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The Dragoons

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posting my chapter master, megiddo drakenfall, he isnt finished yet, but he is almost done. this is his 4th version/change, and i a pretty happy with it, but i need to finish painting him.


tell me what you think







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Is there a reason he has his fellow marines heads arrayed around him? Just seems counter intuitive if he's cutting his own men's heads off. Just seems off to me, maybe you were just illustrating his importance? Oh, and seems like an interesting model with a good painting start, but without knowing how much is "done" its hard to critique painting.
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the heads are the helmets of fallen brother marines who proved themselves without a shadow of a doubt a glowing example of a great marine, but died. and so the helmets and skulls are there as relics and such that he caries around him to inspire his brethren.


and as for how far he is done, well i dont have any pics of previous versions of him,but this is his 4th change. he is almost done, but i cant help but think that i am missing something with him somewhere before i finish painting him

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