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[WIP] ASM of the Lamenters Chapter


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This is the first time I've painted the ASM of the Lamenters (it'd be my 2nd squad unit of painting), and yes, I'm well aware of the messed ups I got (like I wish I used the Green Putty <not Green Stuff!> when I was assembling it and then paint it codex grey and then so on to yellow, for example).


The only messed ups I'm well aware of are the following:


--Green Stuffs should've been applied during assembly stage

--scratches -- I need to hurry and buy those sabol trays, since I acquired the B&C Mark I bag recently

--need to "finese" my painting skills with the fine brushes (it's damn hard to keep the line real straight as well as the ASM logo on right shoulder)

--cover up the white real well (poor white spray basing <forgot to shake it real well>)

--eyes glasses (am working on the technique currently)



the one with "burnt" jump pack is my latest one as you can see the progression from the one with no "burnt" jump pack which was my first time painting the ASM squad unit.


So I'm open to C&C for those models.


Enjoy the show (or not).


PS if you do want to view individual photos with intricate details, let me know -- I do have them on my SD card.

PSS I feel this post belongs to WIP moreso than Hall of Honor, since I do geninuely feel I have a long way to go to fine-tune my painting skillz






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Filling in the gaps on the jumppacks does make a difference, and you have achieved a very nice effect with the exhaust staining. Don't worry too much about your freehand. It is getting the point across now just fine and you're only going to get better. Keep an eye out for those mold lines <_< . Praise to ya for choosing to tackle a yellow chapter.


I'm eager to see how you progress on your next batch of Lamenters. Have you got any photos of the first squad you did? (I'm enjoying the show.)

Filling in the gaps on the jumppacks does make a difference, and the you have achieved a very nice effect with the exhaust staining. Don't worry too much about your freehand. It is getting the point across now just fine and you're only going to get better. Keep an eye out for those mold lines <_< . Praise to ya for choosing to tackle a yellow chapter.


I'm eager to see how you progress on your next batch of Lamenters. Have you got any photos of the first squad you did? (I'm enjoying the show.)


Thanks, man.


Moldlines? I thought I got 'em all? Oh, wait, you mean the one on the jump pack? Yeah, those are real tough to get to get off. Unless if I miss other mold lines ?

I think I see one on the right leg of the marine with the smoked jets. That's the trouble with posting such large and crisp photos of your minis, eh? It certainly wouldn't be noticable from a table top or display distance. I can sympathise, I spent quite a bit of time yesterday shaving away at some jumppacks. They'll take a bit of putty to tidy up, won't they?


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