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Helbrecht Comes!

Von Richthofen

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Hey guys,

Well, I finally got around to painting my Helbrecht model. I decided to give him black armour instead of gold, because I hate how the gold looked... it was too "Dante" for my liking. Also, I painted the top of his head to look like a helmet... this way his "tiara" iron halo actually looks like the front of a helmet, rather than a bizarre accessory.

What do you guys think?





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Wow! I like that paint scheme alot better than the Golden Rod. He looks much more Templarish, although I think you should have done the chains in gold to make them stand out. And yes, the helmet head look you were speaking of before is much improved over the Princess of Power Circlet :P I like this much better! Kind of looks like a German pickelhaube helmet or however you spell it.
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The blue and red thing at his feet looks to be a decapitated face paint wearing ork head.


Nice High Marshal, Von Richtofen. I like how dark and gritty the model is. However, I feel his lantern should have some light in it. Pero esto es solomente mis dos centabos.


+ edit: I tend to spell Marshal wrong. +

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Thanks to all for your feedback!


looks cool, nice paint job, the helmet makes it look so much better then the bald tiara.... what is the blue and red thing at his feet?


Oh, it's an Ork in blue-and-red Warpaint. I would have painted it green, but my snot green is now a solid block... so I opted to give him warpaint instead.


Wow! I like that paint scheme alot better than the Golden Rod. He looks much more Templarish, although I think you should have done the chains in gold to make them stand out. And yes, the helmet head look you were speaking of before is much improved over the Princess of Power Circlet :D I like this much better! Kind of looks like a German pickelhaube helmet or however you spell it.


I thought about doing the chains in gold, but I wanted them to stand out against the lighter colour of the robes a bit more, and I felt that the boltgun metal ones did a slightly better job at that. Plus, I wanted to use at little gold as possible on the model, seeing as how his sword, backpack icon, and the halo were all going to be gold. I can understand where you are coming from though; most of my Sword Brethren use gold chains exclusively.


Nice High Marshal, Von Richtofen. I like how dark and gritty the model is. However, I feel his lantern should have some light in it. Pero esto es solomente mis dos centabos.


Well, actually it does, it just doesn't show up well in this picture. I didn't have a very good light source, so spots like the latern and the eyes are really hard to make out. Nice catch on the Ork head, by the way. Point goes to you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I finally got Helbrecht's Neophyte done, so here are some pictures:


Helbrecht with his Command Squad:



Helbrecht with his Neophyte Standard Bearer:



More shots of the Neophyte:







C&C Welcome!

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Helbrecht and Command Squad Enron? They look to be the smartest guys in the room because they've gone to war without helmets on. Anyhow, I like how the unit is shaping up. Extremely tidy work on the banner, and a nice combination of parts to make the neophyte. Top notch.


The initiate on the far right with the bolt pistol, what else is he armed with?

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Helbrecht and Command Squad Enron? They look to be the smartest guys in the room because they've gone to war without helmets on. Anyhow, I like how the unit is shaping up. Extremely tidy work on the banner, and a nice combination of parts to make the neophyte. Top notch.


The initiate on the far right with the bolt pistol, what else is he armed with?


Thanks! Well, actually, despite their lack of helmets... I don't really picture them going to battle helmetless. Just because they aren't wearing them when they strike a pose doesn't mean they won't put them on when they rush off into the thick of things. When I painted up this squad, I'd finally learned how to do heads and faces, and I wanted to do a whole unit helmetless. The only new additions are Helbrecht and the Standard bearer... the other models are all older ones.


The guy on the far right just has bp+ccw. There is a Meltagunner in the picture too, but he's hidden behind Helbrecht, sadly.


Brave move giving the Neophyte the banner! As always the painting is great and the banner is just right, I am working on another banner for my guys and you have given me a good idea :)


Thanks! I'm not really worried about the downsides of having the standard on a model with a 4+ save... To be honest the model won't see much use outside of Apocalypse, when even 3+ saves can disappear like paper armour. Either way, if I do use it in regular games, it's fluffy, so heck, why not!


I'm glad the banner gave you some inspiration!

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