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Imperial Fists

son of nocturne

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Well, have been slightly distraced from my salamanders at the moment, but they will be back! For now though i have been paining some normal sized IF's, and just wanted some feedback on the painting. The yellow and battle damage is done and the rest is still WIP.










And also what i am going to paint as well:



C&C's greatly appreciated.


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Thanks guys! Dont worry P.O.S. the sallies will return... Once i get them out of the box... :D They'll all be done like this yes, the model was sitting in front of me before weathering and it just didnt look right so i went a bit mental! Should be an update before the end of the day as i have a day off uni!


Whoop! double post and update time!!!


Nearly done...



Next one in line:









Few details to do then on to the next guy!



  • 2 weeks later...

Tripple post! :(

Big update have been hammering away at these guys and i feel i have made some good progress! am still pleased with the yellow and the weathering. Should be done in the next couple of weeks so will try and make the updates a little more often!


Onto the models!

I think that these first 2 minis are my favourite GW metal minis as they have such character and are very well sculpted!



















C&C's welcome as usuall!



I love the blue on the Libby, how you do it?

looks like he left those parts of the metal model un-basecoated, and then used a blue ink or wash over it. or tamiya transparent blue. either of those on a metal or metallic silver background would give the sparkly metallic paint look.

But James you gotta love being distracted! I find im making better models with what i have in my bits box than going out and buying more stuff from GW because it gets me more creative... More on that in a different thread... :cuss

Cheers Reyner and dusktiger, simple answer on the blue, its not finished! ;) But otherwise its white undercoat, with revel enamel SM 350 (GW Regal Blue) thinned down to a wash and painted on, has wierdly in the pic come out a little metalic but isnt...

If im not to badly distracted by New projects and GS then i should update in the next few days!


  • 5 months later...

BACK! After FAILING at the CotI due to lazyness and exams, I've finaly found some time to do something!






This guy will be my commander, either a Captain or a Chapter Master, I've had a really good time making this model so far, I feel that I've captured the 'look' of an IF captain so far, any suggestions (APPART FROM A LEG!!!! :mellow: ) i'd appreciate. :D


An 'atmospheric' (read, 'rubbish') picture of my converted Librarian:



One day i may get round to putting up the CotI squad and the chaplain i was meant to paint! But im enjoying making these at the moment...



  • 3 weeks later...

Aah what a wonderfull thing boredome is! Have come up with concept sketches for a command squad, and the first model that lept out of the sketches was this fellow! I used Kantor's banner as a 'battle standard' which i think are a bit more suitable in size (and easier for the lazy painter) and less unwieldy than the plastic versions, Have several shoulder pads and chests on the go as well, but only bits and pieces so far! Anyhoo! PICTURES!!!








couple of bits im not too happy about, but let me know what you guys think!



why did you cut his toes off? modeling better ones? other than the my only crit is the base looks WAY too small though it might be because he's so far forward


Yea im going to be modeling skeletal toes on him, if they dont work, its easy enough to take them off and just give him normal toes! :D As for the base i see what you mean, the base is a normal sized base but he is very far forward on it, accident on my part!


Fantastic stuff, so far the standard bearer is great!


Have you done anymore work on the Captain?


Cheers Shaw, still not to pleased about something on this model but cant figure out what... And, alas, no i haven't done anything on the captain, i dont want to force myself to do it as i know i will mess it up, doing the Mk3 legs are a pain in the bum to do if you are not in the right mood! B)


Got a couple of torsos done, 1 Mk5 and just a normal one with some slight modification. Will Get them up tonight... Might post the shoulder pads up as well... dunno yet... :)



Great conversions. About the Standard Bearer - maybe try adding more length to the standard somehow because it looks quite small. I would also suggest replacing the skull on the bottom of the standard pole with a spike of some kind ,so he could plan it in the ground.

I returneth! :D


Great conversions. About the Standard Bearer - maybe try adding more length to the standard somehow because it looks quite small. I would also suggest replacing the skull on the bottom of the standard pole with a spike of some kind ,so he could plan it in the ground.


