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Chronus, and Deathwind Launchers


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Hello, all.


I need some help with two rules questions.


First, when Brother Sergeant Chronus is taken in a tank (a Predator, in my case), does he count as an extra point in Annihilation missions? My guess is "no", since he's not his own unit. But if he leaps free on that roll of 3+, he can run around the table. Must he be killed to get the Kill Point for the Predator, or does he grant an extra one? How about if he fails to leap free on the roll of 1-2?


Secondly, I'm wondering the proper way to deploy empty pods with Deathwind Launchers. I'd like to plop down Deathwind Pods, but have the tactical squad inside come in from the board edge. Deathwind Launchers feel a little too risky for me to be throwing pie plates near my disembarked squad! Can anyone provide the general process of how this works? Page numbers backing the rules up would be grand!


Thanks very much.

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1. Chronus is a perfect example of GW not entirely realizing the implications of a fun new rule they came up with. In this matter(for fun games), I would say he is always a Killpoint, whether he jumps out or not simply for straight playing. Rawwise, I would say he is only ever a Killpoint if he manages to jump out.


2. Empty pods I believe are generally regarded as possible(despite how silly I think it is and would never myself, but I wouldn't object to it either), also the pod can't shoot when it lands anyway so it's not that much a worry right off, otherwise just try to have the boys on the other side of the pod compared to where you want it shooting.


Hope this helps <_<

  Morticon said:
  SeattleDV8 said:
The thunderhammer cannon......




Awesome image there... :D

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


I'm thinking of a medieval era cannon, and they push a thunderhammer (handle first) into the... err... cannon, then fire it :D

Chronus counts as an upgrade for the tank, as such the tank and Chronus are 1 kill point in total, Chronus is an interesting way to deny your opponent the killpoint, as they will not get the point until both are dead...


(Confirmed in 6 different GW stores)

he certainly becomes a different unit type - but a different unit alltogether? the unit was 2 models acting as one (vehicle, tank) and becomes one model on foot (infantry). I can see this argument going both ways, but I'm inclined to believe that sgtC is a continuation of the unit, thus he AND the tank =1kp.


as for the gun and crew, that is also a single unit, and those rules are clear from the artillery section. or am I missing something?

I don't have my codex to hand, but isn't Chronus taken as "an upgrade" for an SM tank? In which case tank and incorporated upgrade are one unit as at that stage he doesn't have his own profile – so no individual kill point for him.


If he jumps out, he then becomes an IC unit with a profile in his own right and worth a kill point.

I think RAW-wise it is like what Isiah suggested. But I can see nighthawks point, too. Also, nowhere does it say that Chronus becomes an IC but rather that from the time of his escape on he works as one. In my Codex at least, which is not written in english....
  Blitzkrieg861 said:
Why is it that a Drop Pod cant shoot the Deathwind Launcher on the turn it arrives? It's a vehicle and they can move and shoot heavies...


It's a matter of vehicles that arrive via deepstrike count as moving at cruising speed, and the ability to fire weapons after moving at cruising speed. Since they forgot to give Pods the Power of the Machine Spirit in this codex, it cannot fire any weapons because of moving at cruising speed that turn.



Thanks for all the replies, everyone. I think I'll discuss the Chronus issue with each opponent I play with. Either way is acceptable to me, really.


Still looking for the reasoning behind dropping empty pods though...

There are plenty of reasons for dropping empty pods. Blocking gaps in the terrain is another. Like dropping three empty pods to stop enemy units running away from the two Ironclads and the two Sternguard units you dropped in turn 1. :mellow:
  ShinyRhino said:
Sorry, gents. I was unclear in my choice of words. I'm still looking for the rules quotations that ALLOW me to drop empty pods.



Its in the BRB under dedicated transports. While it states that only the unit it was chosen for can be begin the game deployed inside it there is not mention of them having to do so. Therefore.... they dont.

  SeattleDV8 said:
Another unit that raises the same question. The thunderhammer cannon; it has to have a Techmarine but if the Cannon is destoryed then the techmarine becomes an IC. Is it still 1 KP for the both of them ?


The 2 models are a single unit so the opponent has to get rid of them both to earn that killpoints.

What about Chonus? Do we really agree that he and the tank are 1 KP total that is only earned when both are destroyed?


So, tank destroyed, chronus does not escape: 1 KP.

Chronus escapes but is killed later: 1 KP.

Chronus escapes and lives on: 0 KP.



I had asked this myself and the answer was he gave one KP, and as for the thunderfire (while a thunderhammer cannon would be awesome) is only one KP regardless of anything. The thunderfire and tech are one squad, therefor give only one KP regardless of what you say, he is only given the rules to join units after the cannon is destroyed. Chronus is more obsure however


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