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Brother Tual

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cheers - I will layer it in a bit more - To be honest - I was starting to rush it a bit on the sword..


The NMM on the gold or greys?


The gold is a cheat - I can do it properly but it takes alot longer for me..




The gold is a mix colour based on shining gold - I added browns and yellows with a bit of green till I got a brass colour that is not so metallic.. I just highlight it with bleached bone and work it down with babdad black wash (watered down a bit) and just reverse layer/blend/tone it.. then touch up the edges with bleached bone again and a touch of white here and there.. the sword hilt got a bit too much on the go over..


The grey is not really NMM - I didnt follow any real principles except for on the sword.. Its all just blending dark grey through to light grey and a white highlight.. I worked my babdad black magic on some parts that were too bright and left the legs a little darker -


The red is what really worked out well beyond my expectations.. thats just red gore glazes on layered grey with blood red blended on the edges..

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the scribbles on the purity seals seem a bit thick


noted - I will try harder ... I find my paint dries way too fast.. I might add a bit more water to my mix and do it ttwwiiccee to get finer lines..


Umm - not too long, I started playing Nov 06 - so around then.. I collected when I was younger - second ed - but I only have un painted models with missing arms and stuff and damaged codex/books with pages missing - i must have been a prat.. I paint in stints (normally just before a tourney! - which I have next week - and then two in april... but I will use the same list for all three I think...) so, on average, I would paint two models a month, if that... I have about 60 painted models? 30 tacticals - 10 scouts + various tanks and dreads + characters.. have a look at the UM forum or the hall of honour for my latest UM...

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Love the red on the storm bolters - I have 2 Terminators left to paint and 8 power armour Knights... This might be the inspiration I need to get off my ass and get them finished!


As for the purity seals, I got some incredibly fine tipped art pens and have been using them, bit easier than the brush/paint method

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