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Stuff, Junk, and pretty looking stuff

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Well, this is a forum just for what I happen to present to the web at the time being. So without further adieu,



This little bugger got in some accident with an Ork Warboss. Never was the same



This guy is pretty standard 'cept for the GS pelt attached to his shoulders


It looks like this


The pictures are quite blurry, but from what i can see is that the first model the breastplate looks quite...how can i say it, chunky? Gnarly? file it down if you're gonna put some imagery on it. Even if you won't have that.


On the second model, i think the cloak looks really good, just a tad bit flat, not really like fur.

All and all, they are good.



btw, what is the first marine holding in his hands?

The pelt on the second mini, could really do with being detailed. I see that you've made an attempt at it but it wouldn't take much to finish it off well.

If you put a reasonably thick second layer of green stuff over the base layer of the cloak and start using the sculpting tool to pull it into fur shapes by pulling it with a sculpting tool. Start at the bottom and work your way up, overlapping until you get top the it makes quite a realistic thick fur texture.

Pictures below aren't great but it should give you an idea of how it works.



Well I put more progress into Mister Robot (First Marine), chest making it much more smooth and easier to depict and I also gave him a new weapon.


The New chest



And he's done a Yarrick



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