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Hey all!


This is the start of my first log here on the B&C (been here for a while, just havent put up anything here), and I will be tracking the progress of the construction of my 3rd company Ultramarines.


first up, I just have a picture of a base.




not much to start a log with, but it is a start. This will be the base for Chaplian Cassius (who will be the first model that i will be painting using the glazing technique on)


I think that i'm done with this base, and ill probably begin painting Cassius himself in the next couple of hours (stupid homework!).


any comments (or criticisms) that you can give me on the base would be much appreciated.


Thanks a lot!


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got some work done on Cassius himself,


nothing much, just 1 armour plate on his arm, but its something!



finished the knee pad!



c&c greatly appreciated.


back to the painting desk i go!

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hey all,


some more updates for you guys to gaze upon


1st 1/2 of the chest



elbow armour



PLEASE let me know what you think (even if you think that it totally sux, just give some pointers on how to improve)


thanks a lot!


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No, its a chaplian. the only part of him that will not be black will be the left shoulder pad, the knee pad that is already blue and any metallics.


i'm only painting one section at a time because i am painting the entire mini using the glazing technique (which really only works on small areas at a time)

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Hey all,


a bit more progress on Cassius today. I mostly finished the chest.



PLEASE say something about this (even if you think it is utter crap, I would really appreciate some input on this mini.


thanks all


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i think it really just needs to have paint on more surfaces, idk...its just REALLY wip.


im no expert of glazzing so im really not sure if its looking like it should at this stage, all i can focus on are the spots where the paint has leaked into the white, which that tutorial says to leave there because it adds to the effect or somthing?

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I look it so far. I had to read through the tutorial before i knew what to look for, but now that i do i see it very clearly. The problem, as others have said, is just that its so WIP. With all that glaring white its hard to see unless you know what you are looking for. Keep it up, and maybe do several more sections and then do frequent updates after that?
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I guess its just me but I've managed to clear the white part out and focus on the glazed/painted areas.From what I can tell this is gonna be an awsome model to see finished.But the time spent looks like(from the tut)that it might drive you mad to finish a detailed model like HQs and vets.
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Wow, you have come along way on your painting skills since I first saw your inquisition stuff.

I am impressed by what I see so far. But as others have mentioned it is still a ways to go before you can see how the model is pulling together as a whole. One thing I have noticed, and hoping is not just camera, is the way the black seems to be highlighted by an almost brown reflection. Those who have not noticed It is most prominent right down the center of the upper arm. If the whole thing comes out as well as that one piece, I might start asking you to paint my models.

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@ SON: I am highlighting with blues instead of grays for now. I think that it will help tie him into the hoard of blue marines that I'm going to have (in a subtle way at least). But you are right, I should probably go back and highlight him a bit more.


@ IamJacksUserName: I think that that is the highest praise that i have ever gotten from you about anything that i have ever painted. I would like to thank you for that. About the brownish color on the arm, I'm pretty sure that that is just the camera and the fact that i took the picture when it was dark out. Also, I would be honored to paint something for you. Could you please do me a favor and let some other people like Dave know about this thread? I would love to know what they think.


@ LuNCHBiZZLe: I know what you mean. The one saving grace is that, after i finish Cassius, I won't have to paint another mini like this for a long while (until i either get up to painting Calgar and his honor guard, or the Throne of Judgment). On that same note, I'm not entirely sure how people like Lunchbox and Starks333 keep their sanity painting entire armies using this method.


Thanks for all the input and support! There will probably be an update later in the day (I'm stranded at home, sick)


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Hey all,


a bit more progress on Cassius. I am finished with the black on his left leg and chest, only a few more panels of black to go and then i can start working on the metallics and whatnot.


without further ado....



c&c appreciated!


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