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  • 8 months later...

...ok, I'm not dead :D. Recently, I have started again working on my Flesh Tearers; this is the first try for my Death Company, The Passion of Brother Eliah, a sort of teaser for the whole squad. He's still WiP since he's got no backpack of any sort (you can see the magnet on the back) and needs some minor adjustments, but nonetheless I wanted to show him to you :).







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Creativity theese days causes massive butthurt in hearts of religion/political correctness/morality/whatever sensitive people. I personally like this crown of thorns, fits FT chapter very well and gives the mini a very nice and PAINFUL theme. Keep it up, mate.
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Beatiful Mini's. I'm looking forward to the rest of the squad. And I agree with Feytor on the crown being an interesting addition to the theme.


Although, without being of any religious persuasion myself, I can't help but think think the thorny halo is a tad blasphemous?? He does look extremely scary though!


Whether or not something is blasphemous depends on the context it is presented with. The name and the crown do indicate a connection to the Bible and Jesus specifically, but to be honest i fail to see where the miniature could be degrading. Besides, anybody that has a problem with it should just ignore it, as the forum rules in this regard are unmistakably clear:


"ABSOLUTELY NO OFF-TOPIC DISCUSSIONS. Particularly in regards to politics, nationalism, religion, moral/ethical debates."


Sorry for the preventive reminder, I just don't want to see a thread dedicated to some great mini's turn into something completely else. :D

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First, thanks, to all.


Then, don't worry; the use of religious iconography always brings on a difficult terrain :D - I was born and live in Italy, so I have to deal with it every day :D.


When choosing the theme for my army, I decided to use some Christian iconography: while personally an atheist, I grew up in a society where this kind of iconography carries very strong messages, which results in being very striking for the observer. Flesh Tearers are definitively not a chapter which uses subtle means or language: with a mix of appearence, words and, most important, ACTS, they say "you are dead, DEAD, and it will happen in the most violent way possible", and they say it very loud, with no misunderstanding possible. They eat the flesh and drink the blood of their enemies. But they also descend from a Primarch and a Legion which were very confident in the possibilities of human kind and extremely graceful and reassuring when not in battle. Plus, the constant menace of the Rage makes them dark and gloomy, while still fierce with the enemies of the Imperium and always loyal to the core.

I love them. And I wanted to convey this aura of tragic heroism the better I could, so i chose a simbology and an atmosphere which goes directly to the stomach, not to the brain.


I asked myself, how do they consider the Lost Ones? The answer i gave myself was unmistakable: they are living saints to them. They are condemned to die in battle someday, maybe after becoming beasts which crave for the flesh and blood of the living; but they are also filled with the power and the holy rage of the Primarch, faint images of Sanguinius himself - and will bring lots of enemies of mankind with them.


So the Death Company members are warriors who sacrifice themselves for the goodness of men, and this brings extremely sadness, but also pride in their brothers... sacrifice and holyness... the image appeared instantly: my Death Company had to be full of purity seals, and have thorny halos.

Eliah came to me as he is, name included (except the absence of eyes, I was inspired by "Banished" for that, a painting by Paul Allender and Cindy Frey); anyway, my goal was not blasphemy - in fact, I think it's nearer to homage, after all.


Sorry for the long post, I hope I have explained myself. And sorry for my uncertain English, as I said it's not my native language - please report any error :D.


Thanks again to all who appreciated him, more to come ;).

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, not much SM painting these months... commissions and various stuff took me away from my beloved cannibals. Anyway, here's Brother Aino, missing his JP due to change of inspiration... the muse comes and goes :huh:. Sorry for photo quality, new camera. And lots of swearing ;).












Hope to post a bit more often -_-.

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