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Few quick questions


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After playing last night a few questions came up as we were playing which we couldnt really decide upon answers for


1) First thing that came up was LoS and dreads. My enemy had a dread behind his marines and my team mate who was tau wanted to fire his broadside at it. We couldnt decide if the dread would get a cover save for being obscured by the marines as it wasnt a clear cut case like the pic of the rhino and the building in the rule book. The dread model isnt much taller than a marine, so you can hide it pretty well.


2) Second thing that came up was bikes and close combat weapons. As a captain on a bike can have a CCW/power weapon and be on a bike, does he still get the aditional attack the pistol would grant? Oh and now that i think about it, can biker sgts even have CCW's? They dont have the option to replace their pistol with a chainsword


3) After dropping my friends termie squad from 5 men to 1, and him failing his moral test we wondered if they could regroup. From what he told me, they dont have a rule like ATSKNF, so because he was below 50% he wouldnt get to? Same question for chaos marines too

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  Wonderbraa said:
After playing last night a few questions came up as we were playing which we couldnt really decide upon answers for


1) First thing that came up was LoS and dreads. My enemy had a dread behind his marines and my team mate who was tau wanted to fire his broadside at it. We couldnt decide if the dread would get a cover save for being obscured by the marines as it wasnt a clear cut case like the pic of the rhino and the building in the rule book. The dread model isnt much taller than a marine, so you can hide it pretty well.


2) Second thing that came up was bikes and close combat weapons. As a captain on a bike can have a CCW/power weapon and be on a bike, does he still get the aditional attack the pistol would grant? Oh and now that i think about it, can biker sgts even have CCW's? They dont have the option to replace their pistol with a chainsword


3) After dropping my friends termie squad from 5 men to 1, and him failing his moral test we wondered if they could regroup. From what he told me, they dont have a rule like ATSKNF, so because he was below 50% he wouldnt get to? Same question for chaos marines too

1) 50% covered gets save. Otherwise no

2) If a biker has bolt pistol and close combat weapon they get the extra attack.

3) If you don't have ATSKNF or an equivalent rule, if you drop below 50% you don't regroup. Chaos does not have ATSKNF.

Biker Sergeants can equip CCW's however they dont get an extra attack as they only come equiped with a pistol or bolter (cant remember exactly) and not a pistol/chainsword combo. You then swap the pistol for the CCW. So only 2 attacks (3 on the charge) for him.


It looks like only IC bikers can get the extra attack for 2 ccw.

  Wonderbraa said:
After playing last night a few questions came up as we were playing which we couldnt really decide upon answers for


1) First thing that came up was LoS and dreads. My enemy had a dread behind his marines and my team mate who was tau wanted to fire his broadside at it. We couldnt decide if the dread would get a cover save for being obscured by the marines as it wasnt a clear cut case like the pic of the rhino and the building in the rule book. The dread model isnt much taller than a marine, so you can hide it pretty well.


Most of the other posters have missed the obvious. If you can't really decide wether it is 50% covered or not....it gets a 5+ save.


2) Second thing that came up was bikes and close combat weapons. As a captain on a bike can have a CCW/power weapon and be on a bike, does he still get the aditional attack the pistol would grant? Oh and now that i think about it, can biker sgts even have CCW's? They dont have the option to replace their pistol with a chainsword


You no longer need a hand to control the bike. If the model carries two cc-weapons, it gets +1 attack.


3) After dropping my friends termie squad from 5 men to 1, and him failing his moral test we wondered if they could regroup. From what he told me, they dont have a rule like ATSKNF, so because he was below 50% he wouldnt get to? Same question for chaos marines too


Terminators do have ATSKNF. Don't care about chaos terminators.

50+% obscured is in cover, less than is not, debatable is 5+, like usual.


ICs, command squads, etc.. where a biker may have 2 CCWs (to get the +1 attack bonus) still get it when on the bike. "bike squad" members, inlcuding the sgt, don't have this option in their list entry.


chaos DOES NOT get ATSKNF. there may be other rules that are unit / mark specific that might have somewhat similar effects, I can't think of any offhand.


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