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Scratch built Warhound Titan


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OK. I am playing in an apocalypse game next Tuesday at my local club. It promises to be a good laugh. There are 3 Dark Angel players each with fair size armies so we have decided that it would be Dark Angels v The World in a king of the hill style contest. The Dark Angels are going to deploy first with an objective (one of the fallen) at the very top of the hill. The mission is simple. "COME AND GET HIM!!" However the dark angels players are really rather light on super heavies...I am not sure we are fielding a single one but know that we will be facing a few Baneblade variants and at least one Warhound. To try and level the SuperHeavy playing field I have set myself the task of scratch building a Warhound in 7 days.


I am constructing the titan using 2mm Plasticard I purchased from the local model train shop. I want it on the table next tuesday so I am not too fussed that it doesnt look immaculate. I can always go back afterwards and tidy it up a bit.


Time taken so far.


Monday - 1st foot (approx 3 hours)


Tuesday - 2nd foot and leg stantions (approx 4 hours)


Here is the first WiP shot.



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Just using a regular Stanley retractable knife with the snap-off blades making sure I am always using a sharp tip by snapping of sections pretty regularly. Rather than cutting all the way through the plasticard I am scoring along the lines and then snapping the card along the scoreline and tidying up the edge. Seems to be working well so far.


And thank you :P I feel I will need it!

Day 3 of the race against time titan


The main body and hip joints finished. Time: 3 1/2 hours




It's a bit rough and ready in places and will need a bit of green stuff here and there to tidy it up but am on track.


Got some 3/4" pvc pipe yesterday for the leg joints which I shall try to get done tonight. Want to find something to use as pistions to support the leg assembly but no joy on my search yet.


For those interested in costs. Materials used so far. 3 x A4 sheets 2mm Plasticard at £2.95 each and 1.39 for 2m of pipe


Running total = £10.24

Damn 2mm is hella thick..I was doing 1mm for mine..and it was still hard! That looks great man! The main body looks like the head, and I questioned it for a bit. Yours looks great!

Are you using the plans from JSVIRONFURNACE? or are you doing this by scratch?


GO DA!!!

Thank you :o


Yeah that's the one. Seems ok so far, not had any major issues with it. I did wonder about using 1mm but in the end the model shop I went to didn't have enough 1mm card to do it without ordering it in which would take me over my deadline. To be honest the 2mm seems fine and gives it a nice feeling of bulk. It doesn't feel flimsy at all which was what I was worried about.

Heh heh. I used that one too, started with the head...never got much farther. I don't know if you already do this, but its really easy, if you tape the template on the card, and cut it out, then use the paper that you cut out to make a mock up, to see how its supposed to look.

1mm isn't too flimsy, but if there isn't anything supporting it, it could start to bend.

Good luck, you seem to be one of the few who are actually starting (and planning on finishing soon) a titan, so I'll be watching you quite closely. =-D

Your DA better win.

I don't know if you already do this, but its really easy, if you tape the template on the card, and cut it out, then use the paper that you cut out to make a mock up, to see how its supposed to look.


Almost word for word the technique I am using :o

Only extra stage to that is the need to adjust some of the edges to accommodate the extra 2mm of card thickness


Good luck, you seem to be one of the few who are actually starting (and planning on finishing soon) a titan, so I'll be watching you quite closely. =-D


Uh-oh. The pressure is on!! I hope to have it basically assembled by the game and then afterwards I will go back and put some detail on it.


Your DA better win.


Uh-oh, the pressure is REALLY on!! :D

Halfway through the build time and the progress so far............




Managed to get some polystrene tubing to make pistons for the legs which was very handy.


Another 4.5 hours to get to this stage and another £7 in materials (more plasticard and the styrene piping)


Having a night off tonight and tomorrow (else the girlfriend will kill me!) so next update will be Sunday but otherwise I am on track and pretty happy with the way it is turning out. I reckon for the head and the weapon arms I am looking at another 4-5 hours construction time so I am hoping to have it finished on Sunday evening with a total construction time of about 20 hours and a total cost of about £18.

Well the long push is nearly there. After a Friday and Saturday off last night saw a flurry of cutting, glueing, cursing, reglueing, recutting and finally he is done. Only need to get a couple of lengths of styrene tubing to make the Turbo Laser barrels which I will pick up after work but here he stands (with my WiP Asmodai next to him for scale)










Total cost approx £17


Total construction time : 19-20 hours.


Just need to name him now...I am thinking Ed Twoohnineus


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