XI Legion Posted February 5, 2009 Share Posted February 5, 2009 So I began a painting log via adeptuswindycity.com I figured it would be worthwhile for the little extra effort to post the painting log here as well. In fact I posted this same message and painting log on CMON (coolminiornot) however even with a far greater community size I am not getting much productive feedback from the members, my brother suggested to post it here, so you all get the added benefits of a backlog of 2+weeks worth of work. In advance I will warn everybody I intend to put alot of images on here, so dial up beware. Second I apologize for the poor photo/lighting quality, something I am well aware of and plan to rectify if/when possible but for now I have to work with what I have. (this issue is already signifcantly improved but still something im working on.) On to business; seeing as Salamanders seem to be the new cool list for fifth edition, and my love for their storyline I decided to do a Salamander list. Its a work in progress and I am neither set on the list nor the paint scheme 100%. Suggestions and comments are very helpful. Salamanders Painting Log 1 http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss53/XI_Legion/kantor1.jpg [This is my 'test model' a fig I constructed back in 4th edtion. He is incomplete however he serves as my test piece as well as a stand in for Forgefather Vulcan, I am very sure when the army is nearly done or when I need a break I will create a new highly converted model in his stead.] http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss53/XI_Legion/saliprog.jpg [This is a series of panels to show the progression of how I am painting. I always begin with priming black (not shown).] Step one: Is a new test for me, instead of basecoating via hand work I am simply doing a full cover via airbrushing. I find it really effective, it took me 15 min maybe to basecoat 45+ models, not bad I must say (Basecoat color is Knarloc green). Step 2: Is a little out of order, I decided to go back over the shoulder pads with black, this step was done out of sheer boredom but shouldnt be a problem seeing as the shoulderpads will be one of the last pieces to work on. Step 3: Is to use a 50/50 knarloc green/scorpion green followed by a straight scorpion green for better transition. (you do not see the highlighting on the helmet/bolter due to the fact those will be painted a different color.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who might be interested my list is already compiled, and I have playtested a bit already. That doesnt mean it wont change but so far it has worked out rather well. Salamanders - 1850 Pts. Model count - [55/56] W/L/D - 0/0/2 HQ (1) Forgefather Vulcan - 190 Troop (4) [10] Tactical Squad (Flamer/Multimelta)- 170 [10] Tactical Squad (Flamer/Multimelta)- 170 [10] Tactical Squad (Flamer/Multimelta)- 170 [10] Tactical Squad (Flamer/Multimelta)- 170 Elite (3) Ironclad Dreadnought -135 Techmarine (combi-melta) -60 [5] Terminator Squad (T Hammer/T Sheild) -200 -Land Raider Reedemer (dedicated transport w/multimelta) -250 Heavy (2) [5] Devastator Squad (x4 Heavy bolter) -150 Vindicator -115 -Brother Sergeant Chronus -70 My obsevations from the few games I have already played, Land raiders are worth their weight in gold in this edition. Also the Terminators are amazing as well. With that unit I took out 1 hive tyrant and 4 carnifaxs and a unit of genestealers as well, not bad for 200 points. The 'wiggle' room I see in the list are the techmarine/sergeant chronus which will free up 130 points, I like the way it works now, and its rather fluffy list (with the exception of chronus.) In both games I played, (very good players) we ended up drawing, I had destroyed all of their troop choices and they managed to contest my scoring squads. Very well played on everybodys part, looking forward to getting more action with this list. <<< Also i have joined a local 40k League, had to par list down to 1500 pts, lost dev squad, 1 tac squad, and techmarine but got a 6th termi, 1 win against an Eldar player, controlled both victory points in the end. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Terminators are near and dear to my heart, i came up with this paint scheme for my XI Legion, The Angels of Ash. It is still an ongoing project for me, however 5th edition kinda killed the coolness behind using individualized rules ie the 'make your own chapter rules.' In any case these were done for a gladiator tourney last year at adepticon, but a squad is being changed/finished for my salamanders. http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss53/XI_Legion/terminator1.jpg Again sorry about the picture/lighting quality, I hope to get better ones up. I will be showing paint progress on one of these bad boys in the future to finish my squad and to help anyone who is interested. Paint process is: 1. Prime black 2. Custom basecoat (Cranberry) 70% red gore/30% chaos black. [should be very dark, nearly black] 3. Freehand the lava stripes in progressively thinner strokes on top of one another, letting just the edge visible from the layer beneath. A.) Red Gore B.) Blood Red C.) Fiery Oragne D.) 50/50 Fiery Orange/Sunbursust Yellow E.) Sunburst Yellow F.) 50/50 Sunburst Yellow/Skull White 4. Fiery Orange basecoat for the Face. 5. Layer skull white over the top of the face 6. All red details are/will be (wires) red gore w/ blood red highlight followed by black ink wash. 7. Metals are/will be tin bitz with drybrush boltgun followed by black ink wash. 8. Shields will be Dwarf Bronze, Gold, Shining Gold highlight with a flesh wash. (base is green stuffed, painted same fashion as lava striping above.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss53/XI_Legion/saliprog2.jpg 1. You see the scorpion green highlight given to several parts of the model, before the highlight on all the green was the 50/50. 