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So this is the third time I'm going Dark Angels. Second time I'm doing Deathwing. Lets see how it goes.

I have an order coming from Ikarus on Rogue-Market coming in soon, AoBR and a squad of Terminators. I already have an older DW squad, that was stripped, so I'll see what I can do. I've started selling my 40k, to start anew. I have already made $100 in the first hour. =-D I will be buying multiple ForgeWorld things through my sources, so thats what..%40 off? =-D AND free shipping. Don't you wish you were awesome like me?


No pictures yet..this is just a place holder.

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So far, things that need to be shipped to me (That I've already paid for)

-Assault on Black Reach

-5 Ranged Terminators

-10 Terminators (I don't know what type..but I'm not worried)

-5 Assault on Black Reach Terminators

-5, 3rd edition Terminators

-Land Raider

-Land Raider Prometheus complete kit.


Now, get this, the 20 terminators listed after "ranged Termies" and the LRP, were from a great deal. I'm making some guy a Volcano Cannon and a Head for his Warlord Class titan, and I get all that for free! Its going to cost me maybe $20 for supplies..(he doesn't care what I use) and I'm getting near $250 worth of merch! HURRAH!!!!

And I already have 5 3rd edition Terminators, so I have a total of 35!!!

I was supposed to get 4 AoBR Dreadnoughts, and the captain, but that was like..4 months ago, and they were lost in the mail..but I only paid $26 for them! =-D

So who might succeed in his Deathwing Army? ME!!!!



Here are my 4 crappy test models. Originally Deathwing in their previous lives..they've been reincarnated into crap! (Except the tank guy, he was for the January Competition at Rogue-Market).




On a side note. As I've started selling all my Warhammer 40k... I've sold a 10 man tactical squad, 5 Sword Brethren (scratch built out of plastics), and my Terminus Ultra Land Raider... The whole thing went for $100...and I learned AFTER I sold it, (from the guy who was giving me price advisement) that I could have made almost $90 alone, for the Land Raider. *** ****!!!!!

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Welcome back to the Deathwing again! :o


I've used the drybrush technique on some of mine in the interests of getting painted models finished. They aren't as nice looking as the ones I have had the time to put some effort into but certainly not bad. The GW washes certainly help make the drybrush technique look better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So its almost been 10 days, and after getting fed up with waiting, I've decided to just use my crap-inators.

First, a layer of Dheneb Stone Foundation Paint...the leftovers of whats left that is.



Then, a very thin wash (as in barely filling cracks thin). A wash made up of...Red, Yellow, and Brown Inks, and Flesh Wash. All in one semi-convenient tube! It looks to me like a flesh wash...but...I can call it my own. =-D



The other was one I started as well..but got lazy, and didn't feel like adding the second layer X-D So its just there to compare the two different colors.

I'll be using another home mixture of Dheneb Stone, Bleached Bone, and Water. 3:20:5. Yeah..I used about half of my Dheneb Stone, and 2 bottles of Bleached Bone, and some water. (this was eons ago, when I painted my Dark Angels-Tau. (yeah, you heard me, Dark Angels-Tau))

Then probably straight Bleached Bone, then Bleached Bone with White...and we'll see from there. So..many..layers...

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So I started a nice coat of my darker mix. I wasn't pleased with layer 1. It basically removed the sheen that the glaze left, so I could add more layers, and they would stick. Sounds good. 3-4 layers later, and I have an almost opaque surface. =-D




I then moved on to my next layer...which is more Bleached Boney, ie: Yellower. So it took another 3-5 layers, and I'm quite pleased, quite pleased. I left a line down the back to show you the first color compared to the second color. Its actually quite noticeable in real life.




Took me less than a half hour, and I really, really like my results so far. I think I've found my method.

Note: The reason why the "crown" of the head isn't painted, is that the 'darker' shade on my pallet was drying out, so I didn't bother painting that part. Which is also why the head looks a bit more chunky than the rest of the model.

Process so far. Dheneb Stone > Ink Wash > Darker Bleached Bone mix > Lighter Bleached Bone mix.

C&C please.

