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After Caroline's tut on feathers while trolling around looking for inspiration, that coupled with playing a bit Warhammer online, I've decided to finally jump in and start my army. I'm planning to use an Imperial Fist yellow/black color scheme and use GS to make an upside down feather chapter symbol on each marine. The fluff is also WIP, but the hunting of large feathered demons of some sort and decorating themselves with it's feathers is enough to get me started. Here's the first trooper, as soon as the GS dries I'll be painting him up, tell me what you think. http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/smallvictory/IMG_0604.jpghttp://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/smallvictory/IMG_0605.jpg
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he is awsome... kinda brings to mind american indians, perhaps you could base their chapter structure around that... braves, cheifs, whatever the american indian tribal structure is...... you could giver them lots of axes and lots of mounted worriors (on bikes not horses) :blink: a Chapter master with a huge headress would be SWEET!
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Thanks for the response Jester Prince, the head dress idea is ace, just started sculpting one for my unit champion. I promised myself I would finish this unit before I started anything else, but I love the image of a marine standing high in the "saddle" of his bike leaning out with axe in hand and feathers blowing in the wind, I'm now adding bikes to my to do list. Now off to prime and paint, later.
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Didn't want anyone to think I was being lazy, I gave the head dress idea my best shot. I kinda like it, I totally wimped out by just making a generic mask but it works. Yellow; my painting skills are not up to level I would like, why I chose yellow I will never know. I'm going to make one final highlight after I finish painting the rest of him, I'm going to press on and not be too critical in the name of actually finishing a project, but any tips or criticisms would be great.









Not quite sure why the images are flipped but you get the point. Off to work, I'll finish him up tonight and get that head mounted on my champion so I can post in the morning. Later.

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I have repainted parts of this guy three to five times, I like the tabletop look, but need practice on the blending aspects. Moving on now that the paint plan is comming together and I'm going to focus on building the rest of the unit to be painted all at once. The base is obviously not finished yet either, gotta get a better plan there as well. So far so good, tell me what you like and what you would change before I paint up the rest of the unit next week.......Please :P http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/smallvictory/IMG_0619.jpghttp://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/smallvictory/IMG_0621.jpg
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey everyone, thanks for looking. Finally got back to business, workin on the next two models and would love to hear what you think. First up, my champion http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/smallvictory/IMG_0626.jpg I'm very happy with the mouth mutation on the leg and the tentacle feet. The arms and head are not glued on yet, do you think the mutated arm is too over the top and a powersword would be in better taste, or should I leave it and be proud of the gifts Tzeentch has bestowed upon him? Now for a more simple warrior http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii9/smallvictory/IMG_0625.jpg just added feathers on the belt and changed the kneepad. Gonna throw together a few more warriors now while the green stuff dries, 'til next time.
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