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What are the best Space Marine tactics & units against Nids


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Good weapons would be AP4 or better shots. Lots of Heavy Bolters. Regular bolters would do fine as well. One thing I've done against assaulty armies is to use Rhinos as a block when a unit tries to slip through your defences and goes for something squishy or valuable. Just make a wall with them.


I'd say though as a general rule of thumb, stay away from Genestealers......

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Now while Dakkapreds, Whirlwinds, Vindicators and the like all have their uses, I'd say flamers is the way to go.

Nothing is quite like the feeling when you roast a bunch of slimey alien filth, and they all go WHOOOSH. :cuss


For Heavy Support I would indeed take a Thunderfire Cannon as I view it as superior to both the WW and the Vindi, since it can potentially kill alot more gaunts than any of those, and one bad scatter dice will not ruin your day.


While you need a rock hard firebase that can put the hurt on the 'nids from afar, you also have to make sure you have something that can hit the 'nids hard in an assault as well. Even though it seems to be the answer for everything in these days, but a unit of TH/SS Assault Termies can really put the hurt out on any xenos creature who dare come close to them. For making sure the hit home exactly where you want it I would recommend a Land Raider Crusader as a transport (since it can kill loads of gaunts as well as acting as a transport for the termies).


That's my toughts, hope they are of any help. ^_^

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Just as a quick addendum - you NEED the Crusader for the TH/SS termies, and you have to be careful about using them. You will kill a hive tyrant or carnifex without trying, but if you assault at the wrong time without the appropriate support, you'll get killed immediately afterwards. You want to assault while tying up the rest of the army, or assault at a time where losing a small squad of TH/SS is a sacrifice you're willing to make.


Also, your TH/SS termies are slightly more successful against carnifexes, so go after those first.

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