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chapter master with bionics

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Yes, it has the potential to look very ridiculous.

Using dread legs on anything not overscaled is going to look strange, weird and plain ugly. I wouldn't do it.


But then, a lot of people do stuff I wouldn't and personal taste is exactly that, personal.



Make him. It will look like he is wearing giant robot pants!



or parachute pants - give him a thunder hammer....



uh oh . . . .



its hammer time!








You really can't touch this..... :tu:

I think though, that picture just confirms my suspicion - it is indeed just too out-sized to be good. Though perhaps if you used magnets so that you could 'detach' the master and swap him to normal legs for in game usage.....?

joking aside, you could compromise by maybe converting out a dread to be a kind of bionic wheelchair for him


basically like a throne of judgement, have him sitting within the main body of the dredd like below, with cables and bionics attaching him to the dread via his legs, as if he lost them in an epic battle, and was grafted onto a salvaged dreadnought?


Could keep the feel I think you're going for, without rising the (even in 40k) difference in scale between marine torso and dread legs?


(sorry about the pic, it was the first seated marine i found)



(the purple, blue & green things are supposed to be cables :$)

joking aside, you could compromise by maybe converting out a dread to be a kind of bionic wheelchair for him


basically like a throne of judgement, have him sitting within the main body of the dredd like below, with cables and bionics attaching him to the dread via his legs, as if he lost them in an epic battle, and was grafted onto a salvaged dreadnought?


I like that picture as well. It looks quite fitting. Even with the "gotta go" marine in there, he looks like hes just reading a pamphlet on driving or something. I vote you should do it like that =-D

I like the sound of the idea. Sounds a little iron hand to me - but, after test fitting a marine torso to dread legs, i can comfirm, it does look a little....silly.


Driseamail - @ the hammer time - you owe me a new pair of lungs....

*curse my astma and uncontrollable laughter!*


As for the second idea - I think it would look better if you replaced the dread's legs with the tracks from a thunderfire.

why not just buy the ToJ and stick a marine into the chair? Failing that, sit the marine on the INq's knee....



i think it would work if the model was much bigger and the legs were closer together but otherwise it looks silly, i do like the idea of maybe him strapped into the dread like the penitent engine but him controling it like one hefty battle suit.

i'm getting no image mate. i think that it is a nice concept but will be very hard to pull through to a model without it looking stupid. perhaps as i think someone has suggested you could make the dreadnought hips narrower.


pictures there now. it doesn't look too bad it would be easier to see with less blurry pictures


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