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My Metallic SM's


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Hey all, i have finished my army i started ages ago - i got distracted with tournaments involving Tau, and new army buzzes involving all mounted Scars army..


So here is my original army and its paint scheme.


*Disclaimer - I did not copy this from Viva Metallica, i actually started this about 6 months before he even posted his test model.*


Anyway, we are on opposite sides of the world i believe, so i won't worry sleeping at night! :jaw:


Here we go: My P'fist Serg.



Couple of regular blokes



Pedro Kantor




Converted Callidus Assassin from old Reaper miniature.





Also, i've just noticed the first photos don't show the metallic blue that well - the pic of the assassin is what the armour actually looks like, the rest looks like regular flat colours. sorry :)

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies - i think i will take some more pictures tomorrow in the sunlight again, hopefully with some better results.


As for my painting technique - i use a Chaos Black spray undercoat, Regal blue drybrush with Badab Black wash - then i put on my metallic blue mix, with a Asurmen Blue wash over that. then i pick out the details using a dark silver mix with Badab Black wash over it. rest is simple.


I've got a full Tac squad done, including another Serg w Power weapon and 4 Grey Knight Termies done. I'll take pics of em all and put them up tomorrow.


Thanks for the replies - i'd still love to hear your thoughts in the mean time.

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I like! I like!


How did you convert the power-fist captain? He's sweet!


Is it easy or hard/time consuming to paint in this style? 'Cos mine take AGES!


And that Callidus Assassin rocks!


[NOTE: the metallic schemes are pretty much different, anyway, even if they were the same, I wouldn't say that you copied :) everyones free to use metallic schemes <_<]


You get a cool dude smiley: :)


EDIT: just realized, my marines are the really shiny, off the production line marines, and yours are more dulled down, more realistic marines...

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Great Metcal - thanks!T hey are actually darker and dull-er? than yours, so yay!


As for the Reaper model - i didnt actually know what it was when i converted it. bought it like 7 years ago and just took off the shield. New arm, new hand /weapon. 7 or 8 bits in total.


As for the Captain, hes actually made from the AoBR captain and White Dwarf Termie. I took of his entire left arm and I took a left handed Powerfist from the Termie from White Dwarf and cut off it's shoulder, filed down to squeeze in the gap. I took a regular storm bolter off the Termie, then I took one of the sights off a regular bolter from a standard marine, filed it down and put it on for his AP4 bolter (forgot it's name. Dorn's Arrow..?) The rest is just stock standard.


I'll take some pics of the entire Tac squad today in the sunlight, and i've finished a Dreadnought that i forgot about in my other post, so i'll photograph that too.


Will post up in a couple of hours.

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Hey All,


Got some more photos done today, and managed to paint up a biker for my new paint scheme. I'll post some group shots then finish with him. Got my Dread too.



4 Grey Knight Terminators (5th to be painted)





Brother Captain close up




Dreadnought (bit fuzzy, sorry :()




Tactical Squad





Close up of the Sergeant







Other bikers i have to build/paint/repaint.





Group shot of everything.






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