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my first go chaos terminators..

Erik Crowbreath

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these are my first go at doing terminators, more speciffically chaos terminators for my DIY chapter,

the Crow Brethren. i found the kit very good, and will hopefully also have posted my first (sucessful) pictures, as

there are so many codes and i may neeed some help.

all comments welcome , although i may be illl-equipped to do some things.


this wiil be my converted free black-reach-white-dwarf-terminator, using greenstuff and pieces of the chaos marines basic sprue


another picture (i hope)

and my gribbly one..


..with chaos spawn arms (probably)


thats all for now (i hope this works)


ps plz tell me if it works, id hate not to know

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There ya go, I dunno how the pics got messed up but you had the URL for each picture twice link with an odd number of code segments.

Basically you take the URL for the pic, and add to the front and then do that again with a / before the img to close the code segment and the pics will appear like you see above. To look at it yourself just click the quote option of my post and you'll see the content and how the pics are posted properly. I hope that helps. :)

decent looking enough, no idea what the GS is supposed to be though. The arms are nice, in a wicked sort of way. I'd like them more if the general pose was different, more dynamic.

One big thing though... Mould lines, seriously, clean them, now.



They look great for a first attempt at Terminators :) Get some paint on them! :unsure:



thoes arms seem REALLY out of poportion with a space marines body... i know its a termmi, but hes still only 8 feet tall, thoes arms look like there twice his size

Ten thousand years in and around the Warp will most likely affect you in at least some way :)


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