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I wanted to update with all the bitz I received in the mail today, thanks to AfrikProphet at Rogue-Market. This quadruples the amount of Deathwing bitz I already had, and re-fills my Dark Angel ones.=-D I didn't bother taking a picture of the Devastator Sprue, as we all know what that looks like =-D...now...just to turn it into Deathwing... =-D



I made a lascannon before. =-D And a heavy bolter, but that doesn't need to be shown.



And I needed a "reason" to update. So I figured I'd tell you that I've turned my test Deathwing into something that I will be using, as its coming along so nicely, and I have nothing else to paint. I haven't done any more painting, but I have removed the arms, and de-crappified it.


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Are lascannons on terminators legal? (in the codex) well, I don't care, it's an awesome idea. :) that's a lot of bits, do they make robed termie bodies?


No, they're not, but I wanted one, so I made it =-D I probably will just count it as an assault cannon. =-P

They don't make robed bodies..but that won't stop me! =-D

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Lascannons, MM's should be. Devastators can have one. DUH. PW/TDA


Eh...what? I understand Multimelta...and Power weapon...but...I don't understand TDA, and what you're explaining.


I notice you have these on 25mm bases??


I assume that this is just temporary as you paint them, then you will rebase them onto 40mm?


I'm not a base nazi, but on the 25mm, the legs are sticking too far out from the base.


Cool start!


Ah yes, of course, 40mm when I'm done. This was to be a test model, so I dug up the nicest, crappy base I had, and this was one of them. Since I really am going to be using this guy, I'm going to make him a nice, detailed base. =-D

I'm not really a base nazi, but I do like putting characters/cool figures on bigger bases. Ie: Captain in Power Armor on a 40mm. =-D

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I did a bit of painting late last night. And I couldn't post them at that time. (My computers were removed from my room). I would have posted them about 6 hours ago, but I had a track meet (2nd place for Varsity 100m, and 3rd place for Varsity 4x100m relay).


So here it is, 2 coats of the darker mix. Approx. 45 minutes. (Not bad)



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10 more minutes, I'm now ready for the lighter mix.

The thing I hate about Deathwing, is all the layers! 1 layer, okay, 2 layers fine...3-8 layers... theres a LOT of room for error and mistakes.. ARRGAH!!




Pretty good huh? I'm really excited. If I can keep up a paint scheme like this, I'll have a fantastic tabletop army in no time! (doubt it...)

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  • 2 months later...

WOAAAHH!! Update!


I assembled 4 of my 5 Terminators! =-D This squad is in a non-dynamic stance. The next one will, as I have 4 running legs to work with. =-D



And the 5th dude is in the simple green (Thats not him right there though)



Heres the squad sergeant. Took me some time to get the hooded head to fit, without him looking down.




And all my Dreadnought armor variants.


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Well, I started on the Standard Bearer arm. I just need to do some minimal GS on the thumb, and I'm good to go.





As you can see, its all held together by putty, except the hand work. And I haven't sculpted the sword on the banner yet either.

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The first successful...semi-successful paint stripping in ALL HISTORY of Shorts on Fire79!!



As yo ucan see, I saved 5 Terminators and 2 metal minis. I have enough legs (like..15) to make those Terminators into Dark Angels Termies when necessary.


My squad is now complete!



The Lascannon (freem) will be a count as assault cannon...


Paint strip part 2 has commenced!


As you can see...the little jar where I keep it all is filled to the brim...a lot of the stuff on top isn't touched by simple green X-D


Now to make sure my white primer isn't jacked up like before...to the paint!

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But...You'd have thought I would have learned by now....Remember that white primer I used on those $90 worth of Tyranids that got FFFed up? (Ammobunker wouldn't know, I didn't post it here) I tried shaking the same can for about 13 minutes (yeah I timed it to see if the first indecent was my fault or not) I tested it on some old pieces, and it turned out good. So I did a Termie arm (for the pre-painted guy) and it was good. So I did the pre-stripped guy, with the lascannon...and he got FFFed up again...


The good news is, I was able to pull the Whirlwind Missile Launcher in the Simple Green (to put the termie in) and strip off majority of the paint!


The rest of the squad was sprayed black, it seemed to be the best idea. Since I use a Foundation Paint to begin with, I didn't see too much a problem.


But man...I'm pissed...Not using that crap again...AND GW never sent me the new can they promised!! Screw them.

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