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Hai Der.

Decided to make a log on my DA army, I'm new to 40K so be nice haha. My name is Emma btw.


Here's one of my first conversions, undecided if to make him a captain or a standard bearer (to put the company banner on the base).




Edit; Another.


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Hello there, welcome to the site and the WIP board :lol:


First off, we've found a female DA player :lol: it's a blessing to DA everywhere :D


Back on track, nice conversion on the model. Maybe give him a cape to add something to him, he looks a little out of place with the wings on his helmet. Personal preferences, I feel he's more of a Captain.

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welcome and your model looks pretty good. I would either lose icon on the backpack and leave the wings if your going to use him as a captain or master. I feel it looks to busy. I had a hard time deciding what to with my wings because i thought they were a bit wierd. I used them anyway. Good Stuff though!! A cape or robe is always cool.


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  • 2 weeks later...

First things first

Hi Emma

My name i s Calvin


I like what you did with the model. And a green stuff cloak of robe is definitely in order. It would take the model up a notch in the Dark Angels command structure. Personally I would play him as a Captain.

I'll post a picture of a Converted Captain and Standard Bearer I made to give some perspective soon.

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Re-loaded the Conversions and added another; just made a new host to keep all my DA stuff together :)


Been test painting Marines a lot, but slowly doing my first fully painted marine. Not nay bad but not that pleased, still got a lot to do. Like the flamer, back and the pads, and freehand the insignia on the pads also. Any comments and crit would be welcome.



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I'm liking the conversions, pose and parts look good, but you really need to clean up the parts before assembly. Get rid of as much flash as possible - invest in a decent set of files (I mean decent selection - Hobbycraft carry a budget set for about £5 IIRC) and get some 600 and 1200 grit abrasive paper from a car shop. Taking time here saves masses of effort later, and is a major step in improving overall technique. Also, barrel drilling is so much easier before putting the gun/arm on. 1mm drill is good, so you'll be wanting a pin vice too.


Basecoat (black) looks lumpy, especially on the shoulder pad. That'll make freehanding harder. Your red highlight also looks very thick - try using mechrite red for the base colour, and then a couple of thin coats of blood red to bring it up. Water down your paint in the pallette by around 1:1 water:paint and take excess of the brush by pulling it back across the back of your hand or a piece of tissue - you'll notice the difference in how smoothly the paint goes on and how controllable it is.


Green lines look nice and neat, if a little harsh, but that could be the photo, and is easily fixable with a midtone to blend it in a bit.


If that's your first marine though, I'm expecting some rather nice results once you've got a little bit of practice in. Good job!

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Welcome to the B&C.


The test mini looks rather good, especially considering he's your first.


If the thickness of the paint is an issue, try getting something to use as a pallette (you can buy a genuine one, but a tile, piece of plastic packaging or other neutral, smooth surface may do) and then thin the paint out slightly with a little water (one brush full to two or three-parts paint may be reasonable). If the paint is particulalrly thick, add a few drops of water to the pot, close and shake.


Anyway, I actually like the very dark green - it's how I try to paint my own DA, so I would be inclined to leave that as is. The red is a little bright for my taste (but it really is personal opinion), so I'd be inclined to use either scab red or dark flesh as the basecoat and then mix in a little blood red for the highlight. I personally prefer dark flesh as the base as I think it's a more subtle colour, but that's just me.


Regarding your first mini, he does look a bit like a master, but (in game terms) you may want to give him a power weapon in a scabard or something. Otherwise he would make a very good sergeant for a veteran squad.

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Forgot to say, I'm not really ready to go into the Game aspect of things yet. I just want to master painting considering thats what got me into it originally. I want to get into gaming once I've found level ground with painting mini's, these are just tests and not really designed for gaming quite yet. Cheers for the tips though. Highlighting is what getting me and I think Snot Green is a bit TOO bright for the last highlights, I'll do my homework and look at other DA Painters and see how they approach things. :lol:


Edit; Just bought some Scab Red, Dark Flesh and some Grit Abrasive Paper. ;) Thanks for the tips, again.

