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Soul Drinker conversions etc


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Hi Guys,

Would really like some comments and suggestions for these guys. Sorry about the quality of photos.

I'm building an army based on the Soul Drinkers book by Ben Counter and done these conversions of some of the charaters so far.


Sarpedon- Used a Tigrus model and sawed off the legs, then filed off all UM symbols( that was hard work, there are lots of little ones in bizzare places)

Then drilled out the bottom of the model to take the legs, The legs are from the LOTR Shelob model pinned into the hole drilled in the bottom of tigrus then green stuff to tie it all in. Artifical led made from 1.5mm square rod and handles from picks and shovels from imperial tank sprue.





next is Tellos. He's mainly green stuff.

Spent alot of time with photos of steroid freeks up on my screen for ideas. Legs face and chainswords are the only original bits




Last is my chapter banner.



C&C guys tell me what you think

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sarpedon looks ok. it hard to make out too many details from the photos. i have not read any of the books, but i was under the impression that sarpedons spider legs were mechanical? did you use the legs from LOTR Shelob?


the body for the Tellos is great. even more so when you consider its a first sculpt. well done dude :P


the chapter banner looks pretty standard as far as the pose goes. the freehand looks great though.


all in all i say well done sir.

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sarpedon looks ok. it hard to make out too many details from the photos. i have not read any of the books, but i was under the impression that sarpedons spider legs were mechanical? *edit* [just re-read the first bit - stupid question removed] did you use the legs from LOTR Shelob?


the body for the Tellos is great. even more so when you consider its a first sculpt. well done dude :P


the chapter banner looks pretty standard as far as the pose goes. the freehand looks great though.


all in all i say well done sir.

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Very nice. I used the same upper torso for my Sarpedon(great minds, and all that). Nice attention to detail with the 1 mechanical leg as well.


I kept making new Telos'(sorry, no camera) after each book. He started out with a shaved beastman torso on assualt legs with just blades coming out of his arm stumps. Then in the next book he had chainblades for hands, so I made a new one(as the first wasn't that fantastic anyway) with chainswords for hands, the wide-stance dev legs, ork arms, on a base of skulls, and with a VERY muscled GS torso...but there's something about sculpting nipples on marines that feels so wrong :P


Nice banner as well. Keep up the good work with the rest of the army. And don't forget that a lot of the marines suffered one form of mutation or another. The Soul Drinkers are an army that requires quite a bit of conversion.


If you're going for the Sgt. with twin lightning claws(Luko?) at any point, I'd suggest the special edition character with the twin claws, slight mohawk, and scroll flowing between his legs(whose name, again, I can't remember). He's almost a perfect match for the cover art.

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knight, looks great!!!!!! The only thing that threw me was i always pictured Sarpedon with a full on arachnid lower half, meaning having the spider "butt", i dont know what people call that on insects, u know what I am talking about?


Your Sarpedon looks AWEEEEEEEEEEESOME! the mechanical leg is perfect. You did an oustanding job. So gross, I hate spiders hahahah. I also like that you blended human skin tone into the spider legs, it looks more together as one body, rather then a human torso glued onto a spider bottom. that really captured the realism of it. Excellent choice in doing so, I would have never thought of doing it.


Tellos looks great, I would just add a bit more blood and gore but that is me LOL.


Yes u gotta do Luko! if i remember, wasn't Luko one of the ONLY soul drinkers who never got mutated? I believe Luko and Ithkalon are the only two who didnt have any mutations???

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Thats right

Pallas( Apothecary) had small scales on his arms and neck

Luko ( Vet Sgt) lighting claws( not mutated)

Karraidin- termi commander( not mutated)

Iktinos- Chaplain( not mutated)

Greavus( vet sgt) mutated arm

There are others and I have them all written down somewhere like the Tech marine who can access machine spirits and talk to them directly.

only those that where at the battle with the Adepts mechanicus where afflicted

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iktinos that is his name, i dont know where i got ithkalon hahaha. and I believe Sgt. Luko was elevated to Captain Luko???


i believe most tech marines can access and communicate machine spirits?


I sure want to know what Iktinos is up to, because the last book leaves quite the cliff hanger!

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iktinos that is his name, i dont know where i got ithkalon hahaha. and I believe Sgt. Luko was elevated to Captain Luko???


i believe most tech marines can access and communicate machine spirits?


I sure want to know what Iktinos is up to, because the last book leaves quite the cliff hanger!


Techmarines pray and hear the voice of a Machine Spirit, such as before/after a major battle when maintaining vehicles etc... The Soul Drinker Techmarine in question can openly 'converse' with Machine Spirits, to an extent.

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  • 10 months later...

Hey guys, been along time since I posted anything new on this so here goes,


Added quite a bit to my Soul Drinkers army( not all of it fluffy)

Haven't done as many mutant conversions as I would like as I'm a bit stuck on what to do to make them work

and how they would look in the army( they are loyalist after all)


But here goes.


The army so far




Here is a closer look at the detail on my Rhino hatches.These can be removed and Razorback turrents or Predator turrents can be put on

as well as side hatches removed for Predator sponsons.




This is a conversion I did for Luko but then relised he didn't have jump pack or was the one with the multiple eyes (heh)



This is Tellos with his assault squad, I've given them all lots of blood over thier CC weapons so I can tell them apart on the table



My three troop squads



A bike and a Devestator squad



A 5 man unit of scouts and a few other charaters


Oh well thats it for now.


C&C welcome as well as ideas for conversions


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Thanks everyone for your comments, They've been great.


Started doing this army cos I liked the books and thought "hey they could work"and " they would be original" :) little did I know how many people have thought the same thing and how hard they would be to play on the table if you stay fluffy.( little or no heavy weapons, armour etc), But it's made my game better and had fun making them and I seem to be the only one in New Zealand using them so thats good :D


Now I just need to make the rest of the charaters from the book. ;)


Will post them when they are done as well as anything else I add.


May post the step by step for Soul Spear armed Saperdon in work in progress file to.



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