2. You see a model with the custom Ink wash. 50/40/10 Gryphonne sepia/Devlan Mud/ Thraka Green. (you can see the differnence from the weapon, not washed, to the legs which are washed.) 3. Black out details (weapon, binding around joints as well as intake/vents on backpack.) http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss53/XI_Legion/saliprog3.jpg 1. Shows Tin bitz applied to all future metal locations. 2. Light drybrushing of boltgun metal (caution is advised, dont want to mess up the green at this point). 3. Black inkwash is applied to dull the metals down. (notice even at this stage some metals are not washed/drybrushed because they will be gold instead of silver, additionally the melta/flamers are still exposing some tin bitz at the end for effect.) http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss53/XI_Legion/saliprog4.jpg 1. Rotting Flesh is the basecoat for all white, it still has a green ting to it thus fits with the models very nicely. 2. 50/50 rotting flesh/skull white layer is applied over all the white to brighten it a bit. 3. Instead of continuing with the white macharius orange is applied as a base because some of the areas (like the kneepads) share common places and will get the same color of wash. [by the way for those of you who are following or interested, each 'Panel' (or 3 images) takes approxiately 1-2 hours to complete for a 10 man squad. Each step varies in the length of time it takes but working on multiple minis at the same time makes things much faster, because by the time your done with the 10th figure you can start painting the first one again.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss53/XI_Legion/saliprog5.jpg 1. This panel shows the highlight of the exposed tin bitz using Burnished Gold, the details that get this include sensors, skulls and chest armor. 2. Next is the final layer of orange, Fiery Orange directly applied over the basecoat. This is done to brighten the orange up because it looks a little too drab and even with 'foundation' paints some lingering green pigment still shows. 3. Another final layer for the White, this time using straight Skull white. (a tip for anyone layering up to white, make sure your water is clean...and residual paint will taint your color.) I will have new panels up sometime this weekend, next steps include: washing the orange/white/gold, Black out again, and basecoating/highlight/washing the reds, after that its basing time and freehanding on shoulderpads, possibly some detailing like battle damage and squad 1 is done! I am still looking for opinions/ideas for chapter symbols, also I would like to know what you all would like me to take on as my next part of this paint log? Look at army list above for more details, however a short dirty list includes: Land raider Redeemer Ironclad Dreadnought Ind. Characters (sergeant chronus/techmarine and Vulcan) Show how to paint termis as previewed Vindicator <<< This brings you all upto date for what i posted on other forums, the last series of panels seems to be little improvement, but for subsequent steps they are vitally important! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/159620-salamander-paint-log/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
XI Legion Posted February 6, 2009 Author Share Posted February 6, 2009 Im curious if this paint log should be in works in progress section? If so, can an admin move this thread to there? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/159620-salamander-paint-log/#findComment-1872880 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ompfris Posted February 7, 2009 Share Posted February 7, 2009 Nah, I think it should be here - I was looking for a 'how to paint' didnt want my Sally looking like a Dark Angel! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/159620-salamander-paint-log/#findComment-1873408 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XI Legion Posted February 7, 2009 Author Share Posted February 7, 2009 hehe, do u think these look decidedly Dark Angelish looking? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/159620-salamander-paint-log/#findComment-1873474 Share on other sites More sharing options...
XI Legion Posted February 7, 2009 Author Share Posted February 7, 2009 I decided to knock out the new panel early this weekend (before I go to sleep actually) so that way im ahead of schedule: http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss53/XI_Legion/saliprog6.jpg 1. This step shows a very thin wash of Gryphonne Sepia wash over all the exposed oranges and whites. This is done to tint the oranges and whites to a color consistant with the greens seeing as the GS was part of the Ink wash done over the green. Typically the new ink washs I do not water down, but for this step I did water down 50% because I wanted just a Tint and not a true ink wash. 2. Next we see the Mechrite red foundation paint coating all future reds. This step is border-line detail work, because red is really only applied to: small cables, jewled ares (sensors), and in the case of the devestator larger cabling. 3. Last I have highlighted the mechrite red with Blood red, you do not need to completely coat the mechrite red, although it has a more pink tone to it with the simple highlight strokes your eye is fooled into thinking it is very bright. Once the black inkwash is applied you will see much gradiation for little work. (At this point I am very near to completion before any 'extra' detail work goes in. Really all I have left is the basing, which should be a single panel, as well as a second stage of black out and an ink wash for the reds.) I may not cover "Jeweling" in this log nor freehanding the symbols...but time will tell. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/159620-salamander-paint-log/#findComment-1873540 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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