second Chaos Space Marine squad, I'd post them, but unfortunately I've used up my bandwidth for the month, and I doubt anyone would want to see some "Bandwidth Exceeded" images for the next couple of weeks. D'oh!!


Anyway, started work on the Raptors, tried a slightly ambitious conversion for the Champion, which to be honest didn't work out as well as I hope, so I'll go back and try something else for him. Also got a Space Marine Plastic dreadnought from a friend who wanted to start an Eldar. The Dreadnought was converted for an Ork army, so I've spent the last couple of evenings scraping off the more Orky bits while converting some decent weapons for him.


Damn Photobucket trying to get money out of me!!!


Later folks :)

Time for an update, finished building the Havoc squad and second Chaos Space Marine squad, I'd post them, but unfortunately I've used up my bandwidth for the month, and I doubt anyone would want to see some "Bandwidth Exceeded" images for the next couple of weeks. D'oh!!


Damn Photobucket trying to get money out of me!!!

Why not upload them to your gallery here at the BnC? :lol:
  • 2 months later...

“Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed topic to...... something less decayed!” ......I'll just move on then....


Tidying up my work area, came across these;

Khornate Chaos Lord, possibly Chulain, dunno quite yet.



Dreadnought, salvaged from the scrap pile that was my first attempt at a Night Lords army, now being worked on for my new Night Lords army....

Extremely wip



Converted twin linked heavy bolter



C&C, welcome as always.


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