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Commander Skaav

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The following photos are of my completed rendition of the Iron Warriors Primarch, Perturabo in Daemon Prince form, or how I at lease imagine him to look in that form.

This project has been going since around mid Octover 2008, so has taken around 4 months to complete.

Any way, here's some images of the finished results.

Enjoy. :D :P :D






Perturabo with Space marine for size comparison*



Facial Close-up...


Close up of upper body section of model...


Detailed image of rear power pack (ala Astartes)


Detail of front left hand quarter of the base


Adeptus Mechanicus emblem


Power Claw with enfused Bolter (ala Obliterator)


Link to the original Work in Progress topic...


(*the space marine shown is/was infact the very first space Marine I painted way back in 2000, shows how far I've come in 9 years of gaming really.)

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While beautiful, there is one thing about it...


It captures the reality of his betrayel well. He is larger, stronger, and more powerful than he has ever been. But, you think he was once human...well...it kind of makes me sad.

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First of all: Pure awesomeness :tu:


Second: I think that is the most accurate representation of a daemon primach size wise I've seen.


I personaly would try and add more detail/colour to his face to create a sort of focal point for your model and so you can his face more clearly, still a fantastic model nonetheless ;) .

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oh my god

just awsome

i am stunned beyond words


a few things:

1) guard sergeant's repsonse to advancing model 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's huge it's huge it's huge, it'll destroy us we are screwed run will you still can'' [bANG] Commissar blows his head of before legging it himself :P

2) Marine Sergeant's response to advancing model 'oh this aint gonna be fun, men load the bolters we're going into hell'

3) Grey Knight Justicars' response to advancing model 'death to the demon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' blasts a psychic power and runs into him

4) The Emperors response to advancing model (once he has been revived by Russ ;)) [spalt] phychic blast of doom and Perturabo is blow apart


^_^ just some fun


Athiair :)


ps. awosme i love it

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I too (sort of) followed your WIP thread for this project. That is one terror inspiring Peturabo you have there, it might have taken 4 months to do, but the time taken has certainly paid off. A couple things though, I agree with the earlier posts about his face needing something to make it pop, but you've probably fixed this by now so it doesn't really matter. Secondly I think the cables and hoses could use a little ageing/weathering, they just look way too clean. A few washes with a black/brown combo should do the trick, make them look nice and oil/grime/ichor soaked. Aprt from those two things I really like the model, you should be incredibly proud. May he strike fear into the hearts of countless mini's for many years to come :)



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I too (sort of) followed your WIP thread for this project. That is one terror inspiring Peturabo you have there, it might have taken 4 months to do, but the time taken has certainly paid off. A couple things though, I agree with the earlier posts about his face needing something to make it pop, but you've probably fixed this by now so it doesn't really matter. Secondly I think the cables and hoses could use a little ageing/weathering, they just look way too clean. A few washes with a black/brown combo should do the trick, make them look nice and oil/grime/ichor soaked. Aprt from those two things I really like the model, you should be incredibly proud. May he strike fear into the hearts of countless mini's for many years to come ;)




Funny you should mention the wiring, the thought struck me too last night, won't be too difficult to fix. As to the skin, I have to admit I haven't gotten around to fixing it yet, but I intend to fix both sections at the same time.

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That's quite the awesomeness, congratulations!


Just one thing that lets it down IMO, is the back of the legs. I'm not sure what you've done, but it just looks like Green Stuff over the 'Grinder machinery. Possibly some armour plating to decorate it?


I'll look into the matter, although I can't make any finalised promises, so bear with me on that.





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  • 3 weeks later...
That's quite the awesomeness, congratulations!


Just one thing that lets it down IMO, is the back of the legs. I'm not sure what you've done, but it just looks like Green Stuff over the 'Grinder machinery. Possibly some armour plating to decorate it?


I'll look into the matter, although I can't make any finalised promises, so bear with me on that.








I hope to have the problem of tone and colourisation rectified soon, will post photos of soon to be 100% completed model.

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