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Silvers Skulls Vow

Marius Perdo

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I feel that these will look awesome once completed. :D I was considering repainting my Raptors as Silver Skulls, and you may just have inspired me...


Is there any chance of individual shots of the fully painted marines? Also, the converted heavy flamer is made of awesome.

Dreadnought is black undercoated as are the five man assault squad.

@Mertio23: I've done some already, in my profile album. Not for the Vow but sort of finished, gives you an idea what the others should end up looking like. Sample tactical combat squad below.


@Cedric: Basically just Boltgun Metal and Badab black. The others above show what it ends up like.

@Ferrus Manus: The shoulders are the old Blood Angel honour guard/veteran shoulder pads.

@Ferrus Manus: Would be a good idea if they worked for my termies, but they don't. Going to have to freehand paint the chapter symbol for those, it will be like being 13 again when RT first came out :)


Well, librarian is built and undercoated black as I used him in a battle against orks the other day (the normal force staff/book metal miniature, he reaped a mighty tally of foul xenos including the warboss). Everything else for my Vow army is base coated Boltgun Metal at least. 01:00 here so I'll save shading them until tomorrow when there is some daylight.


I'll do a group picture then, after that it'll probably be one last update of them all finished, probably very close to the 28th as well (or too late). Probably trying to do to much as per usual :lol:


I was going to do a tutorial on the sternguard heavy flamers ages ago as Sigismund Himself asked, but if I fail my Vow I need to save that as a penitent article offering. Hedging my bets on that one, cunning eh?

@Ferrus Manus: Would be a good idea if they worked for my termies, but they don't. Going to have to freehand paint the chapter symbol for those, it will be like being 13 again when RT first came out

Surely you could make a GS stamp? I do the same for my Tabards and it comes out fine. Saves a lot of hassle to.

Right, first things first. The assault squad, dreadnought and librarian:


A group shot of the Vow lot, as well as the two tactical squads I already had done:


Basically if I do another five assault marines I'll have half a battle company, so I have (built that is, not sprayed, and NOT being added to my Vow).

I also had an accident carrying some very hot soapy water to clean something and tripped and spilt it onto my painted miniatures. No impact damage but this managed to bleach out a lot of the washes/inks and then the heat reacted with the Badab Black to make them all go filmy white like a bad varnish. My language turned the air blue, but I have managed to salvage them but the eagle eyed amongst you will notice they are darker now as I had to re-ink them and will have to highlight...again. That is the last time I do any bloody housework!

As an aside the three tacticals, librarian, terminators, and six of the sternguard are my base 1000 points. At 1250 I add the other four sternguard and the dreadnought, at 1500 I add the devastator squad. I have "spare" tactical sergeants with just bolt guns, as at this stage I'd rather use the points for a powerfist to get the librarian (you can see them stood next to the sergeants with powerfists).

Finally, nothing to do with the Vow but I did do a painted captain with powersword and plasma pistol some time ago. He could be used as counts as for Cato Sicarius but I just don't like the miniature, probably because I copied the AoBR masterclass captains skin guide, and he ended up with the skin tone of a drunk, and the fact he is an oldish metal miniature (as can be seen redoing the flesh). Going to fix that and then use him as a reserve company captain, but I decided to start building my 5th company captain from scratch.

I was going top use a spare AoBR captains sword, but it is so big it'll be better used on an honour guard as a relic blade, so I used the space wolf celtic looking one instead. Still plenty to add, such as severed heads etc. The casualty is just included as I am working on it as an objective marker.


Now for lots and lots of detail painting...sixteen days to go.

@Ferrus Manus: Possibly, but what bugs me is that everyone bar the termies has sculpted chapter symbols. However you have given me an idea. I'll try and lift a mould from the shoulder pads and then cast them in resin, tidy them up after they cure, and then glue that to the termies (worth the investment as I have 60 or so in total that'll need doing) However, for the Vow, it'll be freehand due to time constraints.


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