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Forgot to say, I'm not really ready to go into the Game aspect of things yet. I just want to master painting considering thats what got me into it originally. I want to get into gaming once I've found level ground with painting mini's, these are just tests and not really designed for gaming quite yet. Cheers for the tips though. Highlighting is what getting me and I think Snot Green is a bit TOO bright for the last highlights, I'll do my homework and look at other DA Painters and see how they approach things. ;)


Edit; Just bought some Scab Red, Dark Flesh and some Grit Abrasive Paper. :wink: Thanks for the tips, again.


I'm not the best painter out there but I'm fairly competent.

What i like to use for highlighting Dark angels green is a 1:1 mix of snot green and dark angels green. It's bright enough to highlight with but doesn't look to much different form the actual armor color. If that doesn't work I use a 2:1 mix of snot green and chaos black.

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Thats a rather nice test mini. The green and red are very striking. Very nice painting style; sort of dark with stark highlights, looks good. The commander coversion is nice, good use of the wings and i like the twin pistols. Does need a cape or something though just to make him a but more regal. Your army is going to look great. keep it up.
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I like the conversions, Im all about the bling myself. :P



Looks like your paints need to be thinnned. Do you spray your primer on?


I dont claim to know what im talking about, but my guys go to an extreme highlight that is a stark contrast to the base color (I am still struggling with this as well). You just need to smooth the transition between the DA Green to the snot green. I could see that taking many layers of highlights to achieve, but would make the army pop on the table.


Keep up the brush!!


More bling on the conversions, it can never be to busy!

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Damn right Brother, I like blinging models. Haha.


Nah, I can't afford Spray Paint, so I just do normal undercoat brushing which is probably why it's so thick. And I am the worlds worst at leaving things alone, if something looks good I overdo it to the extent it looks naff. I guess I need to work on my tolerance, lol.

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Sorry, this was the first thing that came to mind when I read you were called Emma!! It's good to see a female gamer - there are too few!! I am actually more glad to see another painter/gamer rather than gamer/painter!!


They're some good looking marines, I'm actually really impressed, especially considering your relative new-ness.


Just some suggestions to improve as you said you wanted them:


- Thin your paints, especially the undercoat. This makes a surprising amount of difference if your willing to put the time in (my last proper peice, for the EFF (Necromunda) legacy gang was done over 8-9 hours, and that was one human sized model, and I intend to use the same level of detail (actually more) on all future projects) and and can produce some really good looking models. I am a painter over a gamer, so am continually trying to improve my technique and have found this to be one of the most useful peices of advice (just make sure you don't make 'em too thin).


- Try painting bits seperately. Despite the really strong urge to make your uber-cool character immediately, if you want to get the best paint results do them in bits (for example - body&legs/arms&pads/head/backpack). This allows more details to be done, and to a better standard as well as reducing the amount of touch up.


- Replace water when ever you change colour.


- Washes/Inks are a Emperor-sent blessing!! But please water them down, otherwise they look gash....


I personally hate extreme highlighting (both looks and actually painting it) and avoid it at al costs, I much prefer the look and painting of shading. For Dark Angel green (I use it on my SM, Orlock gang and BB team) I tend to apply a DA green basecoat over Chaos Black, wash with watered down black ink/wash, and then work up progressively more layers made from DA/Snot Green mixes (usually about 5-6, with the max being about 80% Snot/20% DA), then wash with watered down Black Ink/Wash then watered down Green Ink/Wash.


Hope this helps and good luck - judging by the quality of these peices your future work will be gnarly!!

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Damn right Brother, I like blinging models. Haha.


Nah, I can't afford Spray Paint, so I just do normal undercoat brushing which is probably why it's so thick. And I am the worlds worst at leaving things alone, if something looks good I overdo it to the extent it looks naff. I guess I need to work on my tolerance, lol.

Primer makes a huge difference when your working on converted models. It helps smooth out a lot of the rough stuff so when you apply the first coat of paint it goes on smooth so you don;t really need to fuss much with it. It also make your models look so much cleaner once you paint them.

I'm not sure if you have this in the UK but here in the US i use armory primer it cost less than six dollars a can and I can prime twice as many mini's with them than i could with a can of GW primer.

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i also think more female gamers should be around. but on to the topic. emma, have you added a cape to your first conversion yet?


Not yet, trying to make one with green putty, reading Tuts and having a play. I"ll do one today. Promise :)

I didn't expect so much feedback, but thanks a lot Brothers. Won't let you down. :whistling:

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