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Lascannon Sponsons on Preds


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Lascannon Sponsons on Preds are they worth it?


Thats my question....


For 60pts (which seems a lot) you get two more Las shots, now whilst I know they can count for a lot is really worth taking them for that kinda cost (not to mention the fact that model wise you look at them wrong and they snap!!) And if not, is it even worth taking a pred with just the twin linked las on top?

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My $0.02...


Dreads with lascannons scream "shoot me" to your enemies. As does a predator with the twin-linked turret. But that sneaky autocannon and two lascannon predator somehow seems... less threatening. The magic of the autocannon, I guess.


For cheap yet effective vehicle punching that will rank somewhat lower on your enemies' mental kill ordering, I definitely second Marlow's comment.



Hmm.....thats the thing, you get the guns you need, and they blow them up...


But dreads are slightly more resiliant then preads right? More weapons to blow off and definatly harder to kill in Close combat....


But worse front armor and less guns (2 compared to 3).

Shoot Predators are better at shooting for the most part, the main advantage of Dreadnoughts is being able to move 6" and fire both weapons.

I like my Las Pred. It definately is a bullet magnet. People want it down ASAP but it gets a lot of shots off... too bad I've been rolling terribly with it lately.


It definately helps create a core to your force where you can really base the rest of your units around.

Dreads with lascannons scream "shoot me" to your enemies.

In my experience, Dreads (regardless of armament) scream "shoot me!". :)


I... too bad I've been rolling terribly with it lately.

You need to make the proper supplications to the Omnissiah and you should be OK. :P

The 3 Las Pred is the cheapest concentration of Lascannons you can get outside of a 5 man Stern with 2 Lascannons. I find it invaluable in dealing with MC, multi-wound units, TEQs and medium armor. I know it can hurt AV 14, but I have plenty of mobile Meltaguns for that purpose.
Yeah I glued mine on to the sides after doing it the right way first and then trying to magnet them with these ridiculously strong magnets before moving on to just glueing them. With the left over bits I converted a Rhino into a Dakka Pred!!
If the predator gets any upgrades then yes usually it is the side lascannons for me. But a lot has to be said for the basic variant with just the autocannon. At only 60pts "its a deal, its a steal, its the sale of the f***ing century, in fact f*ck it Nick i think i,ll keep it!" ^_^
I have no idea how reasonable it is for pred sponsons but you could try magnitizing, rare eath magnets hold stuff in real good, you would be able to remove them for storage (or to clear some points in your list when adjusting), and when you get a weapon destroyed its alot of fun to go "Boom" and let a sponson fall to the ground.


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