Cheers Keyoz, the reason i put the Kantor banner on there was, well, there are 2... The first being i'm too lazy to paint the full scale one, and secondly because i wanted him to stand out. None of the other marines in my army will have any kind of banner hanging from poles attatched about there person, he will be the only one, as it is the Company Battle Standard and not the Company Standard (which is used for ceremony only and kept on the Phalanx) it needs to be less unwieldy... I hope that sounds convincing enough to pass as my excuse anyway! :P I do like the spike idea though... I'll dig around my bitz box and see what it comes up with! :)


Thanks Terminatorinhell, am pleased with the conversions as well :P As for making the armour smooth, i wet my finger and gently rub the GS untill its smooth, if its not smooth after that i wait untill it has hardened and sand it down with a fine file, i dont file it too smooth as i find it gives a good key for the primer, which then smooths it out.


Anyhoo, a few pics! First is the CotI squad that i failed to finish:


If anyone wants better or individual shots of the squad let me know and i'll post them up. :D


the first yellow mini i painted Sgt... Yellow... (actually whatever yellow is in german, thats what he can be called! :D )



A very slow progress side project of mine, Deathwatch. IF with HB, He's in full 'Iron' armour with rivets, lot of detail hidden under HB, again anyone wants to see the detail let me know as HB is only tacked on.



And finally, 2 command squad members, the one on the right will be the company champion, as he is the Comp Champ for the 5th Comp he will be wearing a full Mk5 'Heresy' armour. As for the guy on the left... he might be one of the 2 veterans, or he will be the apothecary... Thoughts?




First part of tutorial,

Sculpting Fists

None of my fists are the same but the technique is the same for them all from the size im making in this tutorial to shoulder pad size ones.


Step 1

Mix GS. I've mixed miliput in for this tutorial but GS on its own works just as well. Take a 3-4mm round ball of GS and smooth it onto the surface so it is around 1mm thick over the surface.



step 2

Around a 1/3rd of a way up from the bottom of the fist, draw a line across, this will be the wrist line.



Step 3

Now to form the sides of the fist, pic explains it all:



Step 4

Top and bottom of fist. Now, you can cut the top and bottom of the fist in 3 ways:

Fist on top

Wrist on bottom




Any mix of these will work.

Now clean off the off cuts:



Step 5

Fingers. Fist is split down the center



Then the halfs split again



When at this stage, the fingers can be more clearly defined, simply by depening the finger lines.



Step 6

The wrist can be detailed in any way you like, as this is going to be the shield for the 5th company champion i have put a V and small notches in the wrist:



And now, we must wait...

The thumb goes on last, after the fist dries, it is simply a small worm of GS that is the appropriate size for the fist you are making. I have to wait for my GS/Miliput concoction to dry and i will update this post with the thumb tomorow, i will also get the laurel up as well.



I like how you start these. Seems simple..but the 2 parts will be a challenge for myself =-(

Great! Thanks tons.

How do you mean Shorts? If i can improve or the tut in any way let me know, dont worry about it being a chalenge, for practice, get some blue tack (not sure of American equivalent, the stuff you would use to stick posters up on the wall with without tape! ;) ) and use that, it means you dont have to use GS and waste it, and it also means that you can practice making them over and over! Thats how i do it!

Nice work. But didn't the Veterans had red helmets instead of white.

BTW: if you want another way of getting great looking Fists symbols than you should take a Look a some Chaos Spacemarine hands.

Yes they are meant to be red, but i didnt like it! I wrote up a bit of fluff on it for the true scale IF that i made about a year back... (runs off to find it...) GOT IT!!!

Franz Tialus, chapter ancient, bearer of the standard of the fifth, 230 years old, Legio recruit has done 3, 10 year stints with the B&C, the first when he was 46. He earned his terminator honours when he was 89 by saving the 5th's captain at the time and 2 of the honour guard from a hermegaunt. He then transferred to the first company at 120 years old and spent 20 years in terminator armour, he was then sequestered to the B&C again, upon his return he requested his return to the 5th, upon where he was given the honour of carying the banner of the 5th, and has been in this position ever since.


The standard bearer's helmet is white with the red top to denote his age, young veterans have the full white helmet, then over 100's get a white helmet with the red top and a bus pass...

I shall look into the chaos marine hands, see what else is in the box that i might want! :thanks:




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