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The Knights of Nifheimr

Storm Templar

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Sometime ago, I found a couple of boxes of Space Wolves that I was intending to use in a diorama, instead I've decided to turn them into my 3rd (4th if you count the hordes of badly painted, badly construced marines lurking in the nether regions of my hobby cabnet), the Knights of Nifheimr.

Colour Scheme:


I've written the foundations for the fluff and I'll post that soon as well as some pics of the finished marines when I can.

C&C welcome on the scheme.

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Did you think about either Space Wolves or Iron Snakes? Both have Norsish backgrounds (IS go hunting for giant sea things in their long boats) and would make an interesting army. Especially Iron Snakes, whom I have seen next to no one do. But if you want then you should not be deterred from these guys... a tip though, it would be nice to make a easier name to spell.
Did you think about either Space Wolves or Iron Snakes? Both have Norsish backgrounds (IS go hunting for giant sea things in their long boats) and would make an interesting army. Especially Iron Snakes, whom I have seen next to no one do. But if you want then you should not be deterred from these guys... a tip though, it would be nice to make a easier name to spell.

My original intention was to paint Space Wolves Diorama, but I just can't stand to do offical chapters and there is a large display Iron Snakes army at my local GW so thats out of the picture.

One thing to add to the colour scheme is the inclusion of personal heraldry on the right shoulder pad+ right kneecap, this stems from the KoN's respect for they're ancestors, beliving that by negleting the memory of said ancestors is as dangerous as angering a machine spirit (Or something along these lines, I just wanted to add something unique to an otherwise bland scheme).

Iron snakes aren't nordic. They are most definately greek in influence.


Also will be interesting to see another nordic themed army that ISN'T space puppies. As much as I love the guys in grey, I'd like to see more original takes on the whole "vikings in space" idea.


I look forward to seeing more.




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