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Eagle Warriors Chapter Master Ignacio Aleron

Pig Of Sparta

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Greetings Brothers! Finally he is (99.9%) done. The only thing missing is the script from the two scrolls on the right hand side of the mini, but they're so thin that I can't think of what to put on them just now. I tried going for just squiggly lines but it look really really poor, so for now they can just stay blank, maybe we can say he's having his honourifics updated or something like that :). Enough waffle, I'll let the photos do some talking:


front view:



left side:



right side:



back view:



Chapter Master:



Comments and Critiscism most welcome, I'm off for a well earned cup of tea B)



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Thanks for all the comments guys, I'm really happy with the way the mini's come out although, as with every project, there are things I would like to improve.


@Vissah: I'm quite chuffed with his face, I wanted him to have an icy cool 'unfaze-able'' look. Him and his big axe don't care who or what you are, you're going down, hard. Although it could have been better, (I used a combination of both painting guides from White Dwarf to paint the head) I think it's the best flesh tone I've done yet :)


@mithrilforge: It's not the lighting I'm afraid, he really does have very prominant cheek bones due to the deep shading. Faces are something I've never got quite right before, and as you can see I still have more to learn. I think he'd have benefited from another flesh tone layer, but hey, there's always the next one :D


@Terminatorinhell: As I said above the gauntness is mostly due to my heavyhanded shading, but I think it does lend him a look of 'I've spent hundreds of years serving in the name of the Emperor and I'm not done yet'.


@Ompfris: Me, smug? maybe a little ;). Him, without a doubt. Well maybe it's more like supreme confidence. If I had a whole chapter of the Emperor's finest at my command and a huge blessed axe in my hand, I think I'd look like him too... Don't worry the next projects are already underway and I'll be posting them in the WIP soon.


@Von Richthofen: Thanks, it was one of those flashes of inspiration that come from seeing things lying next to each other :D. I thought an axe would be quite cool too as most relic blades seem to be swords apart from the ones on the Ultramarine Honour Guards.

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The only thing missing is the script from the two scrolls on the right hand side of the mini, but they're so thin that I can't think of what to put on them just now.
You could write his name on one of them (just "Ignacio" or "Aleron", I'm not clear on the codex rules for names :) Last name for chapter masters, I think?).


I'd suggest chapter name for the other one, but "Eagle Warriors" is way too long maybe.

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@Race Bannon: feel free to use the idea ;). I look forward to seeing what you do with it...


@teh_perfesser: I think I'll give that a try, maybe his name on the large scroll and some well painted squiggly lines on the smaller one would work, thanks for the idea ;)


@Grand Master SFDRF: Thanks, one of the reasons I went for the blue/white scheme of the Eagle Warriors was that on this mini there's only a few areas where the two colours meet that are visible, making it quite easy to get right. If you look closely at the backpack though you'll see it is a little wonky. The head is from one of the other masters of the chapter I think it's the master of the fleet's head.

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