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Apocalypse Lords - 2009 Hard Bodies Tour


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Wow, it's been awhile...


Ok, here's the deal. I am in the LPC and I have been working diligently, but I just haven't had the time to post. My plan was to build my Landraiders in January and paint them in February.


I am happy to say that I am on schedule and things are looking pretty good for completing by the due date.


So, my challenge was to build and paint two Landraider Crusaders and one standard Landraider.


The grey stage





Note: Proof that I do share my hobby table with my sons as evidenced by my youngests' "skirmishing" Deff coptas. I told my son if his minions couldn't behave themselves, I would put Chronos in one of the Landraiders and blow them off the table for good. Orks are such obnoxious hobbyists. :lol:


I spent a long time looking at the LRC gun assemblies and as much as I dislike post-painting construction, I pretty much came to the conclusion that painting the gun assemblies separately and then putting them together is the best way to go. I did the same thing for the standard Landraider lascannon assemblies.


To facilitate this part of the project, I actually glued the pieces to some cardboard with that Elmer's Childrens "Blue" glue. It attaches pieces to things nicely, peels off and doesn't leave a residue.





For those of you with keen eyes, the silver objects are Epic scale Vindicators. I am adding a formation of them to my Epic Apocalypse Lords and will post a pic next to their big brothers when they are completed.




Now at this point I began to experience the conflict that comes with building Landraiders. You know, "Do you put the guns in the front or the back?" I debated this situation internally for quite awhile because I see the issue coming down to a couple of things:


1. I think the guns in the back spot look better


2. From a gaming perspective, the guns really ought to go in the front spot


So what is a person to do? "Cool" or "Rule"?


I decided to go with "Cool". I figured that if I really lost a game because of three inches on my Landraiders, I'm not going to blame it on them. Besides, I'd be looking at them a lot more than anyone else, so I also wanted the visual aspect of my army to side with "Coolness".


...also I sincerely doubt that I'll try to save a conversation that ends with me saying, "Yeah, I'm a geek, but look at how cool my army looks".


Resume normal programming


Chassis completed



...and now, post basecoat





...and now, some metallics




Detailing should start this week...


The reason my topic is titled so, is that this year I am going to explore mechanization for my forces. I got some good deals on eBay in December and now have lined up on the project roster in no particular order (because it will change):


Landraider Ares

3 x Whirlwinds

4 or 5 Rhinos/Razorbacks (maybe turn one Rhino into a Damocles)

The continued threat of my Space Marine Landing Craft


and those projects will complement:


1 x Death Watch squad (to be played as Sternguard or as DW)

1 x Legion of the Damned

1-2 Exorcists squads, probably terminators, using GK rules

3-4 tactical squads


Also, my oldest son (Son_of_Honda) really surprised me with a FW Chaplain Dread for Christmas. I plan on going to town on it and use it as an Ironclad dread. I've got some magnets for the arms, so it will be able to field multiple weapons, but I'm also very excited about it as it is a beautiful model.


Also I think I'm going to open one thread and just keep appending to it as projects kick off and work their way to completion. It will be easier for me to keep track of what is going on and make sure that all the vehicles remain consistent.


Anyway, C&C greatly appreciated as always,



Looking good - I think we have found Arkhan Land's missing vehicle - the Raider with the grav-plate! :lol:


Hope the spray didn't stick the tracks to it; that's happened to me and it took an hour with craft knife and water to scrape it off.

If you haven't already primed the other landraiders I would suggest putting the sponsons in place with blue tack, or even white glue. They already are difficult to mount as the fit isn't very good, and once the contact area is painted it may be very hard to get them to stay in place. If the sponson is in place temporarily then the primer won't cover the inner contact area of the doors.


That or scrape down the paint on the contact area before you glue it.


Looks good so far, I just started on my own project of 3 raiders, the building phase is always so boring and the model parts never fit quite right.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, closing in on the goal line. So far, so good. I've got 90% of the vehicles done and it appears that the last 10% of this task is going to take 90% of my remaining time. :)


Anyway, they seem to be coming together fairly well. I am now in the heavy detailing phase, which is turning out to be very time consuming, but I think will be worth it in the end.


I kid you not, I spent 75 minutes this morning doing script on the purity seals and getting the book to look decent. ;)


So, here are a bunch of in progress shots. Some will notice that the black on the weapons sponsons is different than the black on the rest of the tank. That is something that I didn't notice until I took the photos, but my Black/Scorched Brown wash that I put on black surfaces didn't make it on yet. I will get to that before I am done.


The Book (a cookie to the first person who figures out what's wrong with this picture) :)



Figured it out or do you need a closer look?



Landraider Veritas



Landraider Vigilins






Landraider Fidelis



Some purity seals




Where you now see Dark Angels Green will eventually become Bronze. Lots of other stuff is just base or just a couple of coats. Eventually, the shield on Veritas will bear the Omega symbol of my chapter.


Hopefully, the next time I check in, it will be in the Hall of Honor. All C&C welcome!



