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speeder storm for my white scars


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So saw a picture of the potential model for the speeder storm but needed it for a comp so made my own... Tried to stick to the book/pictures to some extent let me know what you think!? (apart from the fun of drive by shootings with shotguns)















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Looking good so far.


The only things that catch my eye is the overhang on the sides of the passenger section, the part where normally the flaps or typhoon launchers would brace against. And its odd seeing the front of the passenger section with detailed bits but the rear flat and barren. I'd put a chapter symbol or something there to break up the open space.

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Looking good so far.


The only things that catch my eye is the overhang on the sides of the passenger section, the part where normally the flaps or typhoon launchers would brace against. And its odd seeing the front of the passenger section with detailed bits but the rear flat and barren. I'd put a chapter symbol or something there to break up the open space.


Thanks :P I've put some ropes and a pack on the back wall to break up the space... will more than likely paint the chapter symbol on there too also now the flamer has the fuel tanks on the side of it.. and there are some long whip ariels on the back too. Shall update with a painted version when i'm back off holiday

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If that picture is indeed the final version, that would make the Storm be the same size as the normal one. You'd just have to cut out the door mooring section, and move around a few bits. It might be a couple milimeters longer but that's only a guess *is using an incomplete model to try and guess dimensions*
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Thanks guys for all the comments, I have seen the GW pre production model (well i'm guessing thats what it is) and its very much like the codex picture as you would imagine. As for the size etc and tutorial well here goes...


Firstly i cut the standard speeder in half at the point just before the change in levels... so that the lower level made the longest part of the chasis as opposed to the raised level being the longest part if you get what i mean (makes it look more balanced) then joined the two halves with 3 struts across this measures about 2.5cm to 3cm (don't have the model to hand as i'm about to go on holiday) then lots of plasticard bits and cutting is needed... there are some bits from the drop pods a seat from a devilfish, ravenwing bits, also as a neat touch i gut out the legs of the marines driving and replaced them with scout biker legs (with some sligh bending to get them sitting straight as opposed to stradled) so that it would be scouts driving it properly. I used arms from the scout bike pack for the gunner and some minor adjustments to the heavy flamer (which is actually the heavy flamer that comes in the box now its massive!) and had to thin down and green stuff the marine arms of the driver so he had the controls to make them look like scout arms.

all in all it was just a case of chopping and going for it!


Good luck! i'm not sure when they are thinking of releasing the model for it but as i mentioned i wanted it for a tournament army. I think the idea of the scouts repelling is from the codex and they may not have the armour enhancements that would support a jump from a height :( But yes the long 'whip' ariels are essential and just make it look like a scout craft!


Thanks again, any more questions feel free to ask

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Just to clear up the confusion - repelling is something that repels or nauseates. Rappelling is the act of sliding down a rope, as the scouts are shown in the LSStorm illustration in the codex. And agreed, this is a great conversion! Would love pics of the process, but the explanation you gave makes a good bit of sense too. Keep it up!
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