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WIP Legions of Chaos (artwork)


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partly created this out of motivation to stay in the hobby, and i guess also as a way to flex my mind in the event that i return to chaos


as it is, over the past few months i haven't been as actively interested in 40k i have been in the past. While i haven't really modeled much (aside from a perpetual WIP Abbadabbadon) i've been sketching. A Lot. and recently i finally purchased a tablet ( now i wish i had more more money as i'd like to contribute to the site).


so i've been trying to re-invent some of the standard chaos legions, to better portray them as they are hinted at being in fluff, but rather than how they keep getting represented in most modern artwork and models.


the first one is a possessed black legionnaire (as was the original thread title)

i tried to go for sinister without all those darn arrows or blatant mutations, as Black Legion are supposed to be the baddest of the bad, but in recent years they just feel like dark smurfs.


so this is a WIP possessed legionnaire


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Too True about the dark UM's comment. Although they fill the same roles at opposite ends of the spectrum I have always felt like Chaos Marines should be Viking in nature. Not name or theme, but the idea. Your life has been ruined, so in return you want to burn the galaxy down. Your pic captures that right on. He isnt "Imperial+Spikes" he is dark and sinister like Frank Frazetta's(sp?) Death Dealer.

thanks, yeah he does kinda have the Death Dealer feel


I made a few refinements to the feet and axe details, though i'm not sure what to do with the arms?

i had considered bound in chains, but the glow was a bit much, and plain ones just created this confusing grey area or making it too busy. though to be honest i kind of like the ether-floating hands.



i had considered bare arms, but it was kind of contrary to the rest of the figure and color scheme, who is mostly shadowy-chain bound armor.


though i tried the tattoos which fit with the glowi8ng ruins all over, and ran them in such a way that they hint at musculature, adding a few shadows on the one arm to shape it..




edit: i need to fix his left arm with under the shoulder pad area



also: i might change the title of this thread to be an ongoing "log-o-chaos [artwork]", i think i might try each of the legions. the next one either being Night Lords or possibly Word Bearers...

in the meantime...


he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake...


hmm, I need to take ‘jolliness’ out of right face, and add a spacial context, deeper darkness, or perhaps some rear-lit objects to add atmosphere, like a room…had a surrealist moment tonight when the lights burned out while making this..



He looks suitably sinister. I like the way you have just used runes for his arms.

I agree about the jolliness in the Night Lords. They look like they are laughing and saying "you should have seen your face when we jumped out" :lol:

My bad jokes aside though these are fanstastic!

Cant wait to see more.



  • 4 weeks later...

ok it's been awhile:




first of many planned ongoing character study of iron warriors. i'll post some notes later on as i go, covering the various observed personality traits of Iron Warriors, from the conservative siege masters, to the wacky cult units, as well as the aspiring warsmiths.


the guy he's clutching might either be a captured guardsmen, or possibly the disciplining of disobedient serf-soldier

ok it's been awhile:




first of many planned ongoing character study of iron warriors. i'll post some notes later on as i go, covering the various observed personality traits of Iron Warriors, from the conservative siege masters, to the wacky cult units, as well as the aspiring warsmiths.


the guy he's clutching might either be a captured guardsmen, or possibly the disciplining of disobedient serf-soldier


From the name of the file, I thought it would be an Iron Warrior "repossessing" someone's bionics. Maybe it's a dead guardsman, and the Warrior is stealing his powerfist or bionic arm for parts?

more refinement




i was stuck for what i wanted to do with the guys head, either slumped down, almost deadlike, or back and face in agony.


now i think i'll simply remove it, with bloodied stump of a neck and blood staining the tattered and soon muddied uniform of his arm. i'll sample some of the yellows from the guys shoulder pad to use on the IW heraldry as it is a bit bright at the moment; and then remove the slaves shoulder pad, as it's too much armor for a slave.


i was thinking of a more organic, mandible jaw (like predator) for the servo arm, and to have the man's severed head clutched within.

gruesome i know, but in the grim dark future there is only - BLOOD For The BLOOD GOD!


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