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The Knights Seraphim WIP

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I've just barely started painting my DIY chapter, and haven't quite settled on the paint scheme, but here's what I've built so far

Kamriel, Captain of the 6th, Master of the Recruits. (and Yorrik)

http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6829/dscn0280pw1.th.jpg http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/3253/dscn0281ku6.th.jpg

As most will notice this is the black reach captain with some slight modifications, as far as the servo skull I wasn't sure what to do with the fist, cause it looked like it was needing something, and then I thought I'd have Kamriel do a Hamlet impersonation (thus Yorrik the servoskull).

I'm thinking about naming one of the scout sergeants Yorrik V (cause this Yorrik has a IV... yea)

I'm not terribly happy with the way the hood looks in the picture, I seem to remember doing a much better job at 6am, but then again, I could be wrong.


Librarian Antioches


This is my librarian, he's got a book, and the holy hand grenade of antioch

He's awesome.


Shr- er... Tyriel, Captain of the 1st.



Standard shrike model with Brettonian peggy wings.


Other various marines

http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/3613/dscn0290hq8.th.jpg http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3164/dscn0291sp1.th.jpg http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/1089/dscn0288hg2.th.jpg http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/1277/dscn0287bs1.th.jpg http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/4651/dscn0285mn3.th.jpg http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/2474/dscn0276qg4.th.jpg http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/9325/dscn0275vq5.th.jpg http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/8500/dscn0274ki4.th.jpg


Questions, Comments, And Criticisms are greatly appreciated.

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And now, I present the Master of the Knights Seraphim

http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/6317/dscn0293mw2.th.jpg http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/5865/dscn0296ui8.th.jpg

My GS foo, it grows stronger...

The folks over at CN got the first look cause I've still got OVER NINE THOUSAND points of vampires to paint yet... and no paints to do it with.

I'll probably be picking some up this weekend however, and trying to pull a buddy of mine back into 40k to resurrect his marine force.

As of right now the scheme will be white armor with gold on the shoulder trim, the lower arm (stopping at the wrist) and on the legs from the knee down. I'm not sure what color I'm going to paint the cloaks yet, because white on white doesn't seem like it'd work too well, but possibly a light brown, or maybe a color that will pop a bit more, like a deep red.

As far as the model itself, The plans are to paint the GS on the relicblade as well as the GS coming out of his eyes like flames. His cape will end up a different color than his robes because I want to be clear that they're distinctly different pieces.

  • 3 months later...

Alright, updates:

Dropped out of the call as I won't have the time for it anymore.

I'm currently working towards the goal of having a couple Apocalypse formations, specifically the Masters of the Chapter and a full Battle Company.


Meet Captain Doublefist, appropriately named as his purpose is to kill anything I feel is big and nasty, and when paired up with shrike he's certain to get to them


As most of you can probably tell, this is a slightly converted assault on black reach captain, he's got the powerfists from a black reach terminator as well as an assault marine.


Next up is my counts as vulkan, I'm pretty happy with him, but apparently he's neither a captain nor a chapter master, so I don't think he counts towards my masters of the chapter formation, but awesome regardless.

http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/1664/dscn0448p.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2146/dscn0449.jpg

his arms are both from the new chaos knights box, I got it as a gift and didn't know what to do with them as I don't play warriors of chaos, so I figured I'd make one a spear of vulkan, the other's will be going to the next set of assault marines I get to make vanguard veterans with power weapons/relic blades.


This will be my counts as Khan, and will be a part of my masters of the chapter formation for his hit and run and furious charge abilities



like Vulkan he's just another kitbash


My *ahem* tentative chapter master, he's equiped like I want him to be, relic blade and stormshield, however I'm likely to switch out the head for something else.



His Honour Guard, currently five strong

http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/6083/dscn0466.jpg http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/2017/dscn0465v.jpg http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/2559/dscn0464.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/3542/dscn0463.jpg http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4443/dscn0461.jpg

These are a kitbash of the dark angels veterans and any sword I could get my hands on, including the sword from the empire wizards sprue, command squad, captain, assault marines, etc... the flagpole is a spear from the chaos knights box.


my command squad, with the emperor's champion serving as my company champion

http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8645/dscn0451.jpg http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/402/dscn0452.jpg http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/574/dscn0453.jpg

apparently I didn't think the two random schlubs were important enough to take pictures of, but they each are holding two chainswords, nothing else special about 'em.


oh, yea, and my librarian/counts as tigurias


the sword was cut from the dark angel veteran's terminator sword arm, his hood is a cut up studded shoulder pad... and his book is not pictured... but it's from the empire flagellant's sprue.


updates of squads later

Got to building a while back because after looking at the master of the forge I realized he's a beast, 2 attacks base, 2 servo arms, and the attack from the pistol. In addition his fortify defenses seems to have a good synergy with scouts, correct me if i'm wrong but as long as they're using the fortified ruin for cover they'd get a 2+ cover save, for very very safe snipers.

Anyways, without further delay, I introduce Bonetti, Master of the Forge

http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/6953/dscn0488c.jpg http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/2909/dscn0487.jpg

"I thought it only fitting, given the rocky terrain"

I spy a Gundam's foot!!!

Creative, indeed.

Oh ho ho, impressive shadowfire! Yes, I had gotten into the modeling hobby when I was much younger and gundam was my first thing to latch onto, and I lost an entire sprue from that particular model during a move but kept the pieces encase I ever needed them for something else... and then I decided that the skeleton bits from the master grade gundam models would make good servo-arms. I'm not exactly sure which model it came from, but I used the arch of the foot as the backpack itself and then cut down limbs so I could put those on the sides.

The backpack flamers where inspired by a sisters of battle counts as vulkan I saw a while back that had one flamer over the shoulder... so I stole the idea and made them twin-linked like (iirc) they should be when Vulkan's chapter traits are used.

I've got troops, actually, there's just nothing interesting about them right now, I've got some pics of them up in the call thread, I just haven't moved them over quite yet.

  • 1 month later...

Much has changed since my last update, codex being one of them. I've decided that I'm no longer doing a lost chapter, instead I'm doing a Blood Angels successor. Most everything that I've posted so far has been taken apart, stripped with simple green, isopropyl alcohol, and a now very sad looking toothbrush.

and now that I have a camera again, I can show what I've been working on...


My new Chapter Master: Count Sasdante


and... his back

Some Sergeants

http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/460/dscn0516mca.jpg http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/9807/dscn0515g.jpg http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/8866/dscn0520u.jpg http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/1699/dscn0523g.jpg

One member of my DC, he's since been put on my other pair of kneeling legs, so he looks like he's doing iaido... albeit from the wrong side... but we of the Knights Seraphim embrace our left handed brothers!


My Librarian, Count Sasmephisto, he has a twin, Count Sastigurius


a little cutting work done on an AoBR marine.

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I've started prioritizing my units to paint and I'm going to start with the units I actually field on a regular basis, which means 2 devestator squads, 2 tactical squads, 2 assault squads, and then dante.

I've made significant progress on the first Tac Squad


The red was done with mechrite red over the black primer -> Red Gore -> Devlin mud in the places I wanted darker -> Red Gore to clean up the edges

Gold is Tin bitz ->Drybrush of shining gold -> line highlight of shining gold

Eyes are goblin green washed devlin mud and then goblin green again


Close up of the heavy bolter



This guy'll double as a tactical sergeant as well as a counts as Pedro, I scratched the previous one



Progress on Dante: painted, washed, and drybrushed the wings. basecoated the tabard and cape



Also: resized the pictures for faster loading from now on.

C&C are welcome and probably needed, as my only previous painting has been quick and dirty skeleton VC.


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