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Basing Advice

Hells Guardian

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hello brothers, I am currently having a dillemma over what colour I should do my bases as I dont know what colour would compliment the model best here is a picture of my terminator sergeant any tips/advice would be much apprieciated, thanks :D



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@War Angel: You what? Don't be daft, man.


First things first, seal that sand - watered down black paint (cheap artist paint is fine) applied with an old brush, be careful by the feet (I always spray prime with the basing material already on). Allow this to dry, and repeat. Takes a while to dry - give it an hour between applications.


Now, I always use cheap artists' acrylics for basing. They're cheap is the first benefit, the other is that the big half litre tubs are great for terrain or display board making.


I'd go with a medium earth colour for the base, with a few dabs of static grass (always looks nice). Neat and simple.


Good earth recipe:


Paint with raw umber (dark brown). Drybrush 50-50 raw umber and yellow ochre. Drybrush same mix with spot more yellow ochre and a spot of white. Again, more white. Drybrush any large stones with very pale grey (I use vallejo pale grey).


Apply a few dabs of PVA (resist the urge to grass over the whole base, it doesn't work), and dab on static grass. Shake off excess and blow gently to get it to stand. Allow to dry.


Spray seal.

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Personally, (since I'm silly enough to use GW pigment for terrain, fool) i pva sand, seal, overbrush scorched brown, then a layer of scorched brown and snakebite leather mix, then just leather, leave to dry (i dilute my paints so this is an important step for me) then drybrush bleached bone, follobed by skull white.


Gives the effect of ground that has been baked hard by a very unrelenting sun. although i get alot of "Bleached the colour of parchment" comments... :lol:

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