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Hi all,


I've not posted here a lot yet, but I think that minis are a good way to introduce yourself ;).

Anyway, I've started painting my Flesh Tearers with this test assaulter; I'm pretty happy about how the model turned out, only I'm not pretty sure about the blood all over the armor... well, C&C are of course welcome :) . Oh, the backpack is magnetized, it may switch between the jump pack / foot assaulter.















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WOW very clean -even with all that blood you have still managed to get a very crisp look to your marines

only crit. maybe a bit more work on the base?

im no way near a good a painter as you are but... with all that skill i think the base maybe deserves a bit more attention.

Other than that he is fbulous keep it up man!

Armour and free hand is superb.


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Excellent symbols! Really crisp. Tutorial?


Of course ;)


The model was converted with a 3mm magnet on the back, then primed black.




Mechrite Red

Watered Black Ink

Roughly highlighted on the edges with Red Gore + Blood Red

Fine highlight with Blood Red + Bronzed Flesh

4-5 Vallejo Red Ink washes (diluted)



two simple highlights with Black Grey, then Sky Grey (both VMC)


The metals were only painted with Boltgun Metal and washed with watered down Sepia + Black Ink, then roughly highlighted with Mithril Silver. Eyelenses are gems, obtained with Dark Green, Scorpy Green VGC and Bad Moon Yellow GW.

Freehands are made with a base of Sky Grey, then white. The blood drops are gems in a progression of Red Gore, Red Gore+Blood Red, Red Gore + Skull White. The 3D blood drops got a final highlight of Fiery Orange instead of the Red Gore + white mix.



Erhm... I worked a lot on the base :P, I was looking for the "Cretacian Swampy Look" ;), and I'm quite satisfied with the results... well, I guess that's a matter of taste ;).


Yep, I've noticed too that the Flesh Tearers often get lots of love... maybe that's because of the old Chapter Approved paper, or maybe because thwey simply kick asses, I don't know... ;)



Thanks to all, the whole squad will follow ;)

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Have you read "Red Fury"? You get a pretty awesome part in that. I think your Chpater Master is in it.


Nope <_< - I knew the FT are in there, but I ordered at play.com the Omnibus on December and it's not arrived yet... :( (I live in Italy, they ship from GB but hey...)

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Looks really good! How did you do the buzz saw, I really liked how yours turned out.


Thanks... that's the most painful part B) . I simply draw a light grey circle, then add the spikes one by one, adjusting the whole drawing a million times :( and finally I pass white all over it. Needs lots of patience but I think it turns out very good.

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Venter now that i have looked over it you are perfectly correct it was just i wasn't imagining the flesh tearers to be in a swamp environment - not that it wont work just that i havn't ever considered it before... sorry

The armor and the blood drops are superb

once again sorry for criticizing your work when i havn't got a hope in hell of achieving better

Keep up the great work on this excellent army!


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Venter now that i have looked over it you are perfectly correct it was just i wasn't imagining the flesh tearers to be in a swamp environment - not that it wont work just that i havn't ever considered it before... sorry

The armor and the blood drops are superb

once again sorry for criticizing your work when i havn't got a hope in hell of achieving better

Keep up the great work on this excellent army!



You don't absolutely have to apologize!! ;) Critcism is ALWAYS useful, it comes from people who haven't seen the models taking life day by day, so have no affective relationship with them ^_^ and can judge them for what they actually are.


Oh, and you have all the chances to paint way better than me, just keep trying and have lots of fun ;) .


Thanks to all, I'll have a little break now for exams, then I'll post the whole 5-men squad... see you!!

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I love seeing Flesh Tearers. It's great because almost every flesh tearer army I have seen is slightly different. Everyone takes little differences in direction. Your freehand work is definitely solid. I'm fairly jealous.


Only criticism I had is the pommel of the chainsword that has the eagle head. It jumped out at me due to a lack of detail. When I did my FT's, I had no idea how to paint that damned eagle. I ended up just cutting them off, and replacing them with imperial guard bayonets for a little extra stabby rip stab stab. There should be pictures on here somewhere if you want to see how it looks.


Overall, love it! Looking forward to seeing the whole squad.

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Only criticism I had is the pommel of the chainsword that has the eagle head. It jumped out at me due to a lack of detail. When I did my FT's, I had no idea how to paint that damned eagle.


...nor did I :).


I ended up just cutting them off, and replacing them with imperial guard bayonets for a little extra stabby rip stab stab. There should be pictures on here somewhere if you want to see how it looks



I ended up with just a bit of red, as you can see ;) . Amyway yours is a good idea, I'll look at how your FT turn out ;) ... thanks a lot for your appreciation.


Unfortunately I don't know when I'll be able to paint again :(... but be patient, other brothers will arrive!

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  • 3 months later...

Hey... found time for another bad boy.





Erhm... jump pack from the old assaulter, forgot to model another pair :D.


Let me know what you think ;).

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