madtroll Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 The Exorcist tank to me is one of those on/off units. You either completely demolish your opponent with it and have him screaming and bitching about how it's overpowered or it sits there the whole game and doesn't do a damn thing. A couple weeks ago, during a campaign game, I played my buddy and his daemon hunters army. Exorcist selects a squad of Grey Knight Terminators as a target. Roll for missiles: 6 Roll 6 dice to hit: all hits Roll 6 dice to wound: all wounds He rolls 6 invulnerable saves: No saves. Killing 6 terminators in one Exorcist volley is probably one of my most memorable 40k moments. anybody else got a good one? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mosk Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 I have used the exorcist tank in 3 games so far. I am still not the biggest fan of it, as I still love rets and penitent engines. I currently only use 1 exorcist. I have played two games this year, and the first one was a 1v1v1 where the other two guys kinda gained up on me so I lost and they ended up with a draw. Last game was amazing though. Set at 1000 points I brought in one exorcist. my oppenent brought in 3 squads of marines (10 in each one had a captain HQ so 11 in that squad) a dred and 5 terminators in reserve. First turn i shot at one of the squads of marines, rolled a 6 for attack, rolled all 6 for hits, and rolled 4 for wounds. he failed all 4 wounds, then his squad failed leadership, and fled off the table. taking out an entire squad of 10 space marines (i think they had 2 rocket launchers, I dont know though as they never ended up shooting :D ) in the first turn. 2nd turn he deep striked in his termis, I tank shocked em, survived the next attack from my back side, and then turned around and took out 2 of the termis ;) Then my dominions took em out :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toogeloo Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 My greatest exorcist moment was a 1500 point game where I had 3 Exorcists, my opponent had 2 Land Raiders and a Vindicator and various other SM stuff. I won first turn and since my opponent had all of his transports out of LoS, I targeted those I could see (the three things I listed). My first Exorcist fired a salvo of 3 missles against the Vindicator, 2 hit, 1 penetrated and got a wrecked result, bye bye Vindicator. Second Exorcist shot at a Land Raider since nothing else was visible. 1 Missle this time, 1 Hit... rolled a 6 and glanced, followed by a 6 again for Wrecked result. Third Exorcist targeted the last Land Raider, pushing my luck. 5 Missles, 4 hits... 2 of which were glances, and again, another 6 for another wreck. Bottom of Turn 1, my opponent looked at his forces and realized almost half of his points were gone already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imperator Mos Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 One of mine killed a healthy Avatar in a single shooting phase. It got a brass-etch "Terminatus Daemonicus" plate applied to it's rear hatch as a result. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sister Rosette Soulknyt Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 Large 3000 point per player, i allied with my freinds army of Dark Angels, against Chaos and Orks. Round 1: my 2 excorsists killed a Bloodthirster and a defiler. Round 2 killed a greater demon again and a battle Wagon Round 3: combined 2 Excorsists to wipe out 12 hits against his Chaos Champion and termies, all up 9 Dead. Round 4: killed 4 mega nobz and a possessed Landraider. Over all they really hated them and couldnt get near enough to them to destroy them. To say i was extremely happy with myself would be understating it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cath Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 I was in a 1500 game using two Exorcists against a Tau player. now, he was Tau, so I wasn't very worried anyway, as your standard Sister will chomp down on a Tau for lunch, but the guy had stacked his Hammerheads to give me a headache as I approached his Fishes. round one: 2 shots, 2 hits, 2 pens, 2 explodes from one, the other completely missed. round two: 4 shots 3 hits 2 glance 1 pen. Weapon, Immobile, wrecked in that order. The second actually did something useful and killed the last hammerhead with triple sixes. 6 for shots 6 for hit 4 glances 2 pens. From then one they blasted apart his fishes and my Exorcists got the label 'Cheatorgans'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apogee Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 Best ever Exorcists moment was one of my first games. I was expecting to lose right off of turn one. My opponent/trainer deployed his HQ way out front - One of the Dark Angel characters, not sure which one, but he rattle off a list of accomplishments this guy had done in the past. Besting a Greater Daemon in hand-to-hand combat, prying open tanks, slaughtering infantry. He had first go, and naturally ran towards me. On my turn, I scooted out my exorcist from behind cover, landed 3 wounds on him, and that was that. Not so tough afterall. I can also say my worst moment(s) was my last couple games - One against orks, where I falied to kill more than 2 Nobs with 2 exorcsits over 4 turns of shooting. No cover saves or anything - I jsut rolled more 1's to wound than I've ever seen before. The next game against Blood Angels hinged on blowing up two Rhinos that were screening a gigantic amount of Death Guard (or whatever they are) and some Veteran Assault Marines. Both Exorcists failed to even *glance* a rhino. My sisters were promptly slaughtered :D. It's worth noting that a Chimera with a heavy bolter ended up disarming the Rhino, accomplishing more than the Exorcists managed to do all game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lordsloth Posted February 9, 2009 Share Posted February 9, 2009 1500 pt 1v1v1 game. Chaos v Necrons v Witchhunters(me, my very first match playing them) After loosing the diceoff for first and second turn (as per usual) I spent most of the game reacting to what the other guys did. There was an objective in each of our respective deployment corners and 3 objective out in the middle of the table. Half of my list got tarpitted on one objective in the middle by one squad of TSons. On the last last turn i just managed to knock them below half strength (many sisters died in the process but i had one squad of 6 out of 10 girls still on the objective while he had less than half a squad of TSons) securing that objective (as this was still the time of 4th edition) making it 2 for me, 2 for the necron guy, 1 for chaos and one uncontested. The only thing i had left was my exorcist with which i managed to kill just enough of the necron warriors in the necron table quarter to knock them below scoring. Because it was the last turn and i was the last player the necrons did not get WBB rolls and I won the match 2 to 1 to 1. (Incidentally this game also had my favourite callidus moment ever. Moving the monolith of the necron player closer to the chaos side of the table (with the callidus' 'word in your ear' ability) forced the necron player to send it that way unless he wanted to waste a turn getting back to my side. This in turn forced the chaos player to direct alot of troops that way, leaving me with only the one squad of TSons and some obliterators at long range to worry about. This, before even the first turn, is probably the move that won me that game) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
madtroll Posted February 10, 2009 Author Share Posted February 10, 2009 wow, wrecking two landraiders on turn 1 is flippin awesome. I have only succesfully wrecked a landraider one time and then my opponent made his cover save, negating my once in a lifetime double 6's. My most disappointing moment ever was 3 exorcist tanks all shooting at a solo and fleeting lysander and failing to even wound him once while he killed all three of them, one at a time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HolyCrusader Posted February 10, 2009 Share Posted February 10, 2009 Imperator Mos said: One of mine killed a healthy Avatar in a single shooting phase. It got a brass-etch "Terminatus Daemonicus" plate applied to it's rear hatch as a result. Pics???? Please... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArmouredWing Posted February 10, 2009 Share Posted February 10, 2009 For me it's got to be against nids. SoB Vs Nidzilla with both tyrants with full TG, 3 exorcists, 3 consecutive turns of consentrated fire which stripped the tyrants of their guard (and their cover save) and left them both with 1 wound which was mopped up by a couple of vets with combi stakers. The game ended a very close draw, a turn sooner I'd have won, a turn later I'd have lost but it was the firs game in my group where the nid player had been stripped of synapse. As a foot note the following game was virtually the same nid list against a hammerhead heavy tau list which failed to do in 5 turns what my exorcists did in 3 and as such if I'm playing a competative game I now always use 3 exorcists. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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