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[LPC] Brother Damos of the Angels Porphyr


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I am finally getting a chance to work on my painting VOW.


I am working on an Armegeddon themed force featuring the Angels of Porphyr chapter and my first model will be Brother Damos.


Brother Damos was captain of the 9th company when he was mortally wounded at the Scouring of Hume. Demanding to fight on, his body was interred in a dreadnought.


I started with an AoBR dreadnought body, replacing the arms with LaserCannon and Missile Launcher (as benefitting his role as Captain of the 9th company). Next I removed the skull-burst on the right torso, replacing it with the Crux Terminus banner topper from the terminator box set and a laurel wreath. On his left torso I added a cluster of purity seals. I didn't have an Imperial search light or smoke launchers, so I used a set from a Chaos Rhino I bought for an Orc project.


Once I had everything assembled I primed with white Gesso. The gesso didn't go on as smooth as I would have liked, but I think it will give some nice texture to the paint. Lastly, for now, I have painted slightly over half the torsso, along with the left arm and leg armor, skull white.


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