(a cookie to the first person who figures out what's wrong with this picture)


A slip with the bolter drill? :pinch: been there.. done that :P just dont try and make it bigger!


the raider's look fantastic! cool Chapter too :D

Beaten to it, and I really wanted that cookie... ;)


I have to say the raiders are looking good so far. The 75 minutes spent on the script for the book and the seals was 75 minutes well spent.


How do you do your metals? I love the way the tracks look.

No cookie yet. Perhaps we need to bring in someone who has constructed a Landraider...


The good news is that if it isn't that obvious, then the distraction is working... ;)


How do you do your metals? I love the way the tracks look.


I'm glad you like them. I wanted them to look different than all the other metals, so they ended up with this treatment:


1. Basecoat black


2. Then Scorched Brown


3. Dry brush Boltgun metal


4. Wash with Ogryn Flesh


5. Mix Black Ink +Vermin Brown


Thanx for the feedback...

Is the problem That the lower skulls(the one with the cross beneath them) aren't inline and the stick/pole type thing above them aren't sposed to be there, excuse me if i'm way off because i don't have a LR to hand. Can i have that cookie?

Wow. I can't believe no one's got it yet.

*puts on his "been in this hobby for way too long" hat*

You put the top door on upside-down.


I've only built 2 Land Raiders and still I know every inch of those monsters by heart ;)

The winnah is...The Emperor's Champion!!!






So the real story is that I was putting the chassis's together and not really paying attention to the front and when I stopped to look at them, one looked a little funny. So I sat there and looked through the instructions, looked at the LRCs and then finally clued into the fact that I had put the top door on upside down.


So just remember kids, anyone can do this, even someone who's been modeling since he was 9 (i.e. several decades). ;)

<both arms up> YESSSSSSS!!!!


Ok, so I am a happy guy. I completed my Librarium Painting Challenge...and now I have three decent looking Landraiders with which to smite the enemy's of our most holy Emperor. Life is good. B)


I am going to try to get over to my local GW store so I can get some better shots for Hall of Honor, but for now, this will do.


C & C greatly appreciated!




Team shot



Individual vehicles








Detail shots








Confounded, Emperor damned, son of a... 3 Land Raiders? In *checks dates and calenders* 14 DAYS!?!


And they look beautiful too. *Stares forlornly at the nearly done Blood Claw Bikers.* Seriously dude, I doff my cap to you. They're weathered, detailed, picked over finely... Took me a month to do one. Admittedly it was a FW Prometheous with gubbins, but still. I need more painting time. And it's good to see another discover the joys of mechanisation - when in doubt, hurl tanks at the enemy (not literally, obviously. That would be silly)


Only one criticism. Where is the Space Marine Puppet theatre?

Well...it does help that the base color is black. Also, it took a month to put them together, I just didn't post until I was ready to paint. So, to be accurate, it's been about 45 days or so.


Also, my normal time to paint is 0400 hours and I moved my work outs to after work so that I could consistently get 4-5 painting sessions each week.


Anyway, I'm glad you like them. They do seem to look pretty good. I'm hoping that once I get them to some decent terrain my photography skills won't hide what they really look like.



So here are my new vindicators. I like how they went together and I am painting them along the same lines as my Landraiders...







Oh, wait...here comes Big Brother...




And finally, at long last, a new Space Marine Puppet Theatre


  • 4 weeks later...

Well after my little side project (i.e. Joker psyker), it's time to get back to work on the "tour". So, the next project on the table is my chappie dread. Since this is my sixth and probably the last dread that I build (unless a BT version makes its way to me...sigh), I wanted to give him a lot of options and capabilities.


So that meant using magnets on his arms so I could give him multiple weapons. This is my first time using magnets and it seemed rather fiddly until I got into it, but really wasn't that bad.


So, here are the weapon arms...




...and mit der magnets



What I ended up doing is gluing a larger magnet to the body, then sticking a smaller magnet to it. Then I carved out a hole for some putty, placed putty, then stuck it up against the magnet until it looked right and "Wallah!", I have a fitted and magnetized arm. If you do try this yourself, make sure you keep the large magnet moistened with water so that everything doesn't stick together. Ask me how I know that. ;)


Here's the dread body on it's base






Since I will be fielding him primarily as an Ironclad dread, he'll be wearing the two DCCWs (one will be a siegehammer counts as) and two heavy flamers which you should be able to see just under his wings.


I will be basecoating him today and painting will begin next week. In my chapter, chaplains (who are the only leaders) adopt one of three colors (red, white, gold) that correspond to one of the three head chaplains (i.e. the Triarchs). In this case, he will be wearing red armor similar to this:





I think the red armor framed by bronze wings will look very distinctive. Hopefully, by the time I am done, it will look good as well.


C&C greatly appreciated!


And last, but not least, a new Space Marine Puppet Theatre...






Oh ... wow I just took another look at the vindies and those 4 are epic scale? Dang, how hard were they to paint and they looks so small next to an 40k scale vidicator O.o


Actually, if you keep in mind that most people looking at them don't have the eyes to really see detail :lol: and they aren't that hard. Epic paints pretty fast and it's a great game.




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