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Hello all! I'm new to this whole....forum/posting/hard bits and I don't really understand how to do everything just yet. But I have certain things on Photobucket that I'd like to share with you. Let me know what you guys think! (Oh BTW I've never played, and I haven't really done any modelling before so ANYTHING you can comment on is GREATLY appreciated!!!:P:P (Sorry for all the capitals...) I'm sort of shooting for an Iron Hands army...



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Well, I was going for the whole, Bionic thing not so much the color scheme. I'm going for the black and purple scheme you see in the Assault Marine, Terminator, and Rhino. I need some help with conversions, I don't really know how to....convert? I guess. Not sure what to use...there isn't a hobby store for like a 100 miles around me. So basically I have to go for paper clips and jewelry wire. I do have guitar strings, but they're for a Bass and are quite thick :lol: . I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the color scheme, so I was just painting random figures. So I made a little background for them.... When the Gene seed is implanted it erases the memory of the figure in which it embodies, if they remember nothing then their auspex are colored white (there eyes are still white no matter) and they're given the official chapter colors. If they do remember something, usually it's something about their homeworld most likely the land in which they lived, then they are given the freedom of coloring their armor as they see fit. Usually matching the landscape of their homeworld.
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nice and crisp colouring but the purple seems wrong.The official Iron Hand scheme is black with white and silver details.offcourse you can use the same colours and use the army like a succesor chapter giving you even more flexibility on colours.I am sure you can achive great results both ways so please keep us posted.
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I must say your painting skills are very clean cut - well done :huh:

As for your background behind the colours, i would suggest using what you have already said but only on something such as a knee or shoulder pad not the whole miniature - but hey your models your choice :P

The black and purple scheme you have come up with is very nice

Good luck with the rest of your army! :)


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Thanks! I'd like to do some weathering/battle damage, but unsure how to go about it. Any advice would be welcome :) Oh! I've actually done something to my guys in months! I've primed them all! Next comes the black undercoat. Then another black coat on top of that.

I do like to have my models "Clean" I usually spend about 4-5 hours per guy just to make sure:D I know that sounds ridiculuous to most people, but I've never played and I don't know anyone around me that plays. So I'm really into the hobbying aspect. However, having to paint all of those guys is really a daunting task, which is why I only have a few done :(. Maybe I'll look into getting some commission work done.....

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OK! Another update! WOOT-WOOT! I've just bought $107.74 worth of minis off ebay :) . Here's the List:


10x Ork Boyz (Thought I'd try some Greenskins)

20x Chaos Marines

1x Rhino

1x Chaos Terminator Lord

1x Possessed Squad


I should get most of them at the end of the week or a little before. If anyone even checks this, check back soon!


EDIT: Sorry for the TRIPLE post. I guess no one likes me... Please read above posts I need some help on painting!

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Well, to be honest, you haven't given us much to work with :D


You say your army is styled after the Iron Hands.. How are they similar? How are they different? Do you have any characters made yet? A name for the chapter? There are a number of other coloured marines in your army shots; are you going to repaint them or somehow include them into your chapter as-is?

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They're similiar in the Bionic standpoint. I have a Librarian, Chaplain, Commander, AoBR Commander, all assembled, not painted. I am going to incorporate the already painted guys (read previous posts) but they rest are all going to be the black/purple. I was thinking...Shields of the Emperor for a name, haven't deceided on it though. I haven't really painted a whole lot and I see that people use multiple colors when basing. As in they build up colors, but mine is black so I guess I should do some Highlights, but what color? I wanted the Soft armor to go with the Hard armor just so those Choas Boyz would have a hard time distinguishing which from which.
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Shoot, if ya ask me they are ok. And, of course, they are YOUR models so if you want to call them Iron Hands with some purple added in then go right ahead.


And I got a small tip as far as splashed on mud (say for you're bike) Take some scorched earth brown and drybrush it at angle that looks like he driven thru mud. Remember to always work front to back or you just get a Brown model. Next, using the same style as above, Drybrush Graveyard earth on. It seems a little funky but try it out and see what you like.


Also, Bullet holes. If you got one, take a small hand drill (hand powered not electic powered) and drill a few small holes into what you want shot at (tanks, Knee Guards, Dead ork Etc) then take a hobby knife and rotate it around the hole creating a crater like affect.

Does that help making you're guys like battle worn?

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More Updates! So this is how my Marines start. 2 base coats of black, then 2 coats of purple. Here they are now.



I will try the battle damage, and I was thinking of doing something like a V cut with an exacto knife to do some claw marks. Let me know what you think!

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Sounds like a cool idea. Don't be tempted to have blood pouring out unless it's pretty deep. These guys are buried in armor so a scratch isn't always going to make them pour offerings to Khorne :mellow:


Oh and a tiny bit a purple went on the arm pad on last two guys, but that's a quick fix.

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WOW! MORE updates!?




(Pay no attention to the Xenos in the corner:D)


Group shot!

I'm getting ready to paint my Chopper conversion and a flamer from the Battle for Macragge. Updates by the end of the weekend hopefully!

OH! I haven't received any of my guys from Ebay yet :P So...It's probably going to have to wait till monday!

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The Flamer is coming along quite nicely.



I need some help, I need to paint one "Test" scout. Problem is I'm not sure how/which way to paint him. Suggestions welcome. Also C&C, I don't use Citadel paint, it's too expensive. So maybe some suggestions about what citadel colors look like i.e. Citadel "red" compared to regular red.

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