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Imperial Fists

son of nocturne

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the first yellow mini i painted Sgt... Yellow... (actually whatever yellow is in german, thats what he can be called! :lol: )



So Sgt Gelb then? Mh, still better than Bertram von Essiggurke. The name was in fact so embarrassingly stupid they changed it for the german version of the article.

What is it always with german names?



That aside, i like where you are going with this. Primarch-Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of him on earth! ;)

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I said I'd come and post and here I am :D. I have to say I love the Standard Bearer (makes me want to try making a straight legged marine again) and I really buy into your fluffy (lazy?) reasons for making the standard smaller. (I'm still struggling to design a banner for my S.o.O 5th Co.) The pose looks good and the sculpting on the armour looks fantastic. I wish I had the time to attempt things like that, ah well maybe when the kids are a bit older :lol:.


The tutorial is great too, I'll definately be giving that a try at some point.


Keep it up



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