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Scarabs Interfere with LoS?


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Alright, I was playing against Necrons, and my opponent claimed that because his Necron Lord was surrounded by Scarabs, I couldn't see him, so I couldn't fire at him?


I mean, with the LoS Rules, he said that his Scarabs blocked the line of sight, despite the obvious height difference that suggested a different result?


I was wondering, is this correct? As far as I know, if you can see it, you can shoot it. And boy could I see it.

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Was he possibly arguing that you couldnt see the scarabs and since he was joined you couldnt see him? (Which is wrong by the way).



ANy which way you cut it, the scarabs wouldnt prevent you from shooting at them. In fact, if all the scarabs were hidden, and he was joined and he was the only one visable, then all the scarabs are able to be shot at.

Even if the scarabs were all around the necron lord thick as flies, at best they'd offer him a cover save (which will be inferior to his regular save if I remember right). No units block line of sight except vehicles (and skimmers don't even do that), they simply confer a cover save.
  Narthecium said:
Even if the scarabs were all around the necron lord thick as flies, at best they'd offer him a cover save (which will be inferior to his regular save if I remember right). No units block line of sight except vehicles (and skimmers don't even do that), they simply confer a cover save.


That is why we think he ment that the lord was attached to the scarabs.

Other than that, what Nathecium and others said.

  Narthecium said:
Even if the scarabs were all around the necron lord thick as flies, at best they'd offer him a cover save (which will be inferior to his regular save if I remember right). No units block line of sight except vehicles (and skimmers don't even do that), they simply confer a cover save.


Whoa Batman! Skimmers DO block LoS in 5e. In 4th they didn't but now they are treated as every other vehicle, it's just easier to see past them since they must be mounted on a flying base. So a skimmer in the way will probably give a cover save while a ground vehicle will, probably, completely block LoS.

the scarabs could, at most, provide a cover save if the lord was not attached and ablative wounds is the lord is mixed with them. why your opponent put a foot lord with scarabs is beyond me, that is commonly the duty of a bug zapper lord.
  Brother_Dan said:
  Narthecium said:
Even if the scarabs were all around the necron lord thick as flies, at best they'd offer him a cover save (which will be inferior to his regular save if I remember right). No units block line of sight except vehicles (and skimmers don't even do that), they simply confer a cover save.


Whoa Batman! Skimmers DO block LoS in 5e. In 4th they didn't but now they are treated as every other vehicle, it's just easier to see past them since they must be mounted on a flying base. So a skimmer in the way will probably give a cover save while a ground vehicle will, probably, completely block LoS.




A scarab is an infantry unit, not a skimmer, Robin. :devil:

  Narthecium said:
  Brother_Dan said:
  Narthecium said:
Even if the scarabs were all around the necron lord thick as flies, at best they'd offer him a cover save (which will be inferior to his regular save if I remember right). No units block line of sight except vehicles (and skimmers don't even do that), they simply confer a cover save.


Whoa Batman! Skimmers DO block LoS in 5e. In 4th they didn't but now they are treated as every other vehicle, it's just easier to see past them since they must be mounted on a flying base. So a skimmer in the way will probably give a cover save while a ground vehicle will, probably, completely block LoS.




A scarab is an infantry unit, not a skimmer, Robin. :lol:


I'll direct you to your original statement where you write, and I quote, "No units block line of sight except vehicles (and skimmers don't even do that), they simply confer a cover save.". So you'll forgive me if I took that to mean you were saying that Skimmers (a vehicle classification, never used for infantry) do not block LoS. Because, well... That is what you were saying.

Sorry, I thought you meant the swarms were skimmers, since we're talking about the swarms here.


And yeah I was mistaken about skimmers blocking line of sight, still a bit stuck in my 4th ed rules. I'll call us both Batman and Robin in this case lol ;)

No units block line of sight except vehicles (and skimmers don't even do that), they simply confer a cover save.


I was under the impression that if you couldn't draw LoS at all, to any part of a unit, you couldn't shoot at them, regardless of what was blocking LoS.


If (for exmaple) you hid some scouts directly behind enough Terminators, such that the Termy minis were totally blocking LoS to the scouts behind, then you couldn't shoot the scouts.


True LoS and all that.

  Gentlemanloser said:
No units block line of sight except vehicles (and skimmers don't even do that), they simply confer a cover save.


I was under the impression that if you couldn't draw LoS at all, to any part of a unit, you couldn't shoot at them, regardless of what was blocking LoS.


If (for exmaple) you hid some scouts directly behind enough Terminators, such that the Termy minis were totally blocking LoS to the scouts behind, then you couldn't shoot the scouts.


True LoS and all that.



  Democratus said:
Also, the Necron Lord could not be surrounded by Scarabs as described above. An Independent Character can not come within 2" of any unit which he can't join.

As I understand it, an IC within 2" is attached to a unit able to be attached to automatically. if within 2" of more than one, then the owner must state which one the IC attaches to. I don' tthink that there is a restriction on ICs being within 2" of a friendly model to which they cannot attach.

  Steelmage99 said:
You have really been on a roll these last few days, Narthecium. :)




I know, right? I swear I know these rules better than I'm letting on...I've been playing more 5th lately than ever, and been learning more. I just keep EPIC FAILING my face off right now.


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