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Help with a Librarians powers

Brother Pax

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Depends what you are planning on doing with the Librarian. There aren't really any bad powers per se, it's all about application.


My personal favourites are;


Null Zone. Brilliant against Demons and a number of other specific units. Null zone is handy in that it doesn't require the Librarian to be with the Firer.

Avenger. The best of the Shooting attacks IMO.

Might of the Ancients. Great all-round combat power. S6 is enough to ID some races.

Quickening. I10 is great, and make a fantastic IC assassination tool when combined with MotA or the Force Weapon (or both, if you're running a counts-as Tigurius). Fleet isn't very often used unless your Librarian is bounding about with a Jump Pack on.

Force Weapon. Often forgotten, excellent way of getting rid of ICs

hail brothers,


i always had a question about the lib's gating power which prevented me from using it. i remember the gate uses the deep strike rules so what if i scatter into impassable terrain or models? do i have to roll for mishap table (i'm not talking about the double roll that claims 1 model from the sqd)? people seem to like the gate a lot but aren't people scared of scattering and having to roll for mishap?

I'll chip in. I've found great use out of Gate of Infinity, so it's always going to be one of the powers one of my Librarians use.


Null Zone or Vortex are the two other powers I choose. Unless the Librarian's with a combat unit then I wouldn't go with Vortex. When I first asked around people suggested that I drop the Epistolary upgrade, and so far I'm alright with it.


Had a Libby with a Tac squad with a Flamer and a Plasma Cannon, went with Gate and Vortex, no Termy armour. After getting Drop Podded on the first turn I had the choice of sticking around and shooting the Vortex and PC or zipping off to a new fire point. Decided to stay and unload two kinds of hell. Captured an objective on the last turn because of Gate too.


I'm iffy on the Relentless rule. RAW would let me assume that a Termy Libby that moved that turn would be able to use Heavy psyker shooting attacks.


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