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WIP Chaos Renagade Chapter - Scions Of Horus


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Hello everyone!


I'm new to B&C, i am not new to 40K or Fantasy however. I have just completed a 2 and half year break from GW games due to lack of funds/important exams. I have space wolf and eldar armies for 40K and skaven for fantasy.


I have finally come to the decision to do a Chaos Undivided Army of my own chapter.


I have bought the chaos codex and a box of 5 Chaos Marines, just to experiment with my paints to find a nice colour scheme. I will post pics of these when done.


so while im waiting impatiently for the 5 csm to arrive (something to do with it being the weekend...all excuses! :P) aswell as the codex. Il let u kno the theme of my army...SPEEDYNESS


im gonna have a highly mobile army with all squads in rhinos. Then some bikes and raptors. Also, wil probs have a dreadnougt and obliterators for good measure.


So im thinking of converting some normal csm bikes into hover bikes i saw on some site i cant remember. They will have the fronts of the dark eldar bikes and also the wings which stick out sideways at the back of the dark eldar bike. Pics of these extra parts are attched just to make it clearer.


Please comment on theme of army and conversion idea.





using eldar jetbike parts will give them a slaaneshi feel, which can be cool.

but given that you want a undivided army, maybe a different approach?


i've seen some people use the backend of necron destroyers, 2 stuck together as front end of a ork hoover bike.

that might be a nice touch, with plenty of chaos trim and chains you can make it look really rugged.

just an idea though.


do you have a color scheme in mind?

most undivided armies i see usually tend to the black or dark blues


looking forward too seeing pics.

that sounds pretty sweet actually, ill do a bit of research into it...


On the colour scheme front based on a normal csm model, the main armour wll be black but ill highlight it with succesive layers of hawk turqoise staring with a darker tone of it towards the middle and finishing with the turquoise mixed with white for the very edges. Then for the ridges ont e edge of the armou plates, I will paint these either white or silver.


Wat do pp think of colour scheme?



Thanks everyone for replies, but could be bout a week before i put any pics up as the models and codex will be comin 2moro but im in B'ham for a few days at the uni open day so no modelling or painting will be done till thursday! <_<


Wat do ppl think of the colour scheme?





Well as I STILL have not recieved any of models (God damn Royal Mail!) i'v decided to show you the proposed colour scheme on one of my many spare SM's. Just Picture the colour scheme on a much more spiky model and you'll get the idea. :D




I know its a tad blurry, but u get the general idea! ;)


Tell me what you think.





spikes sticking out of the wheels, like such




i know the pictures from top gear, but the ideas the same


ahhh ok, i got ya. Sounds gd, i probs will do that.


any comments on colour scheme/general chaos-ness?



most undivided base colours are black, but i personally like silvers, thats why my Astral Dragons are silver. boltgun metal maybe? the others colours are just you personally, you don't even have to use what i've said.
most undivided base colours are black,


Yes, i had this in midn when devising me colour scheme. So In a way my army is black legion variant. Wha do people think of the turquoise? Does it go well with the white? And also what do ppl think of the bases?





Also, iv bin exprementing with bases for my army and made this one:




Tell me what u think!




I really like the base. :D Could you please tell me how you made the base?

Cheers Uprising! It was really easy actually.


-For the stone, I just used some of the gravel you can buy at GW. Then Painted it Chaos Black followed by Skull Whiter mixed with abit of Black (Yes i had no grey) and drybrushed it with this new mixture. Then I dry brushed it even more lightly with more white added tot he mix.


-For the lava, I began with a basecoat of Blazing Orange followed by a thinner layer of Yellow mixed with the Orange fllowed by pure Yellow and finally added abit of White to the very middle for the hottest parts.


Hope this helps!



Right bin a while since I'v posted anythin new so here some fluff:


I'm doing a Black Legion renegade chapter called the Scions of Horus.


Basically when Abaddon created the Black Legion, he tried to cut off all ties to the old Warmaster, Horus. My army is based on a portion of the black legion who have separated themselves form the main army in a bid to devote themselves to the old ways of Horus. Thus in smaller point games (1000-1500) my army will be quite fast and mobile showing the fact of limited resources due to not many CSM initially separating them selves from the main army. So intially my army will be made only of CSM, bikes and raptors. Then as the army grows (indicating more CSM becoming 'traitors') they will have access to the more heavier units (Obliterators, Havocs, etc).


Alot of credit should be given to mingun762 for helpfing me with this fluff.


What do people think?


Also, pics of my first assembled CSM will be coming up shortly!



Right heres some pics of my first assembled CSM's:
















Comments would be most welcome :D



the idea for the fluff is good and has inspired me to, well, copy you. (i hope "my" idea is original to make luna wolves after heresy, using the same sortof fluf as you)


Forget the Lunar Wolves! Im waiting for some progress on your jetbike chapter! :P









Comments (the good and the bad) are most welcome!




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