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jet bikes

little brother

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I posted a few pics in a thread on the amicus aedes section about signature units. Someone else commented that I should put them in here. I also thought I would fill you in on some of the history behind them, and even though there are some other threads on this site about how build jet bike, I would describe how to make them.


Not long after Rogue Trader came out the original MK14 bullock jet bike was released, with some cool fluff about the Ravenwing and Crimson Fists. As with most of the fluff from this era it unfortunately no longer matches up with the current fluff. Anyway the fluff described the entire Ravenwing company being mounted on jetbikes and I always harboured dreams as a pimply teenager with to little pocket money of having several squads of them, but it wasn’t to be.

When I got back into 40k I quickly became increasingly involved in conversion work. With a little bit of digging on the web I found some pics from the Horus Heresy card game and a conversion by a guy in Australia.



I started work on the first squad and a captain in the summer of 2006. I didn’t actually get them anywhere near finished until October. When I took them out for their 1st game, someone said, “hey have you seen the preview pics of the new Ravenwing Master on a jetbike?” Talk about poor timing. I had waited nearly 20 years for GW to bring out another jetbike, got fed of waiting, built my own, and then they bring one out.





When the new codex came out I decided to build a command squad with a Chaplain.



All you need to build one is:-

1 space marine bike

2 space marine backpacks

1 lid from a GW plastic glue

Plasticard 1mm thick.



Cut the front mudguards off the bike at the point where the forks join the bike. Trim the forks off the mud guards and trim the front, angled part of the mudguard off parallel to the back edge of the mudguard. This needs to be rotated so that the bottom edge is now the front edge. The blade and underside of the air intake are made from plasticard. Glue a bolter on either side of the blade.



To give the impression that the rider is leaning/couching forward on the bike rather than in the Easy Rider pose they are normally in, you have to do a few things. The foot plate goes on backwards ( to tip the rider forward) so trim off the 2 exhaust pipes that form a V shape. To allow the footplate to fit on in this reversed position, cut out a triangular notch from rear mudguard just under the upwards sloping exhaust pipes. Don’t mount the handle bars on the little spikes at the top of the forks, put them in front. The spikes look like little “toggle” switches and having the handle bars further forward pulls the rider forward. To allow the rider to fit on properly you will have to trim off the 2 bulges at the rear of the engine (these can be seen on the pics of the Australian bike, tidied up with green stuff) because they catch on the riders ankles. Sometimes the riders belt buckle catches on the fuel tank and will need filing down.



The engine is made from the top 2 cm of the lid from a tube of glue. The nozzles from the 2 backpacks glued to the end of the exhausts will look like vectored thrust nozzles.



On the first squad I made the wings made from plasticard, but on the latest models I used the wings are from the Ravenwing fairings. There was a lot of wings in that last sentence.


I entered this squad in a conversion competition on Heresy online at the end of December and won. Woohoo.





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Wow! they look fantstic!


Your story reminds me of when i made my own Vyper jetbikes as a teen only for them to be released later.. (looked something like your jetbike/landspeeder variant ony eldar style..)


The Bullok bike is cool and gives your army a really unique feel. The command squad with the Ravenwing wings in particular look freakin awesome!


The only thing i would add would be a grate/grille/air intake in the cavity between the empty mudguard it just looks a little *too* empty, otherwise its a really great and seemingly simple conversion that im sure will be yoinked by many Frater!

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I know what you mean about hthe grill on the air intake. The captain and a few bikes from the painted squad do have a slatted grill inside the air intake. I will put similar ones in the new squad, (maybe I should call it a flight), and eventually retro fit the older models as well.


I still need to build 2 more attack bikes, a librarium, and a master of the forge with a conversion beamer.

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