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Night Lords Test Figures


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Hey there. Me again, being as indecisive as ever. I got to run three different foundations thru my airbrush before it ran out of propellant (need to get a compressor or something), and the only one that behaved quite right was Necron Abyss. Thus, Night Lords. The minis themselves are some I had lying around, and not particularly chaotic. This was also my first time painting lightning bolts.


Airbrushed termie, from AoBR. Came out surprisingly well, although it may just be due to the fact that I used very little water when I mixed the paint in the airbrush's cannister. Less water is more coverage, perhaps? Also my first test of Mechrite Red over Necron Abyss. Still testing the purity seal- thinking about drybrushing it with gobbo green thru scorpion green, since its right now catachan green. I dunno what I was thinking when I painted the termie's helmet.



Missile Launcher, from BfM. This guy was brush painted. I like the deeper color a wee bit better than the termie, but if you're painting in bulk, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. I have no real idea which if any of the effects shown here I'll use on my finalized army, although I'm leaning away from the purple helmet crest.





I plan on mixing loyalist and chaotic bitz in the same army. The fluff is that the Night Lords were preying a lot on imperial supply convoys, and decided to use what they could get to supplement their own arsenals. No carnival helms, and beakies are reserved for special use!

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I think you are off to a pretty good start.


If I may make a suggestion, it would be to get a much smaller paintbrush for the lightning bolts. I started doing a NL Raptor squad a while ago, and I used an 18-0 brush for the final layer of my lightning.


Also, when doing the lightning, really water down your paints, so that when you barely touch the tip of the brush to the mini, a very thin trail of paint will be left.


Like I say, you are off to a good start, but a smaller brush is really needed for that super fine freehand detail!



One thing I forgot to mention- my camera flash really washes out my minis, but if I don't use it the autofocus doesn't work. In average lighting they're a hair lighter and the lightning bolts look a wee bit better.


The lightning bolts were only two-stage. Stage one was a roughly 30/70 mix of Necron Abyss and Skull White, and stage two was straigth Skull White. Danny, you're right about needing a finer brush, though.


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