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I use paint from the local hardware store it's way cheaper than GW's junk and seems to work infinately better.


$15 for a GW crappy can or $2.87 for Home Depo's painter's touch brand. I'll take the much cheaper and significantly better version everytime.


Haven't had a single bad batch since i switched and I've used over a dozen cans of Home Depo's stuff.



Sorry your guys got F'ed up again, I hate when that happens.


I like the models you have going and the switched out marine heads look good especially for DW, I've done my own robed heads and they are such a paint to get in there but looks great when they're done.


I've always wanted to do lascannons and particuarly meltas on a couple termies but my brother will fly off the handle and refuse to ever play them if I do, but a multi-melta termie would just look too awesome.

$15 now!?! What a rip! I think I'm going to look for your stuff! This was actually my first screw up with GW paint, but I bought 2 cans, and both were like that.


Thanks for the praise. The lascannon will count as an assault cannon..if I ever start playing =-P

I did a heavy bolter once, using the heavy flamer piece as the main part. It was alright...but multi-melta is something I'm going to have to do!


I'm going to start painting later.

I've had an urge to figure out how to salvage all my 'Nids...I've been soaking a Carnifex, a Broodlord, 8 Genestealers, and a Carnifex carapace conversion in some rubbing alcohol (tip from a friend) since I find that Simple Green doesn't really do the job, and it smells horribly.




ACTUALLY!! I just went to take a picture of the stuff listed right up there, and it seems, that after near three months, the white is coming off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY DAYY!!!! I may have to look at those tomorrow! =-D =-D =-D =-D =-D :D:D (I'm excited)


What was wasted:

5 Warriors, 32 Termagaunts, 16 Hormagaunts, misc. Carnifex bitz.



It turned out that it didn't work...so since I've successfully be able to strip some things, I could try again. The terminator is soaking in Simple Green as we speak.

The white primer...it acted as a Rough Coat spray, but slightly finer. Its like it was making the models turn into sand paper. HORRIBBBLEEE!!!!

So the models went fuzzy? I think that's a sign that it's either too cold or too hot (can't recall which :D )


I always use black, white just doesn't give the full coverage and ends us grey, plus I find it easier to work up from black.


Acetone free nail polish remover is good at removing undercoats, drop the model in for a minute or two, get him and out scrub him with a toothbrush :D

So the models went fuzzy? I think that's a sign that it's either too cold or too hot (can't recall which :D )


I always use black, white just doesn't give the full coverage and ends us grey, plus I find it easier to work up from black.


Acetone free nail polish remover is good at removing undercoats, drop the model in for a minute or two, get him and out scrub him with a toothbrush :D


A rough/hard fuzzy... good put =-D It was 71º when I did it a while ago, (I checked the temp to see if it would be okay or not, people said it'd be fine)


There was a black undercoat, and there would be white on top. They were to be lighter models (like Leviathan, but not exactly) so I didn't want to have to do SO MANY layers...


heh heh..funny you say that. I soaked some Macragge minis in acetone free..for like....a week ish..and they all wapred =-D I'll try it for a minute or 2...the primer is always the part that I can never get off! =-D



And no painting tonight...my Dheneb stone is dried up....DAMN!

GOT MY PAINTS!! And the Mechanicum...now..the only problem is...is that the two bottles I use to hold my mixes of bone are too small...1oz...I need at least 2..damn!

But, I'll hit REI tomorrow or something..I need a new 175g frisbee anyways (mine went into a lake last Friday)


So now..I can call the Termies, Golden Brownies...or..Golden Brownies with bases I should say =-D





And!! Courtesy of Paulsen Games...a concept...or two.




  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing eh?

I really don't like VMC paints... (Vallejo Model Color) I like the huge selection of paints, but I don't like the way that they're way grainier than Citadel Paints.




For those of you with trained eyes, can you see the difference between the body and the shoulder?



This paint (the VMC) was all applied on top of a watered down coat of Dheneb Stone. I was HIGHLY pleased with that coat...the VMC just sucked. The ratio was 3:3:2ish. Pale Sand, Dark Sand, water. I watered it down a bit more on the palette..but it still seems to have a much higher grain content or something...

My mixes (Interesting huh?)


Check it!


And I knew this would overshadow the Orks, but I got some Forgeworld stuff!!!! My first FW stuff. I'M SO HAPPY! =-D

I got a Dark Angels Dreadnought



And a set of the Dark Angels Land Raider Doors.



In reference to the Orks, I did a bit of Nob work on them, check my blog (in my signature)

So I can officially class this in the Deathwing threads now. It has paint! Actually...more paint than the rest of my squad... =-(






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