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Sword Brother Tyrian


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So a friend and I started playing a campaign that we had layed out, and I thought it would be interesting to take some models that had achieved heroic things and dress them up a bit for their deeds. My friend plays Orks and I obviously play Templars... so in the third battle of our campaign we were fighting for three objectives (Each represented a tank that could be used in the 5th final battle). Anyways, I basically got slaughtered, but nearing the end of the battle I managed to get a crusader squad near an objective only to have it charged soon after by a warboss (aptly named Hellgore) and crew. Long story short Brother Tyrian was the last man standing and felled Hellgore with but a bpistol and chainsword after passing 2 invul. saves. (Yes I took Uphold the honor, criticize later) For his heroics he got a spiffy new paintjob, and was inducted into the Marhal's House by order of the Marshal himself (me! :) )


First time I've tried blending on a tabard, and he's not completely finished b/c I broke off his chainsword arm and gave him a pfist as befitting his status. Anyways, thoughts and comments welcome. Final battle is planned for the weekend, so maybe I'll have some new interesting heroes to paint up.






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4th battle was annihilation on dawn of war at 1500 pts iirc. He got to deploy first and used that to pin me deep in my own zone. Fortunately I did what most BT players do... bring lots and lots of crusaders, which turned out bad for him as he had brought a fairly anti-vehicle heavy list(for orks anyways), expecting LRCs. The game was certainly decided by CC as I got a number of good charges that sent the once fearless orks fleeing only to be caught in a sweeping advance. All in all it was good fun. We've both won two battles so far, and the weekend's game will be 2500 pts. I think I hear the engines on my vindicators revving up... <_<




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congrats on your wins! I like that you made some fluff for Brother Tyrian, I do much the same thing with my marines...it's geeky as one can be, but it adds that extra "something" to ones army.


As for the paintjob, I use red tabards for the bulk of my marines, so I would say use a black or dark red wash on the recesses, he doesnt have the proper shadows yet. Aside from that, he looks great!

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Aye, there are two others as yet un-named, and yet to be remodelled. There stories aren't as compelling as felling an Ork Warboss however. Simply surviving insurmountable odds and living to tell about it is their only story. Sadly though, with my current dice rolling woes, for every hero that makes his presence known there are 10 other neophytes that can't even pass their first armor save. :lol:


I am however going to paint all "survivors" of this conflict with the insignias of this Crusade (the Damocles Crusade for anyone interested). Anyways. I hope to have some new heroes step to the front for this weekends match. I'd love to see a CC terminator actually do something worthwhile instead of getting owned by biker nobs, but I digress...



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